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Posts posted by petemoss

  1. 36 minutes ago, patsfangr said:

    There's also a good D.I.Y. store in "The Chilled" mall on Khao Noi, about 3 kms east of Sukhumvit. That mall, however, is also missing the boat for overall business. It has a decent Tops market on the first floor; and the aforementioned D.I.Y. is on the second floor. But there are no good fast food shops or chain restaurants, when there is a desperate shortage of those (Carl's Jr. or Burger King, Subway, Santa Fe, Black Canyon, Fuji, etc.) on the Darkside.

    They have a food court, but it's a joke. Recently, they've started clogging up the first floor with open racks of cheap clothes and other stuff that's only attractive to very low income Thais. The owners need to wake up to the fact that there are significant numbers of Farangs on the Darkside who would very much like to make use of such businesses without dealing with the ordeal of crossing the RR tracks and Sukhumvit, and getting swallowed up in the west side traffic. 

    Never seen a food court in Chilled. They do have a good restaurant there but no customers. The downside of the restaurant is that it has a large outside area and a stage that hosts bands on Friday and Saturday nights. The noise is horrendous and can be heard all over the Darkside, much to the annoyance of the locals.


    There is a good little restaurant inside Tops. Older guy with a chef's hat really knows his stuff. Popular with Thais and farangs. I've seen Lam Morrison eating in there a couple of times.



  2. 1 minute ago, Yinn said:

    1) maybe he forgot where the hotel. Make a mistake. Forgot

    2) maybe he said “I think it.....” and you didn’t understand he not sure

    3) maybe he want to show you some good spot to see

    4) maybe you misunderstood his direction 

    5) maybe he spoke wrong




    Maybe because Thailand sabai sabai. Not stress.

    Well if he had wanted to give me good direction he should have pointed to the hotel which was just across the road. 555.


    "Sabai sabai" and "Jai yin" certainly rule in Thailand. If I buy something in a shop and I find that it's faulty when I get home, I have to take it back to the shop and complain. My wife just can't handle the stress.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Lenny Jones said:

    555 ! - He gave you the answer he thought you wanted because he didn't understand you!  It also contained a "screen" because he did not want you to know that!.


    No mate, you weren't there. He spoke good English. I've had many similar experiences since living in Thailand. If a Thai doesn't know the answer to your question, they will tell you some rubbish just to please you.

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  4. 14 minutes ago, Yinn said:

    We lie to make you comfortable.

    True. The first time I came to Thailand, I was in Bangkok and looking for my hotel. I asked a very nice Thai man if he knew where my hotel was. He gave me  a complicated set of instructions, "Turn left here, turn right there, etc." . After wandering around Bangkok for another hour, I eventually found my hotel, on the opposite side of the road from where the man had given me instructions, you could see it from where we were stood.


    Why did he lie? He didn't know where my hotel was but thought that I would be happier to receive some directions, even though they were wrong, than for him to tell me that he didn't know where my hotel was. Very Thai!


    I had a receding hairline. On my first visit to Thailand, a Thai lady said to me, "Your hair go on holiday, not worry it come back soon". On this occasion she was telling the truth. After several years living in Thailand my hair grew back! There is a lot of magic in Thailand.

  5. 10 minutes ago, TopDeadSenter said:

    This story is going to get much bigger. Tommy is due to appear on Fox News to make a public request for asylum from the UK govt persecution and threats to his and his families safety(see the threat above to highlight the sort of deranged hatred he faces). I have learned much on this forum about asylum/refugee status on this forum, and my understanding is that the US must take in Tommy and then it will take years to bounce his case around the courts. If Tommy went to San Francisco or another "sanctuary city" he would never be able to be arrested or deported. This will be very interesting.


    Really no surprise that Trump, Alex Jones et al, should seek to give succour to a vile little racist. One of their own.


    Please take him. You're welcome to him.

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  6. 1 hour ago, nontabury said:


    Look them up yourself. This is from one Daily Mirror article from that time.

    However as a once long time resident of Rotherham, I obtain most of my knowledge about this subject,from family and friends who still live there.


