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Everything posted by treetops

  1. You're right - the change is that quarantine will no longer be required unless they test positive.
  2. Check if your airline has any specific requirements too. Last time I looked Etihad insisted on a test for all passengers even if their destination country did not require it.
  3. OP is flying next week (or maybe even this week).
  4. For those that don't venture to the airport forum, there is a new location for this, and an alternative on-airport option, mentioned in roman50's thread here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1247683-looking-for-assistance-finding-out-bound-covid-test-near-swampy/
  5. Looks like 72 hours and 20 minutes to me. Prepare to be denied boarding if the time is on the certificate.
  6. If the ANS one mentioned is indeed closed there is another potential option at the airport here: (Pic taken from another thread)
  7. Pattaya Memorial Hospital. 3,500 baht last time I used them.
  8. Another copy of your passport data page for the UK citizen. What nationality is the non-UK?
  9. I only had it on my phone when doing a report in Jomtien last year. They didn't even look at it.
  10. Test and Go applications will reportedly only re-start at 9:00am on February 1st. Can he do a Sandbox application instead?
  11. My booster appeared almost immediately too, but I believe some vax places are on-line so the database is updated real time whereas others aren't. In the latter case the updates are done in batches at a later date, which may be a few days from the jab being received. More than that then I agree something has gone wrong.
  12. Just experienced an unexpected (to me) delay in a Wise transfer. My BBL account is not tagged, I selected Monthly Living Expenses as a reason and the value was over 50,000 baht (not that it should make a difference AFAIK). From my experience and from reading of others I would have expected it almost instantly, but no - tomorrow at shortly after 2:00pm Thai time. It was funded from a UK account Faster Payment and receipt of my transfer was acknowledged almost immediately by Wise. Unlike the OP I was informed of the expected time all the way through the process. Has anything changed I'm not aware of?
  13. I noticed that price hike too, but the sign at the bottom of the display mentioned it was buy one get one free so I grabbed myself a bargain.
  14. This is around the size of backpack the OP is proposing to take on board. I was so amazed that someone would think this acceptable I took a photo at my boarding gate a few months ago. Does anyone here really think something like this should be in the cabin, irrespective of the rules on Lufthansa?
  15. Better tell the folk that live here by Third Road. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@12.926248,100.8852529,3a,75y,158.65h,90.77t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1su4WOrXcEOLGA68WfdNHRTQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
  16. Tickets like this are booked every day. There's usually a multi city choice as well and that what to use.
  17. Emirates have cancelled most of their American flights from today until further notice. A380 flights are to continue and IAD (with a B777) as the airport there is not affected. Yes and no, but it's irrelevant as Thai 5G does not use the C Band frequencies that cause the issue.
  18. No, another PCR Test may show false positive due to dead virus still in the system for an extended period. What is needed is a recovery certificate:
  19. Positive tests are dealt with by the next sentence immediately below the one you quoted:
  20. Mor Phrom app is what they meant, and as mentioned already you'll need a 13 digit ID number and your mobile number to register. The app looks like this on the Playstore:
  21. Correction - what you edited into your post after I'd replied or as I was replying. I stay in Central Pattaya too, but travel all over and even just visiting friends a few miles away puts you out of luck as regards hailing taxis, but there's plenty other good reasons for having a SIM been given in the thread, and at minimal cost the question should be why not have one rather than do I need one.
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