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Everything posted by treetops

  1. I don't believe it is. That's the list of all accredited test sites in Thailand, not the same as the list of sites for the second test which is much shorter.
  2. Clause 2 is only about transit passengers the way I read it, not sure about the rest:
  3. Click on Thailand on the map displayed here: https://www.iatatravelcentre.com/world.php or follow the step by step path here: https://www.iatatravelcentre.com/passport-visa-health-travel-document-requirements.htm#
  4. That space on my Mor Phrom says "Vaccinated" with the same background image. I've had one jab in Thailand (my 3rd).
  5. Yes, I don't think there's any way round that, rightly IMO.
  6. Agree on what the OP should use for entry, but to clarify for others, Thailand does accept a recovery certificate for entry. This is from IATA requirements for Sandbox entry:
  7. Too late for you now, but if it helps anyone else in similar circumstances, I posted how I solved this when getting my booster last week. https://aseannow.com/topic/1243081-pattaya-booster-shots-with-a-refere-to-foreigners-how-where-when/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-17058477
  8. Unfortunately they are not, or had been instructed otherwise, and were looking for more.
  9. "Must be paid for" is actually an important thing to note with this and there was a thread here a while back reporting an airline's request for proof of payment at check in . The traveller in that thread managed to get it emailed to them while in the airport but others might not be so lucky. From the UK Gov website:
  10. See the second post in the thread. Open on Thursday and Friday this week.
  11. They may offer vaccination there too - I don't know - but the stadium would be a safe bet IMO.
  12. I did. The stadium venue is under their auspices.
  13. Yes, at the Indoor Stadium venue. It's supposed to be operating again on 23rd, 24th, 27th, 29th and 30th of this month.
  14. I got a Pfizer booster last week from Banglamung following 2 x AZ, the second of which was in early September, so it would appear they're following the 3 months rule.
  15. I'm on 95.0.2 and nothing has happened to my search settings. Google is still available for me so I don't think the update is to blame. These are the choices I get:
  16. Come on - as a neutral observer you're not exactly coming out of this one with any credibility.
  17. I don't think the staff would make that decision - it needs someone senior who would be expected to understand that win/win is better than lose/lose - and there was no suggestion of bullying (or dishonesty) in the case in question. The potential drawbacks such as those described by robblok can be addressed but it needs someone with the right attitude and know-how so as not to cause future issues. Possible solutions were given in posts subsequent to the one you quoted, but you conveniently haven't responded to these. Why the assumption? I have already agreed that adherence to rules should pretty much be the default, but when an opportunity arises that could be good for both parties, such as that being discussed, then strict adherence to the rules ends up with only losers. And why the snigger?
  18. Very odd. Many, many reports on here and all until now mention the numbers are 13 digits and start with 6000. Was there anything unusual about your situation? Please let us know how you get on with Mor Phrom.
  19. So maybe you grant it (verbally) with a rider that it is not publicised or will be denied. If you know the recipient well enough to grant it you know him well enough to know whether he would go along with that. There is almost always a solution that makes it a win/win, you just have to find it.
  20. I agree with most of what you say regarding rules/guidelines etc and the reasons behind them, but in this specific example the hotel could have done much better. When 4MyEgo made the request a good operator would have responded with something along the lines of "as you're a regular customer, and we know your kids, we'll do it on this one occasion only as a goodwill gesture, but to be fair to all our guests, for any further stays we must follow the regular procedure". 4MyEgo feels good, the hotel wins, no real precedent is set, no biteback on social media and no potential anger or embarrassment as any potential future requests have been dealt with too. The 5 star hotel may have made a rod for it's back for the very reasons you say, and some customers may still be trying at at age 13 or 14 and that would be wrong (not saying 4MyEgo is likely to do that) but a good hotel will find a solution that works for them and the customer. Shame some hoteliers don't see that.
  21. Does it have an ID number beginning 6000? If so, this is a vaccine ID number which is OK but different from your ID card number. Entering that into Mor Phrom should access your records. As suggested earlier the address may be the hospital or vaccination site address. What does it show on a map if you google the address?
  22. Buy another opener off Lazada and DIY.
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