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Everything posted by treetops

  1. Pretty obvious if your login screen is like this:
  2. When Transferwise (as they were then) introduced Long Stay in Thailand as an option to choose when sending, it was in direct response to issues Thai expats raised at the time related to the international transfer requirement for immigration. For some month before it was available a phone call was required to flag your account as requiring "special" treatment. When this process was finalised they made it clear that it was not 100% guaranteed and that there could be technical or other issues causing the process to change and the International Transfer designation to be lost. I think we've just come across one of these technical issues (not bad after a good run for the last couple of years) and something has gone wrong preventing the "good" system from working. Fortunately it's been flagged early enough in the month for alternate processes to be used to maintain requirements for visa extension reasons, or hopefully for the glitch to be fixed and Wise transfers to go back to how they were.
  3. Transferred this morning (Saturday) UK time and instantly into Bangkok Bank with Kasikorn as the Wise transfer partner. Monthly expenses as the reason and no Borderless Account in the middle. This was my first transfer for a couple of months and they offered me on-line and afterwards by email the opportunity to open a Wise UK account. I declined, but for anyone that has done it, are there any benefits when bank transfer is as good as instant anyway, and is this the same as opening a Borderless Acccount? Does this attract the slightly lower fees mentioned above (which I had previously assumed were Borderless Account transfer fees)? I can also confirm that from the UK, the option was there to fund the transfer using a credit card.
  4. If you've bought a return ticket you have removed that obstacle.
  5. Maybe they're 2nd in the world for testing too. That could easily make them second in the world for cases and not be any worse than all those third or below. You can make the numbers say anything.
  6. October 1st had quarantine reduced to 7 days for vaccinated and 10 days for non-vaccinated visitors. Sandbox start on the published timeline is November 1st, but this relies on other factors and is not set in stone. Yes, a 30 day visa exemption is available for US visitors. As well as your list it also needs hotel booking, an app that sounds like it might never be checked, and a T8 form according to the rules I've read.
  7. Not all vaccines. Only AZ, Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen (or a mix of these I think).
  8. Four times the cases, but maybe more than four times the tests carried out?
  9. Moved off the red list and vaccination program approved (but not all vaccines).
  10. Travel insurance covers you for different factors (as well as health issues) so always good to have in addition to any compulsory Covid insurance.
  11. It's done and Thailand are off the red list, and vaccines administered here are now approved (AZ, Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen).
  12. They are accepted (but still no Sinovac). https://www.gov.uk/guidance/countries-with-approved-covid-19-vaccination-programmes-and-proof-of-vaccination?
  13. I would say you're at least 3 weeks early for packages to be released, if it goes ahead.
  14. Are you limited to 2 ATM withdrawals per month with a maximum of £200 GBP or similar before charges kick in? And having to pay the Thai ATM fees?
  15. He can't and won't. This was explained just recently when the exact same point was made regarding the reason for transfer causing a delay, but you can't teach stupid as the saying goes.
  16. I may be seen as a cash advance transaction by the credit card company and incur more charges (and/or no interest free period) due to that. lt depends on the card supplier.
  17. It did. Many hotels have put out prices for 7 days and CoEs are being issued for this too. I guess the HK Consulate is out of date.
  18. Have you entered transit date? I had a similar issue but it highlighted the missing information and I think it was this.
  19. Are you sure you downloaded 1.0.1 from the Play Store? When I look it is still offering me Version 1.0.0 I'm running 1.0.1 and it appears to run OK. Saying that, I don't think you need it for the Sandbox but require Mor Chana instead.
  20. There are also agents in Pattaya who will do it for you if you're having no luck yourself, or don't want to do the leg work. You could try the visa agents as a first port of call.
  21. This is what he just sent me. He said he also added her on the Line app. https://www.letsgotaxiphuket.com/airport-transfers/airport-2/
  22. A mate has just booked for later this month. His hotel asked for 1,500 baht to arrange transport but he's organised his own for 600 after finding it on line. Not sure of the name of the company but I can probably find out if you want.
  23. But the pop up says at least 10 days which is incorrect as 7 days is possible. Very misleading IMO.
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