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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. Glad you asked. In the last 24 hours USD/Baht has dropped from 34.82 to 34.60. Schadenfreude much?
  2. It’s true, the BRICs want to dedollarize. But to what? Digital currency? The Chinese Yuan? The Euro? Any change won’t happen overnight, if it happens at all. And yes, I think a Biden/Trump rematch won’t help America’s image.
  3. Strange—investors pull out of Thai stocks—and the Baht edges up a bit….
  4. Some pundits have surmised that the President exited the wrong side of the platform—where they generally leave the teleprompter sandbags. And Biden has a habit of confusion before, during and after a speech.
  5. I wondered that myself. The heels look like horseshoes.
  6. We need age limits for the Presidency—65 seems reasonable. That would disqualify Biden and Trump—in that order.
  7. Sad to see, and he thinks he can go six years longer? No way. On the positive, at least he didn’t land on his head and pass out. That would put Kamala in charge…
  8. Many age gap marriages and relationships here in Thailand. Nothing unusual.
  9. On a Hinckley Bermuda sailboat—at various warm water ports.
  10. Not that far if you live in southern Isaan. I would know—since I make the trip often. And we have no Russians or Chinese up here.
  11. It still does—stunning women, quiet lifestyle, lower cost of living. And coastal areas only a few hours away.
  12. Not known what actual dosage the victim took. He might have started with one Viagra—nothing happened, and then another, and then a half. And the bargirl may have provided the pills, which may help explain her disappearance at his death.
  13. Isaan sailor

    Thai beef

    We make the trip to Sakon Nakhon several times a year to stock up on Pon Yang Kham Thai beef. They even have a restaurant on site where you can order different cuts. And the butcher shop will cut steaks to order.
  14. Tourism will depend on several factors—exchange rates, pollution (both air and beaches), and perceived safety.
  15. Go ahead and ride the NYC subway at night—see if you can prove your point.
  16. I visit NYC every year, most recently last October. The Subway was running but at night ridership was way down—compared to my last visit. Noticeable drop in women riders, too. Alvin Bragg’s revolving door for criminals has New Yorkers on edge. And now the Biden illegals are filling up hotels. I love New York and will continue to visit—but cabs and Ubers at night. Such a shame what’s happened there.
  17. If crime is really overhyped in Democrat-run cities (with progressive DA’s) why not visit or take your next vacation in Baltimore, Chicago, New York, St Louis Milwaukee, Philadelphia or SanFran and LA? I’ve traveled to all—and in many parts I’d fear to tread. And these same cities will get more and more illegals bussed or flown in.
  18. Yup, USD down, Baht up. Interest rates in US now 5+%. Interest rates in Thailand—around 2%.. I’ve given up trying to make sense of it all.
  19. Thailand is a net exporter of rice. Be careful what you wish for, ONWR. My Thai wife is a rice farmer/manager—you don’t want to get on her short side…
  20. Same, same. Plant rice, hope for the best.
  21. Loved the “nasty person” comment. And so did the audience. Gotta wonder—did Biden get a standing ovation at the introduction to his CNN Town Hall?
  22. With falling approval numbers, Biden needs some new supporters, it seems.
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