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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. The current Garmin map for Thailand is 12.1.

    I would first take it back to the shop from which you made the purchase.

    If they are unable/unwilling to assist, google is you friend in terms of upgrading at a very reasonable price.

    ThaiVisa rules do not allow links (or even mention) of appropriate download sites, although there is open slather on how to evade customs duty (ie smuggle).

  2. It appears that no one posting above recalls that Thailand has a justice fund to be used for people who are not able to post bail.

    This is the fund (most likely, as the reporting can be a bit sloppy) being used to post bail for these people.

    It is perfectly normal in most countries to have mechanisms to allow people to post bail (in some way shape or form) who would otherwise not be able to post bail.

    Check your own country's laws, you'll probably find a similar mechanism.

    I think you will find where such laws/funds exist, they apply to people who are awaiting trial - not to those who have been convicted and sentenced.

  3. After all the angry emotional accusations about how I and others are trying to smear Yingluck for insignificant and uninteresting sex-crimes has died down, I will point out what I consider the actual crime again and why it is a crime regardless of how you see it.

    There is three as I can see basic facts which are all extremely serious and unavoidable. The first is the most serious.

    One. Did she abuse her position as Prime Minister of Thailand in secret business deals of *any* type during those meetings. That is a simple Q&A process.

    Question : would these real-estate oligarchs want to hold a business-meeting about land (or politics or banking or anything) with Yingluck if she was not Prime Minister? She is a housewife with basic normal education same as millions of other Thai ladies, she has no professional career to speak of and is not a prominent real-estate broker for example. Would they arrange a meeting with her for this business-transaction if she was not Prime Minister. If the answer is "no they would not have met with her unless she was PM" then that is immediately a crime of abusing the prime-ministerial office. Which is very serious crime. She was only attending this secret meeting because she holds the office of PM, and yet she is not attending it officially as PM and has not registered it as an official meeting and has not even told anybody about it, and yet she is there because of her powerful government position. That is abuse of authority at the highest level in politics. Prison-cell time.

    Two. Why did she not declare this PM business-meeting beforehand if it was innocent personal business. Why did she go during parliamentary hours, when all her 'co-workers' in parliament were busy at work doing their jobs for the electorate of Thailand. Why does she not conduct personal business during personal time. How many of her hundreds of other 'away from parliament' days were spent in similar hotel-rooms holding secret meetings with other conflicting business-interests. Are we to believe this was a one-off? If so, why is she so consistenly absent from parliament.

    Three. Why did they change their official story after the event, actions which can only be seen as deeply incriminating.

    I don't think anyone can refute your reasoning. If someone does take up to the task, they have better provide good reasons.

    No need to refute it - given that most of it appears to be speculation and baseless assumptions.

    1. Does Thailand have an official "Register" of meetings between the PM/Cabinet Ministers/MPs and businessmen?

    2. Does anyone actually believe that the PM/Premier of any democracy actually spends their entire time in the Chamber when parliament is meeting?

    3. How does our resident rhetoric queen Yunla know what was discussed at the Four Seasons meeting, let alone being in a position to describe it as "treason"?

    I am far from a supporter of Yingluck (and even less of her evil brother), and the events of the Four Seasons meeting deserve, and require, to be exposed to public scrutiny. But the speculation, innuendo, sexism, bush lawyering and plain bullsh1t on this thread just defy logical description. (Which, unfortunately, is very much the norm these days on many TV threads).

  4. (as lets be honest here, we all know it didn't happen)

    Prove it, until you can prove without any shadow of doubt that she did not engage in any sexual encounter, you are merely speculating the same as everyone else in this thread.

    Do you get it now?

    I heard in a bar last night, from a guy who is in a relationship with a Thai lady, who had a friend of a friend who was a cleaner at the Four Seasons, that Yingluck was involved in baby sacrifice on that day.

    Until you can prove without any shadow of doubt that she did not engage in any sexual encounter baby sacrifice, you are merely speculating the same as everyone else in this thread.

    ps silly, isn't it.

  5. Unfortunately for you this thread topic is about Yingluck and her corrupt and unethical conduct in the news today. If this news story was about Abhisit, and during the time when he was PM, then you would have every right to make your comment.

    The sex in this story it is a small insignificant subject, a sort of side-salad when compared to the bloody red steak served as the main-course, meaning the allegations of her meeting businessmen in secret while in the paid employ of the Thai people as their elected PM.

    When you are elected into office you are solemnly bound to act only in the interests of the electorate. That means if businessmen want to talk to you they must do so within the parliamentary framework and transparently. This is to prevent gangster crime-syndicates (like PTP) from taking over the mechanism of democracy and using it against the unrepresented working-class.

    It is even more wrong for a PM who got into office on the sole populist mandate of "speaking for the poor farmers against the elites", for her then to go sneaking off and meeting those very same elitist oligarchs in hotel rooms.

    She is breaking the law, breaking the sacred values of democracy, and breaking the trust of the poorest people in society, the same people that her deceptive political campaigning used to get her into office.


    Does TV have an award for the most hyperbole-filled post of the year?

