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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Based on this thread, it seems that China-bashing is fast approaching Thailand-bashing as the national sport of many of TVF's best and brightest. sad.png

    For those who talk about a preference for foreign brands in China - where do you reckon the vast majority of those foreign brands are manufactured?

    On a side-note, in Oz there is still an ignorant minority which slam Korean cars, based on their quality standards of 20 years ago. I have no doubt that those checking on TFV in 2033 will find the same ignorance still being displayed here.

    Dream on.

    Chinese look down on Chinese who own a Chinese car, pointing out that the Chinese made car is "cheaper." A Chinese will never complete the sentence by saying "cheaper and junk," but that's the reality for the people who know best, i.e., the Chinese themselves. National socialism with Chinese characteristics has produced a mangle of privately owned car manufacturers competing against state owned carmakers. The state owned carmakers of course get subsidies in violation of WTO rules but, perhaps worse, kill the market for the private auto makers. The mangling of the auto industry in the CCP's PRC is not an isolated matter - the state interferes with every industry, which of course squeezes, impedes or, preferably, drives out the private sector. Last year state television spent a lot of time attacking Volkswagen because of its highly successful sales record in China.

    Foreign auto brands are under attack in the state owned and operated media, an attack which now is extending to Apple, Carrefour and other globally respected brands. The Boyz in Beijing have firmly decided to drive out of China foreign brands that produce both consumer and durable goods because the domestic producers, whether private or public, cannot compete. This recent negative development has communicated to global brands around the world that the CCP no longer wants their competition on the Mainland. It also is the result of the Chinese not being able to grab the technology of BMW, Benz, Buick, VW, Chevy and other popular brands that dominate the car market in China, to include other industries such as Apple, Yum and so many others.

    So, as the new leaders of the CCP-PRC know they need to change the paradigm of their economy, from export based to domestic consumer based, this leaves the Chinese consumer stuck with consumer and durable goods of low quality which rapidly are moving further downscale. This is not a formula for a successful future. At the rate the CCP is mismanaging and malgoverning its PRC, the only way 2033 would be a good year for China is if China has managed to recover from its economic and political collapse due to the corrupt regime of the dictators who rule in their own interests only.



    p.s. your use of the Falun Gong produced Epoch Times as a reference is noted. laugh.png

    • Like 1
  2. The fiasco is complete. After less than ten years, the brand new airport is well beyond its capacity. The planning has apparently been non-existing. Singapore and HK have had no problems managing this. Why this isn't possible in Thailand... I guess we know the answers to that.

    For those who long back to DMK, expect that the good, old feeling will return. I've flown in and out from there a few times after AA moved over, and although some facilities have been upgraded, it's still an old airport, dark and worn down. And don't expect it not to become another shopping mall. The standard has been set at Swampy. You can be quite sure that King Power will do whatever possible to get access to your wallet. If that means that you cannot find your flight, that's not their problem.

    Yeah but I am cheap as hell when it comes to certain things and no amount of persuasion could get me to buy anything from their overpriced stores - I just ignore them and move on...besides, they have 50,000 other passengers to persuade, I don't need to be one of them. Also, unlike many other foreigners who are always on time it seems, I'm constantly running late when I am at Suvarnabhumi, I almost always have to run to my gate so I don't have time to stop for such unnecessary things like overpriced toblerone or expensive Johnny Walker. If I am on time, it means I am heading for the airline lounge so again, no time for you, King Power Duty Free.

    After they read this, I am sure King Power will revise downwards (severely) their profit projection for the next few years, and sent appropriate notices to the SET.

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  3. First the Rice SCAM, and now the First Car buying SCAM, this is what comes into my mind, when the ordinary and poor taxpayers cannot pay back their loans:

    Can you please explain how the car scheme is a scam?

    There is another thread, a news story, that the government doesn't have the money to pay all of these rebates when they are due in April. Shock. cheesy.gifLink

    So the worst that is expected is that not all payments scheduled for April when be made then, and could be delayed.

    Once again - how is it a scam?

    Who is is scamming who, and how?

  4. Ouch!

    Facts like these are generally not welcome on the forum - it tends to fire up those with tunnel vision, and little ability to think or research for themselves.

    actually if they budget for the maximum rebate or set a ceiling to the rebate then they wouldn't get these nasty surprises. However, that would be acting fiscally responsible, but that's not this governments forte,

    I guess that they did set a maximum rebate - TBH100,000. By your definition, does that mean they were acting "fiscally responsible"?

    How could they set a ceiling - given that they had no idea how many vehicles, and of what specification, would be sold under the scheme. Does that mean the first-in buyers would receive the maximum, and those who purchased on December 31 would receive a bit of whatever was left?

    ps I don't believe this government has much "forte", but again, facts and a bit of analytical thinking never go astray, even on TVF. wink.png

    Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you really that dense?

