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Isaan sailor

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Everything posted by Isaan sailor

  1. Correct. No one on the ground ever noticed the previous three, and no one in the previous administration heard of it. And none of those alleged incursions crossed diagonally through the US. In fact, the this information was leaked only after the current balloon entered US airspace. Now this sure sounds like deflection.
  2. I cancelled my health insurance last fall, and not looking back. Tired of jacked premiums every year, very high deductibles and exclusions. Self insured now, and can add to funds each year. Have enough to cover major surgeries plus ICU.
  3. I see tip boxes at Immigration and at Amazon. No doubt other places in LoS have them.
  4. Absolutely right. The best thing we had as kids was our bicycle—because it meant great freedom, pick up team sports and adventure. We knew enough to be home for dinner by sundown. In winter, we’d go sledding and skiing until dark. Didn’t know too many fat kids…
  5. I suspect a large percentage of the toxins in the air we now breathe come from the world’s biggest polluter.
  6. Gotta love their logic: The currency rises—so more and more will come….yeah, right.
  7. Remain in Thailand, to help support my Thai wife. But with a rising Baht, I worry that I’ll have to go back home and work again.
  8. On the positive side, we’re pretty good tippers, according to those in the tourist and entertainment industries. And some of us have educations, good writing and speaking skills, and can be considered soft-spoken. And we don’t all wear sleeveless shirts.
  9. Joe Biden’s on FB, so why not? Not sure about Hunter Biden, though.
  10. Do they really want to up the odds with millions of Chinese tourists? Absolutely.
  11. How about enticing Western tourists? Oh, that’s right—traders have already decimated western currencies…
  12. With the Baht so high Social Security’s 8%+ raise in January means we’re actually making less money now, than we did last Sept/Oct when USD/TB hit 38+. It really makes you wonder—who did this, and why?
  13. Thanks for posting. Need some humor, especially after viewing currencies.
  14. Rising Baht will put an end to, or at least crimp foreign investment, just saying…
  15. Not exactly. In America, you can check a gun and ammunition in your luggage when flying domestically. The gun must be properly stored in a lockable case, and you must declare it and show your valid gun license at check in.
  16. A rapidly rising Baht would accomplish this—discourage tourism and reduce exports. We’re both right—depends on which side of the telescope you look through.
  17. Brilliant strategy—jack the Baht up. That will stimulate the economy…NOT.
  18. We often take ferries in Thailand. My wife insists on packing a life jacket in the back seat. Now I may do the same.
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