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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. Open borders is silly? High inflation silly? How about inflation—silly to you? And rising crime in Americas biggest cities?
  2. Democrats love their octogenarian President. He could be ninety five with late stage dementia—they’d still support and defend him. Gotta admire their fortitude…
  3. Wife and I manage several of her rice farms. One farm located on an agricultural canal (I hate the word “ditch”). We pump in water at will. Next year we’ll push the water into anther of her farms. And the 3rd farm lies at the U-Turn of a new 4-lane divided Highway. Big win for her. Rice farming dovetails nicely with sailing season on the Gulf, so we look forward to the harvest. And we escape before the burning begins.
  4. Need an age limit for the Presidency. I suggest no older than 70 at inauguration. And that would solve the problem we have now.
  5. 81 million votes for Biden? Mail in voting. What could possibly go wrong?
  6. Doing their best to protect the farmers from inferior seed rice..
  7. When I used to ride the subway in NYC, I was often the tallest guy at 6’1” in a crowded car. Given the melting pot status (aka Sanctuary City) of major American cities, I’m not surprised by these results.
  8. And Laos has problems paying their Belt & Road debt. China will most likely have to restructure their debt. Gotta look benevolent to the neighbors.
  9. I wonder how many of the above posters make a concerted effort to avoid buying Chinese made goods…
  10. Glad you asked. In the last 24 hours USD/Baht has dropped from 34.82 to 34.60. Schadenfreude much?
  11. It’s true, the BRICs want to dedollarize. But to what? Digital currency? The Chinese Yuan? The Euro? Any change won’t happen overnight, if it happens at all. And yes, I think a Biden/Trump rematch won’t help America’s image.
  12. Strange—investors pull out of Thai stocks—and the Baht edges up a bit….
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