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Posts posted by dimitriv

  1. 16 hours ago, Pib said:

    Speed a person gets can vary "greatly"....repeat, greatly..


    It can of course vary.  But the problem with True is that you can have a FULL 4G signal on your phone, but not a single bit of data is coming in. And that in the centre of Bangkok. Resetting the phone doesn't help. Again a full signal, but even Whatsapp doesn't work. For me it seems that True has big problems in their network.


    I never experienced something similar with AIS. 



  2. That's very typical for True mobile. You can have a full 4G signal, but no speed at all. Sometimes not even enough to send a Whatsapp.


    If they cut you off you will lose your number too, also for incoming calls.  If you have no contract you can try to transfer your number to another provider.


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  3. 9 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam...) got much better results than others (Western Europe, USA, Brazil...)


    2 different kind of viruses...  


    9 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    and yet the latter had more time to prepare than the former because they were hit by the virus later...


    You can even say that the experiences of countries with the first type were misleading for countries who had to deal with the second type. I can even remember that at the beginning of this year it was clear that the virus was not transmissible from person to person.



  4. 5 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    This is the usual mistake: conflating the subject and the author.


    It's like if you said that one can't complain about a surgeon who just messed up an intervention, because one couldn't do better. 


    I am not a government, not even a small part of one.


    So there is no reason for me to do better than political leaders, no more than there are reasons for them to perform better than me in my (former) professional specialty.




    A surgeon studied 10+ years to be a surgeon. You can expect that he does his job well.


    No political leader studied to fight Covid virusses. It's something new for everybody. Nobody was prepared. The only thing you do is sitting behind your computer blaming people without having a solution yourself, and without being able to do it better yourself.




  5. 40 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

    Western governments were caught with their pants down, and messed up badly when it came to dealing with the pandemic.


    Would you have been better prepared if you had been part of such a government? You saw this coming and you were prepared for this situation?


    Certainly mistakes have been made in my home country. But I am convinced they did their best.



  6. In Bangkok I see some condo's for 25% less than before.  Not all, there are now big differences in the same building. It seems some people are desperate, others not. I also see more flexibility with contracts. First you always got a 1 year contract, now 3, 6, 9 months is also possible for the same monthly term.





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