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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. I believe you did and then posted a link and the loons were not at the capital originally they were at the rally. You need to stop cherry picking facts that suit your claims. Use all the facts or none and stop posting nonsense
  2. I never said I ignored anything so keep your comments accurate.. Try reading up on the trials and convictions of the people involved in the insurrection. They were not just a few troublemakers involved that found lacks security as you stated. Several group even got guided tours of tge capital by gop staffers ahead of time. There were organized group, Proud boys, oath keepers and a number of other groups. Its all out there on the internet. since your so found of googling and cherry picking your info im sure you can find it.
  3. So much for your claim that trumps 1 sentence in his speech calling for a peaceful protest had any effect after stirring up the crowd or was even heard
  4. You really don't know what your talking about. Theres plenty of facts about what happened, not just therories as you like to claim.. Keep reading and you might get the real picture.
  5. I get the family dynamics as i deal with that constantly. I just keep my mouth shut as much as possible and do my own stuff.. You need to do a full soil test to determine what is the best fertilizer mix to use. Im in NST in the south and the soil is sandy and holds no nitrogen as it just wash away and irrigation well water is too acidic. If they were replanted in the last 2 to 3 years expect about 30% to die and need to be replanted. Fertilizer, grass cutting and pruning suckers off for the first 4 or 5 years is an ongoing process just to get to the point of starting to cut for rubber milk around year 7 or so. Find a trusted cutter so they don't rip you off as they collect the rubber milk at night and take it to market. They work on a set $ % of what is produced.
  6. no you actually didnt answer anything other than pointing out your cherry picked 1 sentence and then tried to deny anything else leading up to the event or after and act like those didnt occur by deflecting and complaining about the facts being pointed out to you. Is it time for you to take your ball and run home to mommy? maybe she'll give you a participation award even though you didnt.
  7. Biden is one of several options. The incumbent is always "included" unless they decide not to run. You and no one else knows who will actually run for either party at this point. you really dont know much about US politics and the election process do you?
  8. Do a soil test to determine what you have already in the soil and ph of it. Rubber tree farming is a money pit and time suck (unless you do everything yourself which is almost impossible) and few make any real income anymore as this crop has outlived the economic times were it was significant. My family has about 30 rai and they barely break even when accounting for everything, but refuse to admit it! The latest trend in the south is palm for oil and so many farmers are zwit hungry thus year tge handwriting is on the wall for that
  9. I replied to your post just like you did. you have no answer to my reply so you deflect as a way around the issue which is not a new raft of claims but the same incident except i didn't cherry pick 1 sentence and claim nothing else was said or done to cause the situation. . There's plenty of proof. Google it and there's more than enough proof but that would show how pathetic and inaccurate your statements are. The only boring thing is reading the useless post you made
  10. You can pay for access to a Qatar lounge although its not considered business class.
  11. Im well aware of what he said or when, the question was for you. None of that erases or excuses the actions for months leading up to the rally nor any of his speech inciting the crowd to physically go to the capital during the rally or his ignoring the actions during the rioting and storming of the capital. He was well aware from his advisors the temperature of the crowd and there actions when they arrived at the capital.. Nor does it excuse his ignoring pleas from both parties physically trapped in the capitol or his advisors in the Whitehouse, including his daughter. If you think this one sentence does excuse all his other words and lack of action you may want to check your moral compass.
  12. yeah his 1 sentence was lost due to his hour long urging and incitement to go to the capital and fight the election results and take back the country. And exactly when during the speech or during the day did he make his "peaceful" plea???????
  13. Last time I check its an option available to every state, it's called the 14th amendment of the Constitution and was written specifically to guide the country. Enforcing the constitution isnt considered judicial interference. 4 of the 6 people that introduced this for review and judgement were republicans which counters your earlier claims it's liberal, or snowflakes or democrats. The shear poll number of republicans that favor the ruling should be an easily viewable signal its not a one sided political tactic. But then trumpettes and the media wouldnt have a story to tell if its not presented as a violation thats political in nature if trump broke the law then he broke the law and being held accountable is exactly what should happen. if it would happen to you or me and we broke the law then we would be held accountable regardless of political party. As it stands he is disqualified in Colorado but only him not the whole republican party so not sure where your comment on 1 whole party being removed is coming from. If it were a democrat or liberal or tea party candiate it would only affect that person that broke the law not the whole party. Do a bit more research.
  14. your correct you have nothing of substance to offer so You started claiming it's a "liberal" issue or it's "snowflakes" that have " virtue signaling" as a way to try to deflect just like you are now. You cant offer a lucid response so you try to deflect.
  15. Your post makes no sense nor is it in any way accurate. You cant even explain your thinking in sentences that make any sense. What "new" law are you referring to? What part of the system has been "rigged". Your just another trumpette by the sounds of your comments. What virtue signal (wtf does that even mean) are you referring to, following the constitution? You dont even know who is running yet. This lawsuit was presented by 6 people, 4 were Republicans looking for truth and honesty in politics and polls show even a high % of republicans are in favor of the current ruling.
  16. And the unspoken fact that of the 6 people that brought theoriginal lawsuit 4 were Republicans looking to "bring honesty back to politics".
  17. Has nothing to do with liberals to remove an opponent, classic non defensive statement when you have nothing else to defend a POS.
  18. This has nothing to do with liberals and only about an a$$wipe that thinks he's above everyone. More cases are pending in other states about this issue and there's now some precedent being set. People still using the label snowflake are equal pathetic in their defense of this narcissistic POS and don't have any legitimate defense so you resort to those labels to deflect that.
  19. Never said hate your guts. Just call out your bs posts that's all. Your not required to read my replies. But you post in a public forum then you get replies. Don't post if you don't like what people reply
  20. Oh well in that case its suppose to be ok? Not hardly
  21. flying with the Wright Bros doesn't count as there were no license' back then
  22. Unfortunately it didn't affect everyone in the same manner as you. Covid vaccines were not meant to prevent catching covid, it was to lessen the affects and impact
  23. I understood your comment. I was pointing out it wouldnt work as most thais don't use any gutter system. The are available easily, thais just don't see the need for them so it would be a dead end unfortuneately
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