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Everything posted by IvorBiggun2

  1. Monkey see, monkey do. Is that racist?
  2. What's the point? The police have the same intellect as the people they are trying to police. The schools around here only get traffic control in the morning. In the afternoon it's then look out for yourselves. I'm surprised that when the police do school patrols they don't place a broken tree branch prior to the school crossing. It works for lorry breakdowns.
  3. Just for Worgeordie. Best Brit stand up comedian.
  4. Just finished watching the first episode of 'Slow Horses'. Brilliant. I hope it stays that way?
  5. I never realised 'agents were legal' at immigration offices. Didn't 'The Big Joke' at one time put a ban on all agents from IO's?
  6. I find that hard to believe. In the years I've been doing extensions I've never had an IO sit and do a comparison check on the documents/photos used the year before. May be it's just me?
  7. Joint bank accounts is the way to go if it's only monies and only the two of you. I can't understand the need for lawyers etc. I have 3 biological children here with my wife. Any monies I want them to have after my passing can be sorted by the wife. Some people seem to be making mountains out of molehills employing lawyers.
  8. How do they know they are the same as last year? When you do your application there is nothing to indicate the old photo's are on file. At Buriram IO they also make me, dunno if it's a general rule, show my children's birth certificates and a photo of all 3 of them together. I just give them their old photos.
  9. Not that I condone the use of agents but many up here in Isaan use Pattaya agents.
  10. Well how come Thailand has one of the highest road deaths listings per year. What a silly statement to make.
  11. They'd surely have to issue one prior to a court case?
  12. No need. My wife just carries on with the joint account as if I'm still here. She's been doing my/our annual money transfer with her Debit Card for a few years now. I could have died 10 years ago but they still don't refuse payment cuz my wife does the annual transfer. Same applies in Thailand. Joint bank accounts and she makes the withdrawals. No need for wills etc. Just joint bank accounts if you have a stable relationship.
  13. In the event of my death there really is no need to inform the bank as my wife can carry on making withdrawal's. She has her own Debit Card. She can make withdrawal's with that in Thailand or she can transfer via 'Wise'
  14. Do you have trouble understanding? In the video I have vision for way more than that but how to you account for someone unseen coming out of a side road? Of course you'd have seen him. ????
  15. To be honest I thought he was gonna stick to the right hand lane like they usually do and cross over when he's checked for vehicle in the left lane. Normal practice here but this loon was on a death wish.
  16. It's an example of what the natives get up to. A one legged man riding a motorcycle, no license, no insurance, no brains add what you will.
  17. Please watch the video. it will help. Start from 4 minutes in please. A Thai guy at just after 4 minutes comes out of a junction to my right. He only looks at the last minute but continues to cross over to get in front of me. The accident was unavoidable on my part, I wasn't speeding and I wasn't DWI. If you look carefully whilst the guy is collecting himself, post collision, you'll see he's flicking his right leg. The leg/foot that operates the brakes. He has/had no right leg. It was a prosthetic one. He shouldn't have been out on the motorcycle. He had no insurance etc etc. Okay the police turn up and an ambulance and off he goes to hospital with minor injuries. The police take my details and I go home. Just after arriving home I got a visit from my insurance agent. I told him I had the accident on dash cam just before a police officer arrived and told me to report to the station. So off I go along with the insurance agent. I was directed to a room for what I assumed was for an interview. I entered into another world. The place was filled with the mans family. It looked like party time. I thought this is all done and dusted and I'm done for. I assumed the one legged man had already been interviewed. I had no one to speak on my behalf except the insurance man. Now I'm bricking it as obviously the family were looking to compensation. The insurance agent had taken a copy of the above video before we went to the station and he asked if the officer could take a look at it along with family members. Once that had been done the one legged man was asked to go out the room. His family was then spoken to. They were told that the man was not to ride a motorcycle anymore. The police were going to level a 13 hundred Baht fine on him but due to him being poor they waived it. I was allowed to go, no charges. I didn't come out of it Scot Free even though I was the innocent party. I lost the use of my car for 2-3 weeks and had to pay for fluids that were used in the repair. <deleted> Thais and the way they take reasonability for their actions on their roads.
  18. Cuz I am a foreigner and treated as one by the Thais. Watch the video in my next post.
  19. There is no evidence that he was DWI. Stop spouting tosh. Until the police publish their results everything is speculation. Robblok check your English.
  20. When was it proven the family of 4 were the victims of an accident?
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