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Posts posted by petemoss

  1. 3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO it's the "foreign owners" that is at the root of this farce. Only Thais should be allowed to run bars offering prostitution.


    Over decades, I've watched the circus go on, but it seems to have entered a dark place recently.

    Could it be because most of the best lookers go on line now, instead of shuffling around a pole for hours every night, and the bars are losing customers at a great rate of knots?

    Undoubtedly TF and similar apps have had a part to play in the decline in quality. It's not the only reason though. TF itself has also suffered from a decline in quality. Young Thai women have more job opportunities than in the past and there is a definite trend for Thai women in general to become fatties. Also, bar work is relatively less lucrative than in the past, as customers decline and salaries for non P for P work increases.

  2. 8 minutes ago, vogie said:

    I borrowed spideys crystal ball for the day.


    Says the man who has the gall to say that people who believe in democracy are "right wing racists"


    "I borrowed spideys crystal ball for the day." Sorry, you've lost me there.


    "Says the man who has the gall to say that people who believe in democracy are "right wing racists""

    Where did I say this? Twisting people's words, as usual. You must have been to the "Donald Trump School of Debating". I said that Tommy Robinson, UKIP and the Brexit party are right wing racists. I am pro democracy but I'm neither right wing or a racist.

    • Confused 1
  3. Just now, vogie said:

    Brexit Party and UKIP are totally different, not the same, but it does give you the chance to introduce Tommy Robinson into your arguments.

    If you think that the Brexit Party won't do well at a GE, that is due to your wonderfull ability to predict the future, something that most remainers are extremely good at. Are you going to let us in to your little secret, do you dream it or is it your guardian angel that keeps you informed, it can't all be down to your crystal ball.????

    The new Brexit party is virtually identical to the old UKIP party, even have the same founder and leader. Please point out any substantive differences or are you yet again going to lambast somebody's post without a shred of evidence.


    Unlike Brexiteers, remainers use facts to support their argument. Did not many vocal supporters claim that UKIP were going to be s significant force in Parliament (as you have done with the Brexit party) only to see them not win even one seat in the following GE? History has a habit of repeating itself and I used that as my evidence. Where's your evidence?

    • Haha 2
  4. 2 hours ago, vogie said:

    And the Brexit Party on the subs bench.

    I remember people saying the same about UKIP when Kermit was their leader. Didn't win a single seat in the following GE. Well one, by a defecting Tory MP.


    Like the groundswell of opinion that was going to make Tommy Robinson the next PM. Absolutely destroyed in the Euro Elections. 2% of the vote.


    Populists (right wing racists) have very vocal supporters but they are actually small in number. Can do well with a protest vote (as in the Brexit Party in the Euros) but stand no chance of being elected in a GE.



    • Confused 1
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  5. 10 hours ago, Mark mark said:

    As the above smart guy points out, ..I also reckon that he is Chinese, ..Or "Thai Chinese" as they call them selves .... (In between assaulting young Waitresses or any one else deemed below them. .... sometimes including their own Family members, .... .... And making money of course ... )

    Thai Chin, as they say. Thai elite. A couple of Thai Chin family names...Shinawatra, Chan-o-cha.

  6. 9 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Please point out my "insults" - or are you just being dishonest in an attempt to ignore the point made in my post? ????


    I should of course report you for this deliberate lie, but it's probably better to let posters see the depths to which you are willing to descend.


    "Of course you would reduce yourself to the "pink unicorns" line as so many other remain posters have previously" Insult No:1 


    "continue with your made-up lies and assertions about brexiteers" insult No:2


    "as there's clearly no way you can discuss sensibly without resorting to insults" insult No:3


    "remainers made-up terms" Insult No:4


    As I said "pots and kettles" And, don't forget, you started with the insults. Brexiteers always do. You can dish it out but you can't take it.



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  7. 4 minutes ago, nauseus said:

    Attaboy! Just resort to Project Fear.

    Of course you would reduce yourself to the "Project Fear" line as so many other Brexit posters have previously .


    Please feel free to continue with your made-up lies and assertions about remainers, as there's clearly no way you can discuss sensibly without resorting to insults/Brexiteers made-up terms etc. etc......


    Big thanks to @dick dasterdly for the inspirational words.

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  8. 6 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

    Of course you would reduce yourself to the "pink unicorns" line as so many other remain posters have previously ????.


    Please feel free to continue with your made-up lies and assertions about brexiteers, as there's clearly no way you can discuss sensibly without resorting to insults/remainers made-up terms etc. etc......

    Read your own post. No replies to the facts that I gave, just a barrage of insults. Pots and kettles....

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  9. 30 minutes ago, Johnyo said:


    The UK is still in the EU because of Brexiteers not remainers. Blame the ERG who by the way as usual are hiding in the shadows and did not put one of their big mouths as a candidate for PM because they know they will be ousted for what they are, cheap second hand car salesman and charlatans.


    Do you really think that Boris and Gove aren't in the ERG?

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