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Posts posted by jackspratt

  1. Eyeswideopen>>>

    Nope. All fresh food by the side of the road. No chance for adulteration by evil Chinese factories. But thanks for worrying.... :-)

    Wait now you have me thinking. Maybe my life has been shortened ?


    After writing this:

    Never EVER eat any consumable product from China if you want a long and healthy life

    I would suggest you ought to do more of that "thinking" stuff before writing. biggrin.png

    Holy cow I forgot I wrote that !! Guess time to update my will.:-) Eating Chinese products here is a choice which I chose not to eat. So if I chose to travel in China.....drum roll......I guess I would have to eat Chinese food and hope for the best. Do a bit of thinking yourself before posting ironic comments that fall flat.

    Instead of your will, perhaps you should consider updating your intellectual (and I am making a huge assumption there) honesty.

  2. A little south from Xian. Bee keeping is everywhere along the side of the road. It was part of a two month motorcycle trip I did by myself...............

    Two months - that is a long time to go without food or water.

    Or did you carry your own K rations? cheesy.gif

    Nope. All fresh food by the side of the road. No chance for adulteration by evil Chinese factories. But thanks for worrying.... :-)

    Wait now you have me thinking. Maybe my life has been shortened ?

    After writing this:

    Never EVER eat any consumable product from China if you want a long and healthy life

    I would suggest you ought to do more of that "thinking" stuff before writing. biggrin.png

  3. orally she has potential.....may even perform too!!!!cheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    We'd have to ask the mysterious men she meets in hotel rooms (allegedly) about that ...

    Oh dear!

    Just shows how easily small (sexist) minds are amused on the swamp that is sometimes TVF.

    Assuming (and it is a big assumption) you guys are in relationships, do you give your partner(s) similar respect?

    You really need a sense of humor. Apparently you haven't discovered one yet.

    Ah! .................... they were meant to be funny,

    I must have missed that, along will all the other funny posts on TVF alluding to the sexual habits of Thailand's male PMs. coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  4. The Brits seem to have a poor view of Chinese honey... Maybe the good stuff was sent to America??


    " Food watchdogs have ordered all Chinese-produced honey to be withdrawn from sale after trials found that much of it is contaminated by antibiotics.

    Forty per cent of the honey sold in the UK comes from China.

    Tests of 16 pots found that ten contained the powerful antibiotic chloramphenicol.

    The chemical is a trigger for aplastic anaemia, a rare but serious blood disorder which affects up to 100 people in Britain each year. It has also been linked to leukaemia."

    thats an over 10 years old news story.

    where is your outrage that the questionable news source coconutz told you and untrue story?

    where is your outrage that US honey packers relabeled china honey? where is your outrage that in case you want get the best price on the market there is an over 200 percent import tax on chinese honey to protect lazy us honey makers from fair global competition?

    Wrong again zhouzhou/jackspratt..... Reread the link, that story is from today's paper. Fair global competition ??? Yeah I guess the US honey makers would have a tough time competing with Chinese honey workers getting a dollar a day, or what ever slave wages they are paid.. :-)

    Everything seems to have gone quiet. whistling.gif

    But I see that xenophobia is breaking out all over. sad.png

  5. orally she has potential.....may even perform too!!!!cheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    We'd have to ask the mysterious men she meets in hotel rooms (allegedly) about that ...

    Oh dear!

    Just shows how easily small (sexist) minds are amused on the swamp that is sometimes TVF.

    Assuming (and it is a big assumption) you guys are in relationships, do you give your partner(s) similar respect?

  6. Huh ???? Why is it racist to state the well known fact that China produces a disproportional amount of poisoned food. Strange... The most basic internet search will turn up this fact. Oh well, believe as you wish. But just because you wish something does not make it so. :-) Facts speak for themselves...

    Do you really want me to pull up links to the thousands of articles on poisoned food in China? Think that would be boring to my fellow members.. Here perhaps you can search this yourself.

    Google >>>>>>>> poisoned food from China

    Side note: I see that zhouzhou has been a member for one whole

    whopping hour.... Is this jackspratt version 2.0, created for support backup? What an amazing variety of people on TV.

    Anyone with their eyes even partially open would not make a nonsensical and hysterical statement such as:

    >Never EVER eat any consumable product from China if you want a long and healthy life

    Which is very different to:

    ............China produces a disproportional amount of poisoned food................

    ps my ethnicity is irrelevant, and I certainly don't need backup when pointing out the stupidity of some of the statements made on TVF. smile.png

    • Like 1
  7. Chin a it's all about cheating. Everithing and allways. What ever is made in china is bad.