    Was that a moment of introspection for you?

    Were you able to concentrate for long enough to get through my entire post - it wasn't that long, or even particularly intellectually challenging?

  5. Up to 38 billion baht to pay for the scheme? Think again!

    1,000,000 cars and each 100,000 baht discount = 100 billion baht

    And they initially thought 7 billion would be enough!

    How much longer can these guys go only like totally clueless amateurs?

    100K baht is the maximum discount one can receive.. Not eveyone receives that amount..


    Facts like these are generally not welcome on the forum - it tends to fire up those with tunnel vision, and little ability to think or research for themselves.

    actually if they budget for the maximum rebate or set a ceiling to the rebate then they wouldn't get these nasty surprises. However, that would be acting fiscally responsible, but that's not this governments forte,

    I guess that they did set a maximum rebate - TBH100,000. By your definition, does that mean they were acting "fiscally responsible"?

    How could they set a ceiling - given that they had no idea how many vehicles, and of what specification, would be sold under the scheme. Does that mean the first-in buyers would receive the maximum, and those who purchased on December 31 would receive a bit of whatever was left?

    ps I don't believe this government has much "forte", but again, facts and a bit of analytical thinking never go astray, even on TVF. wink.png

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  6. Up to 38 billion baht to pay for the scheme? Think again!

    1,000,000 cars and each 100,000 baht discount = 100 billion baht

    And they initially thought 7 billion would be enough!

    How much longer can these guys go only like totally clueless amateurs?

    100K baht is the maximum discount one can receive.. Not eveyone receives that amount..


    Facts like these are generally not welcome on the forum - it tends to fire up those with tunnel vision, and little ability to think or research for themselves.

  7. Why should females get special treatment? If you can´t do the time, don´t do the crime.

    How come it's always the idiots who get to post first?

    And usually with some ridiculous cliche?

    Because idiots like to convince themselves they are smart by citing sound-bytes of things they think are hallmarks of wisdom, but as it only requires typing out a sound byte (cliché) they can do it very quickly before any intelligent (or wise) person has had a chance to type a considered and well thought out reply.

    I can just see their though process (akin to Homer Simpson’s mind monkeys on a good day): "Oh!! I know a cool sounding quote. And since it’s a quote it must be correct and smart. Now I can show off (to myself) how smart I am by typing it out here...". ……My all-time favourite is "But you can’t generalise" - that one is so seriously "blonde" that it’s even a contradiction of itself. I don’t bother continuing a conversation if I hear that, it’s just pointless.

    ....not to mention other idiots attempting to go beyond their normal sound-byte abilities with even greater rubbish (but not as fast). But these ones spend time taxing their brains to overload so although other rubbish may come out later the fact another idiot puts genuine personal effort in is of course no guarantee of quality.

    I do believe you have provided the perfect example of which you speak.

    Bingo fire and ice - smotherb is right on cue.

  8. They should just do what the broke Australian government is doing. Borrow $100million a day from the Chinese (not denied by the World's greatest treasurer)...Problem solved

    Oh dear! ............ "the broke Australian government" ................. bought to you straight from the shadow (ie opposition) treasurer ........... and with help from Today Tonight and A Current Affair. whistling.gif

    The Coalition's calculation that Australia is borrowing $100 million a day gives a sense of government excess.

    But step outside and look at Australia from the vantage point of the rest of the world and the debate looks very strange indeed.

    The International Monetary Fund last night released its twice-yearly review of government finances. It shows that Australia's net debt of 9.5 per cent of GDP this year compares with an advanced country average of 76

    per cent and an emerging country average of 25 per cent.

    Among the advanced countries, only Switzerland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden have lower debts than Australia's. Canada's debts are about four times bigger and Germany's six times larger as a share of their GDP.

    The IMF estimates the combined commonwealth and state government deficits will reach 2.5 per cent of GDP this calendar year. This is less than half the advanced country average and only slightly ahead of the

    emerging countries.

    Adding together both the need to fund the last of the deficit and roll over debt that is maturing shows that Australia will need to borrow the equivalent of 4.9 per cent of GDP this year. This will be the second lowest among the advanced nations, where the average borrowing requirement is five times greater.

    In other words, the Australian budget is in the pink of health by the standards used by the IMF to measure any other country in the world.


    I am sure the Thailand government would love to be in a similar financial position to the "broke" Australian one.

  9. I doubt if your last projected outcome will happen. Are you aware of any Lese Majeste charge being made by this government? The answer is No, that was the last lots political tool.

    The answer to your question appears to be Yes.

    >September 2011. Computer programmer Surapak Puchaieseng was arrested, detained and had his computer confiscated after being accused of insulting the Thai royal family on Facebook – his arrest marked the

    first lèse majesté case since prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra was elected.



    Then of course there were a number of other cases (which you can see in the above link) made by governments (your wording) of various TRT hues, between 2005 and Dec 2008.