    If so, I would like to make an early nomination for the above. clap2.gif

    • Like 2
  6. After reading this on the Tomtom official forum:

    Map of Thailand practically unusable - do not buy it!

    31-01-2012 05:01 AM

    We found the TomTom map of Thailand to be surprisingly detailed and reasonably up-to-date. However, the classification/rating of the roads is completely wrong. The map often does not make difference between large roads and tiny, even unpaved ones. Therefore, in many cases the proposed route is completely unusable, leading along tiny unpaved roads even if there are major roads nearby. Following TomTom navigation wasted us many hours on our trip, instead of helping us and saving us time. At the end we put away TomTom navigation and used our road atlas that we fortunately brought with us.

    and subsequent post

    We drove from Phuket to Bangkok and the roads were wrongly classified along the way, even around Hua Hin and Bangkok that can hardly be described as remote areas.


    I am wondering whether other, local Tomtom users have had the same experience?

  7. Victoria


    Surveillance Devices Act 1999 - SECT 6

    Regulation of installation, use and maintenance of listening devices

    6. Regulation of installation, use and maintenance of listening devices

    (1) Subject to subsection (2), a person must not knowingly install, use or

    maintain a listening device to overhear, record, monitor or listen to a

    private conversation to which the person is not a party, without the express

    or implied consent of each party to the conversation.

    Penalty: Deleted

    (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to-

    (a) the installation, use or maintenance of a listening device in

    accordance with a warrant, emergency authorisation, corresponding

    warrant or corresponding emergency authorisation; or

    (b ) the installation, use or maintenance of a listening device in

    accordance with a law of the Commonwealth; or

    (c ) the use of a listening device by a law enforcement officer to monitor

    or record a private conversation to which he or she is not a party if-

    (i) at least one party to the conversation consents to the monitoring or

    recording; and

    (ii) the law enforcement officer is acting in the course of his or her

    duty; and

    (iii) the law enforcement officer reasonably believes that it is necessary

    to monitor or record the conversation for the protection of any

    person's safety.

    Surveillance Devices Act 1999 - SECT 5A

    Application of Act

    5A. Application of Act

    (1) This Act is not intended to limit a discretion that a court has-

    (a) to admit or exclude evidence in any proceeding;

    I'm off for a beer - you guys can determine the applicability or otherwise of the above to my original points.

    And if you have used the acts then you would understand what has been said previously

    As you appear to have "used the acts (sic)" you are in a perfect position to point out where my interpretation is incorrect.

  8. Victoria


    Surveillance Devices Act 1999 - SECT 6

    Regulation of installation, use and maintenance of listening devices

    6. Regulation of installation, use and maintenance of listening devices

    (1) Subject to subsection (2), a person must not knowingly install, use or

    maintain a listening device to overhear, record, monitor or listen to a

    private conversation to which the person is not a party, without the express

    or implied consent of each party to the conversation.

    Penalty: Deleted

    (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to-

    (a) the installation, use or maintenance of a listening device in

    accordance with a warrant, emergency authorisation, corresponding

    warrant or corresponding emergency authorisation; or

    (b ) the installation, use or maintenance of a listening device in

    accordance with a law of the Commonwealth; or

    (c ) the use of a listening device by a law enforcement officer to monitor

    or record a private conversation to which he or she is not a party if-

    (i) at least one party to the conversation consents to the monitoring or

    recording; and

    (ii) the law enforcement officer is acting in the course of his or her

    duty; and

    (iii) the law enforcement officer reasonably believes that it is necessary

    to monitor or record the conversation for the protection of any

    person's safety.

    Surveillance Devices Act 1999 - SECT 5A

    Application of Act

    5A. Application of Act

    (1) This Act is not intended to limit a discretion that a court has-

    (a) to admit or exclude evidence in any proceeding;

    I'm off for a beer - you guys can determine the applicability or otherwise of the above to my original points.

  9. Here are a few clues.

    Go back and read the news story. Take note of the guy she did the work for. His name starts with one of the last letters of the alphabet.

    Then go and google that blokes name. Have a read what he's been up to, and the public statements he has made.

    Then do a general google on the company. What it has been up to. Production (or lack of) and liabilities. Its suspension from the SET.

    Then sit down, have a cup of tea. The penny will drop.

    It doesn't matter what was said in the meeting. A much bigger struggle going on here.

    While googling the company name, throw businessreportthailand into the search.

    The picture becomes very clear.

  10. I do not know what the laws are in Thailand in regards to recording anothers private and confidential conversations but I do know that in Australia you require a Supreme Court warrant to do so.


    Anothing obtained ilegaly is not admissible in court.

    Wrong again.

    Links? Examples? Anything?

    Australia has numerous legal jurisdictions, each with their own laws on these subjects.

    If you are really interested, look them up.

  11. ......................... Is there a massage place nearby? It'll be my last such for a month and besides it would be a good way to relax before turning in.

    There are a number in close vicinity.

    Directions to the one I went to (which I was very happy with) - walk from the hotel to the main road - turn right - walk to main intersection ( about 100 metres) - turn right - about 50 metres down, on the right.

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