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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Aus is leading the world in many taxes.....but they give nothing to pensioners....just to other countries and the likes.

    3 sound bites - all nonsense.

    The single age pension rate in Australia is A$356/week, plus $30 pension supplement - or in local terms, approx TBH11,500/week.

    Do you get your information from Today Tonight and A Current Affair?

  2. Yipeeee!

    Back to the O-A visas.

    Hopefully the new Consul will have the same service-oriented attitude as the last one.

    Unfortunately probably not as generally Honorary Consuls cannot issue them only Embassies. The last Honorary Consul was an exception to this rule.

    About 12 months ago, when deciding the best method of extending in Thailand, I had email correspondence with the Hon Consul in Adelaide about getting an O-A from there.

    They were quite willing to issue an O-A - however, for other reasons, I did not pursue it at that time.

    I guess we will just have to wait to see what Perth will or will not do.

  3. GDP up 5% this year 7% next. Stock market up 33% this year. Standard and Poors and Moodys positive about Thailand. Unemployment lowest in memory. Auto sales highest in history. Tourists entering country highest in History. Who are the only people who see any gloom and doom in business in Thailand? You and 4 or 5 others posting on Thai Visa? Come on man.

    Even if you are having business problems do you think the cure to get more business is to tell people how bad business is?

    Posting same rubbish over and over again does not make it a fact no matter how hard you try.

    What does auto sales and low unemployment have to do with tourism ?? Please stop your trolling.

    This thread is NOT about Thai economy but number of tourists.

    He is just stating facts about the economy. Tourism is a big part of the economy! How is that Trolling ? If you think what he says is BS show how it is !

    Quote: "please do not encourage him, its already hard enough to explain the simplest things to him" Unquote

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  4. really?the printed copy could be fake,they cant verify it.i flighted(one way tickets) from indonesia to malaysia,from malaysia to laos,from laos to thailand,from thailand to cambodia,from cambodia to thailand,from thailand to laos,from thailand to vietnam.it happened only in australia..i remember when i landed in indonesia and nobosdy ask me proof of anything...dam_n jetstar

    And if they had asked you, and denied you entry, who would have been responsible for the cost of your repatriation/deportation?

  5. and jetstar...i flighted from australia to bali..and they forced me to buy a return ticket(sooo expensive how can they call theirselves low cost) even if i had a reservation...it was illegal..but i had no choice..because they told me "take this or we ban you"

    Can you elaborate on how an airline can force you to buy any sort of ticket - one way, or return?

    As a sidenote, if you look at the Qantas website to book a flight originating in Thailand, the headline price does not includes taxes, fuel surcharges etc. <deleted> coffee1.gif

    Because it is not required by law in Thailand to include taxes etc in their advertising, it is required by law in Australia.

    Thank you for stating the obvious.

    My point was that Qantas, no matter where they operate, as an Australian company should perhaps be sticking the the spirit of the consumer friendly laws of their home country. In the process, perhaps setting a good example, and a level for others to aspire to.

    After all, it wouldn't cost them anything.

  6. You think Army Generals getting involved in politics is anything other than " extremely unusal circumstances"? Perhaps that explains how Australia ended up with their current PM.

    Perhaps you could explain how you think it explains how Australia has its current PM - because on the face of it, your point is nonsensical.

    Ground control to Major Tom ............... we still await your response.

  7. and jetstar...i flighted from australia to bali..and they forced me to buy a return ticket(sooo expensive how can they call theirselves low cost) even if i had a reservation...it was illegal..but i had no choice..because they told me "take this or we ban you"

    Can you elaborate on how an airline can force you to buy any sort of ticket - one way, or return?

    As a sidenote, if you look at the Qantas website to book a flight originating in Thailand, the headline price does not includes taxes, fuel surcharges etc. <deleted> coffee1.gif

  8. Yes but just more of the wrong people in Phuket, more corrupt and apathetic police here, a hugely more corrupt justice system here and wildly more chance you will get dragged into contact with these scum however much you try not to and however much you keep a low profile. That is the scandal. It is incredibly difficult to extricate yourself and there is absolutely no-one to turn to. As a foreigner in Phuket you will be incredibly fortunate to find an honest lawyer because they are nearly all in on the corruption game in one way or another. They are very happy to screw up your claim and frame it so it is impossible to win if are fortunate to have any money left after the cockroaches have targeted you. Do you think Thai society gives a hoot for a foreigner scammed out of his assets or tourist who has been raped, robbed, scammed or fleeced or murdered. The courts are certainly not making any attempt to clean up society if it means a foreigner will Get justice over a Thai even after proving their deceit and illegal loans. Foreigners are fair game for that . Maybe that sort of tips the balance out of Thailand's favour on this one.

    I assume from your intimate knowledge of the Phuket underbelly that you live there.


  9. The Immigration Bureau could be paying people on TVF 5% for the convenience make electronic payments, and they would still be whinging.

    For god's sake, if you can't afford the 1%, keep paying by cash - or even better, reconsider whether you really should be living in a foreign country.

    And how about you grow up and stop making comments like a pre-teen. It's none of your business whether someone else can afford something or not. It's none of your business how or who they pay. Such a sanctimonious comment! Nobody needs you here - wherever that may be.

    I didn't think pre-teens could join TV - but apparently you slipped through.

    I really don't care if people can afford the 1% or not - I just wish they would stop whinging about it on TV (given that they have the alternative of paying cash).

    Please come back when Thai Immigration make it compulsory to pay by card. thumbsup.gif

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