    But I realise these fall outside the ambit of your rather narrowly worded, and rhetorical, question. smile.png

    The arrest was in Yinglucks tenure. The arrest was not made at the governments behest - as you so rightly point my narrowly worded rhetorical question was to point out that the PTP has not and does not use Lese Majeste charges in a political way unlike the now opposition party did.

    I think I am getting it now.

    There were several arrests and prosecutions for Lese Majeste prior to the coup; some during the period of the coup "government"; then some more during the post-coup, PPP period; followed by more while the Dems were in government; and now another one since PT and Yingluck got into power.

    But only the Dems were different ie politically motivated.

    Yep. thumbsup.gif

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  10. Doesn't this guy realise that the PTP won the nation election with an underwhelming majority and therefore they can do what they want, when they want and how they want?

    If you object too loudlt Thida's mob will be knocking on your door or you will be slapped with a "democratic" lese majest charge.

    I doubt if your last projected outcome will happen. Are you aware of any Lese Majeste charge being made by this government? The answer is No, that was the last lots political tool.

    The answer to your question appears to be Yes.

    September 2011. Computer programmer Surapak Puchaieseng was arrested, detained and had his computer confiscated after being accused of insulting the Thai royal family on Facebook – his arrest marked the

    first lèse majesté case since prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra was elected.


    Then of course there were a number of other cases (which you can see in the above link) made by governments (your wording) of various TRT hues, between 2005 and Dec 2008.

    But I realise these fall outside the ambit of your rather narrowly worded, and rhetorical, question. smile.png

  11. police should have done what exactly and according to what law?

    there is a lack of clear laws and regulations when it comes to protests as we have seen with the yellow shirts or the red shirts.

    thats why you maybe be wondering about police inactivity.

    but laws here are different from your home country.

    But not radically different.

    As you appear to be au fait with the local laws covering crowd control, illegal assembly, and riot, you could inform us all of the limit to the powers of the Thai police in such situations.

    And at the same time, point out the subsequent changes to the laws that enabled the police to so effectively control the Pitak Siam rally late last year.

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  12. it is a tad more complicated who is supposed to do what in case of riot control or large group of protesters in the inner city and act rightfully according to the law.

    the folklore the police = pro red = pro thaksin (because thaksin is ex police) did nothing because they are pro red, sounds maybe good and convincing for anti-reds, but there is not much truth in it.

    As far as the Thai police and dereliction of duty are concerned, they seem to be somewhat colour-blind.

    Witness their melting away into the ether when the yellow-shirts were taking over the airport(s) in February 2009.

    Now that a number of the yellows have (very appropriately) been arrested for their roles in this fiasco, those at the top of the RTP who allowed this to happen should also be held accountable.

    And then we could move on to the Pattaya ASEAN riots in April 2009, and further north to Bangkok in the same month.

    But I dream on.

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  13. that is not true. the government wasn't forced to call the army, not because the police did nothing. they government wanted that the army controls the things, thats why they came up with the emergency law.

    Oh dear!

    I am mightily offended to think that the farkwits (3 Stooges) on the "Honey" thread have drawn the conclusion that you are my alter ego.

    At least my posts are literate, and have a modicum of intelligence and common sense - which clearly, based on this thread, your's don't.

  14. They banned 115 opposition politicians for 5 years......Abhisit failed to get the democrats re-elected and get rid of Thaksin......I wouldn't hold your breath.....

    I'm not - but I have no doubt there are many thinking people around Thailand who are.

    Then there is a good chance they will be very red in the face if getting rid of Thaksin is left to Abhisit..........

    Perhaps then it will be left to those who are red in the shirt - for they will certainly wake up sooner rather than later about how their popular movement - initiated by Thaksin - is now being manipulated for his own nefarious ends.

    Or even better, Abhisit could outlive Thanksin - say by about 25 years.

  15. To the contrary - if Abhisit managed to oust Thaksin, it would be a huge achievement for Thailand's future.

    And probably more than he achieved while he was PM.

    If............he has been trying for years....he hasn't......under achievement.....

    For the sake of Thailand, let's hope he keeps trying, and finally achieves. clap2.gif

    They banned 115 opposition politicians for 5 years......Abhisit failed to get the democrats re-elected and get rid of Thaksin......I wouldn't hold your breath.....

    I'm not - but I have no doubt there are many thinking people around Thailand who are.

  16. "Abhisit's Key Goal Is Ousting Thaksin From Politics".......... looks like an admission of continued under achievement

    To the contrary - if Abhisit managed to oust Thaksin, it would be a huge achievement for Thailand's future.

    And probably more than he achieved while he was PM.

    If............he has been trying for years....he hasn't......under achievement.....

    For the sake of Thailand, let's hope he keeps trying, and finally achieves. clap2.gif

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