    There was another thread about drug stock in Thailand that came from China. In that thread I said if you want to live a long time do not eat food from China. The China defenders jumped all over me. So I feel a sense of vindication seeing this story.. Not that I needed it.... :-)

    What you actually said was:

    Never EVER eat any consumable product from China if you want a long and healthy life

    Which was as big a nonsense as what stingray has written above. bah.gif

  8. I rather expect that the rooms in the officers mess are being prepared as we speak. You know, ready for the meeting after the Prime Minister has been removed from office. No doubt after the usual 'persuasion' (ultimatum) Mr Abhisit will reluctantly agree to form a government......

    Gee, you don't know much about how the system of government here, do you.

    Are you suggesting that if the Prime Minister has broken the law by not correctly declaring her assets, she ought not be removed from office?

    After all, that happened 12 years ago, and look what a mess it has created for Thailand subsequently.

    • Like 1
  9. The only flaw in your logic is that the rice subsidy scheme predates the Yingluck/Thaksin regime, but was brought in by the Samak regime and then heartily promoted by the following Somchai and Abhisit regimes. So, it would seem that every party in Thailand wants to bend over backwards to please the poor ol' rice farmers, unless I missed something?

    You may well have.

    ...............This scheme continued until 2006, when Thaksin was deposed. The new

    military government reverted to the old price pledging scheme under

    which the price remained below the market price. A new Thaksin-aligned

    government under Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej re-instated the price

    support component in 2008 and again offered a pledging price well above

    the market price, even though rice prices were already at record high


    In late 2008, the new Democrat-led government modified the policy to

    what was called an ”income support” or ”income guarantee” policy. This

    name was also misleading because it guaranteed prices, not incomes. If

    the market price was below a pre-established reference price, the

    government would pay the farmer the difference for up to a maximum 25

    tonnes of rice per farmer. Because market prices for rice were high and

    normally exceeded the reference prices, the scheme delivered very little

    subsidy to farmers..............


    • Like 2
  10. Next time I go to do 90 day reporting I am going to take a camera --Last week I saw a farange police volunteer take a passport with 500 bt in it from a farange at the door ,---jump the queue of about 40 people waiting for the 90 day reporting at Soi 5 Immigration Pattaya and get that passport checked and paper stamped straight away

    Why pay? All you do is do the Thai thing, jump the queue and just push in...

    How many Thais have you seen doing 90 day reports?cheesy.gif

  11. .

    How anyone with an ounce of intelligence could support the red shirt movement on here and not see the dirty and propaganda tactics they use is beyond me. Must be the influence of the woman indoors I guess.

    Anyone with an ounce of intelligence should be able to discard the rhetoric (often mindless) they read on TV, and do their own observation, research and analysis so they can come to an informed opinion on what the red shirt movement may be about.

    Such intelligent research and analysis would factor in the role of the external players who are using the red shirts for their own unconnected, grasping political ends.

    Should the external player/s remove his/their funding, would there still be a red shirt movement?


  12. .

    How anyone with an ounce of intelligence could support the red shirt movement on here and not see the dirty and propaganda tactics they use is beyond me. Must be the influence of the woman indoors I guess.

    Anyone with an ounce of intelligence should be able to discard the rhetoric (often mindless) they read on TV, and do their own observation, research and analysis so they can come to an informed opinion on what the red shirt movement may be about.

    Such intelligent research and analysis would factor in the role of the external players who are using the red shirts for their own unconnected, grasping political ends.

    • Like 1
  13. Whilst this trade disgusts me, what pray tell has it to do with the World Bank? And further why are Tigers not a protected species - viz tigers being poached are outside 'protected areas'? Protect them all and not designate 'areas'. Imbeciles.

    If it disgusts you so much, instead of ranting, why don't you take 2 minutes to research the actual position.

    1. The World Bank funds wildlife conservation in many areas around the world. That's what it has to do with it.

    2. Tigers are in Appendix l (most endangered species ie protected) of the international convention governing wildlife trade (CITES).

    Imbeciles indeed!

  14. Just another primary example of why the Reds and PTP should be removed from the face of Thailand. Thugs, armed and dangerous, held impervious to assault or prosecution by the joke calling itself the Royal Thailand Police. Democracy being the catch cry, insurgency being the motive.

    Based on this anti-democratic bigotry, one would hope that a few farangs are removed from the face of Thailand - and asap.

    I despair that the country I come from can breed this kind of intolerant thinking.

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  15. Don't feign ignorance of an adage. I do agree with you that 'keep them stupid & poor' is the Thaksin way of using them for his own ends. Apart from subsidised crops & products, what development has Isan gained? Not a lot & it is so much easier to have a paid group brainwash them (& pay them) to vote for you, which is what it's all about - votes not development.

    Living here, the major development I can see that Issan residents have gained is the understanding that they have been screwed by Bangkok and the elite for far too long, and they ain't gunna put up with it any more.

    More power to them I say - now if they could only rid themselves of the despotic, self-serving Thaksin and his cronies, and find some sensible leaders to positively harness their power, it could all happen a whole lot quicker, and with less disruption.

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