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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. More trumpette whining with the same bs excuses and blind to the facts of what a slimey POS trump is. Probably doesn't matter anyway as he's very close to getting eliminated from being able to run anyway due to his involvement and actions in the Jan 6th debacle.
  2. Or just get a Tourist visa that gives you 60 days and 1 extension of 30 days for 1900 baht. OP didn't indicating a long stay planned, just 45 days plus 30 day extension
  3. The 45 day for visa exempt entry was part of the covid reaction and ended quite some time ago.
  4. I dont condone this type of punishment at all but is it likely this girl actually developed rhabdomyolysis from 100 squat jumps???? Isnt it a fairly rare condition that requires fairly severe injury to develop?????
  5. The UK man you referenced was being scammed from a phishing email for the 10k and not from the embassy. Tourist visas are fairly easy to obtain as long as you have the appropriate info required. I've never understood the few that post how difficult it is to get a tourist visa
  6. Based on the sparce info list it sounds like you were working under the company thats in dispute but your wp is listed under a different company. If that's the case you were working without a wp.
  7. If they're dumping untreated waste water onto the land the smell maybe be the least of their concerns as the toxins are most likely leaching into the underground aquifer and can produce a variety of health issues.
  8. Yes but I think she's not thai but from another nation.....imagination
  9. A person holding a cup out hardly qualifies for being harassed for money. You did what everyone else did and just walked by. They didn't follow you or hang on your leg. Self importance and entitlement seem to be your theme for the day. Did you spit on them as you walked by ?
  10. You may have some serious issues if that's what you got out of the article and video. Are you that guys mentor?
  11. It wasn't just a conversation, or just trying to get her number, the guy grab her and groped her. You would know that if you read the whole story.
  12. Police orders are used (issued) for clarification, notification and enforcement of existing regulation with associated divisions within Thailand. I don't believe they can actually create or generate new regulations as they must work with the general guidelines of regulation under the constitution. But if that's how you read it thats fine. This is a circular discussion that's happened on multiple post on this forum. I'm done as its going nowhere but in circles.
  13. Again he has no standing at all to propose anything in his current role of if he were promoted within the police ranks as MOI controls immigration and the regulations. So for you to continue to speculate that he does or will is not accurate. He like most officials in many dept in Thailand constantly comment on issues outside their area as a way to show "power and importance". So unless he is promoted into the MOI he's just talking about his opinion. No need to continue to try to trumpet this as an anticipated change. If any change is coming you'll here about it from an appropriate official.
  14. Not sure why you continue to include this statement in your posts as its not an accurate statement and to my knowledge hasn't been mentioned by any official that does have authority to make a change. As discussed in one of your previous posts he has no authority to change the amount of money required. He made a comment about it but that's all he can do. The MOI controls the monetary aspect and regulations for visas and was pointed out by a number of posters to you so to include this can be confusing to others that are not aware of who controls this issue.
  15. The TM6 isnt required or issued for International flights any longer although still used on border entries if I remember correctly, hence the confusion on needing one or not.
  16. They cant answer any of those questions as PT has not explained how they intend to fund this pledge or any other details about the promise to provide this money
  17. Those are all issues an investor takes or should take into consideration when the decide to buy a property as a rental investment. if they dont do their homework and dont know the market its their own fault and no one elses. But that's no excuse to try to justify keeping a deposit or claiming they are shorted somehow because they pay an agent to manage the property.
  18. Read your own posting and remove your emotions and feelings for a minute and see what her behavior is. There is more going on that's hidden from you for some reason. She's young and not in the same place if she really is a student and you are not. There are some big red flags here and even if they are truly honest, does her behavior make you feel good or causing you to question the relationship and what's going on? She's probably not gonna change. Can you go on feeling like this for the future. The smile and laugh are a dime a dozen in Thailand as are honest girls that dont have these red flags. If you ask her to explain and she cant talk to you about it then the writing is on the wall. The question is can you admit it for what it is.
  19. There is no coincident in that the ratios are the same. Sorry that you cant see the connection and consistency across the board that Thailand has built in to prevent selling the country to foreign entities. I gave you the reasoning but I guess it doesnt suit your view. Not sure why you feel it offers a measure of control to developers as it actually the opposite. It doesnt matter at ths point as you've made up your mind on lack of reasoning and thats fine. Im done discussing this as you keep going in a circle. have a great day
  20. Its all connected that's why its relevant. I'm not saying I agree with it but you can't pull one issue out of the mix without affecting all the other areas. If you could it would be easier to change if Thailand wanted to.
  21. Saying a landlord only receives 11 months rent in your example is not the complete story. Most landlords factor the cost of the commission paid to agents into the rental calculations as a cost of doing business. So while they may only receive 11 payments they have not lost anything by paying the agent , its passed along to the renter in the monthly payments
  22. Unfortunately you cant separate the laws for only 1 aspect to benefit from it and not affect all the other associated areas as they are all connected. I can understand your thinking as the condo issue may only be the area you deal with but you asked the question.
  23. I believe my comment was a question and not a statement but thanks for clarifying the change as I knew something had changed.
  24. So of i understand your logic, they have rental regulations but you think there noone to contact if the regulations are violated? You're also saying that the agent who's job it is to market and manager a rental after finding a client can not discuss the contract with the owner that he has to talk to and notify he has a rental for the condo. An escrow account isn't something that was just invented yesterday. The banks will know how to set it up or at worse a lawyer.
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