    CCTV cameras will be installed in all taxis in scandal-hit Rotherham by early July. 

    The commissioners sent in to clean up Rotherham Council have announced the deadline for the town's drivers to install cameras in their cabs. 

    The new measure was introduced in the wake of the town's sex grooming scandal.

    Very true. However, this had nothing to do with Tommy Islam and his racist rants.

  7. 7 hours ago, Yinn said:

    Sorry I misunderstood. I still do. 55555


    you know a lot of hiso people? Real hiso?

    Or just so-so who act hiso?


    issan have a lot of good culture, so does other region. Issan has the best music. I like the food, but not eat the insects, dog, raw meat.

    You are right, most of the HiSo people I know are so-so HiSo, or as I call them pseudo HiSo. Not nice people. I also agree about the food, Issan food not for me. Tam makhoon with ba ra, horrible.

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, Yinn said:




    Most other people in other region not hiso. You imagination. If you think that you don’t understand.

    I was asking "Where does it say that we can't discuss what's on the list?"


    In Issan, a lot less HiSo people than in Central Thailand. Probably because there are a lt less Thai Chin.

  9. 11 minutes ago, ZeVonderBearz said:

    Molam is something that people can get on board with it's fun and funky as hell. 

    Some of the songs especially the male/female duets remind me of rap battles but much much better. Love it when the woman has a real go at the man for his drinking/womanising. really funny.


    Once went to a concert in Nong Khai by a Morlam pop idol guy called Ae. Thousands there and I was up at the front, a bit drunk, and giving it large with my Morlam dancing. The locals loved it and Ae gave me a big shout out. A really memorable night.


    When we drive up to Nong Khai, as we reach Issan proper, we always put a Morlam CD on. Really evocative and reminds us that we are in the real Thailand and near home. Brings tears to my eyes.

  10. 1 minute ago, Yinn said:

    How many time that happen to you?




    I don't do that. But if someone else do it, up to them, not my business. Are you are policeman?




    Happen to you? Or not. Happen to me, I not cry, fun and make you stronger.


    What you going to do about that? Please do it!



    Muay Thai.


    When farang army fight, they check is fair fight first? Or fight to win with nuclear, etc?



    "How many time that happen to you?"


    I have been asked for a bribe several times for motoring offences. I know several people who have paid a bribe to avoid a drink/driving conviction.


    "I dont do that. But if someone else do it, up to them, not my business. Are you are policeman?"


    No I'm someone who is concerned about the safety and lives of all Thais.


    "Happen to you? Or not. Happen to me, I not cry, fun and make you stronger."


    I'm very concerned that it will happen to my son. I don't want him to end up in hospital, fighting for his life. Not fun and doesn't make you stronger if you end up in a wheelchair for the rest of your life.


    "What you going to do about that? Please do it!"


    As a foreigner I can do nothing. Thais can do it, it's been done many times in the West, it's called a revolution.


    "Muay Thai.


    When farang army fight, they check is fair fight first? Or fight to win with nuclear, etc?"


    We are talking about young men fighting in the street, not countries going to war.

    Nothing to do with Muay Thai, which is an art of self defence, you are taught never to use it to attack people. 6 on 1, pure cowardice, no excuse for it.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Tapster said:



    Soda water is simply tap water with CO2 dissolved in it.


    Think back to the old days of soda siphons, for your whiskey and soda. you filled them up with tap water and added CO2 using a Sparklets gas canister.





    Club Soda: Club soda is plain water with added minerals and dissolved solids, usually sodium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, disodium phosphate, and—less commonly—plain ol’ sodium chloride.


    Club soda in the UK is often referred to as soda water. Carbonated water is sometimes refered to as sparkling water. Confusing, I know.

  12. 42 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Not very good racists though , as many of those "racists" have Wifes/Children that are a different race to them .

    How can you explain that ?

    Give it a go .

    "Racist" , people who dislike other races.................................married to someone of a different race hhhhmmmmm 

    Easy. They're also hypocrites. A bit like Kermit denouncing Europeans when he has a German wife.

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