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Posts posted by petemoss

  1. 15 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

    Downe is a quiet little village near Orpington in Kent. It may possibly have a local councillor or two.

    Part of the constituency of Orpington (no Asians there). Would be logical for him to stand as MP for Orpington as UKIP have contested this seat for several elections as did the National Front before them.


    Unfortunately for Farage, the seat has been held since the early '90s by Boris's brother Jo (ex Eton, Oxford and Bullingdon Club). Kermit would have no chance of winning the seat



  2. 1 minute ago, KhaoYai said:

    Do you understand English? How is that stating that the Muslim child grooming/raping gangs should have more right to UK Citizenship than Tommy Robinson does?


    Have you been smoking something you shouldn't have?


    Please read and re-read my post until you understand it or come back when you're sober.

    Check out his forum name. I think it more likely that he needs to come back when he's sane. Just a troll.

  3. 7 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

    The activities of the rape gangs were given very little attention in the media, they were more or less ignored.


    Politicians, the police, social services and the judiciary not to mention the media did their level best to sweep the whole matter under the carpet and did so for years until Robinson and others came along and shoved their spanners in the works.


    Imagine if gangs of Englishmen had been discovered to have been systematically drugging and raping thousands of Asian or black children for years! Such a thing is unimaginable because it would never happen.


    But because of their ethnicity the authorities and the media tried to put a lid on the whole matter of the 'grooming gangs'. Even the so called right leaning Daily Mail devoted more newsprint to the arrest of Robinson than it did to the actions of these raping gangs.


    However it did once say that one such gang had been jailed for a total of around 117 years. It omitted to say how many were in the gang.


    While the whole affair was going on the BBC barely mentioned it. The once respected and admired BBC is the organisation that runs the major British TV and radio network that we have to have to financially support by buying a licence if we want to watch TV and not get prosecuted and appear in court.

    Complete nonsense, it was a BBC documentary that first shed light on the depth of the problem, not Tommy "clickbait" Islam. He just jumped on the bandwagon for monetary gain.

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  4. 1 minute ago, mike787 said:

    Iran needs to be contained or removed from this earth to another planet all their own.  They contribute nothing but turmoil and hell for everyone.  If you feel so fond of Iran and compelled to rise to their defense, have you considered to support them financially or otherwise? 

    And which planet are you from?


    "They contribute nothing but turmoil and hell for everyone." I presume you base this opinion on Trump and Bolton's absurd and nonsensical jingoistic propaganda.

    • Like 2
  5. On 7/5/2019 at 2:23 AM, webfact said:

    U.S. national security adviser John Bolton said the British move was "excellent news."


    "America & our allies will continue to prevent regimes in Tehran & Damascus from profiting off this illicit trade," Bolton said on Twitter.


    Shipping data reviewed by Reuters suggests the tanker was carrying Iranian oil loaded off the coast of Iran, although its documents say the oil is from neighbouring Iraq.


    While Europe has banned oil shipments to Syria since 2011, it had never seized a tanker at sea. Unlike the United States, Europe does not have broad sanctions against Iran.


    "This is the first time that the EU has done something so public and so aggressive. I imagine it was also coordinated in some manner with the U.S. given that NATO member forces have been involved," said Matthew Oresman, a partner with law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman who advises firms on sanctions.


    22 minutes ago, bristolboy said:


    That tanker was seized for bringing oil to Syria. The seizure had nothing legally to do with the nuclear pact. 

    Not legally but everything to do with the pressure that the US is trying to put on Iran. Absolutely nothing to do with the sanctions on Syria, that was the excuse made in an attempt to keep it legal.


    Britain acted at the request of Bolton and his fellow warmongers. We used to have Blair as Bush's poodle, soon to have Johnson as Trump's poodle.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, BestB said:

    I do not believe US even considering foot invasion, but air and sea warfare.

    It would be huge mistake to send in foot troops, but i am not a war strategist, only my personal opinion and what sounds logical to me ????

    Air and sea power have a huge role to play in modern warfare and there's no doubt that the US would completely overpower Iran or any other country in that theatre, but you can't win a war without putting boots on the ground.

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