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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Another story headline full of nothing. Being photoed or video bombed while at a open event hardly constitutes partying together. The reporters that conjure up headlines and stories out of nothing just for clicks should really learn how to be a reporter or find another job.
  2. Confirming information on a story like this is everyday reporting everywhere in the world except here. I never said anything about digging into every minute detail of the case but getting basic facts have nothing to do with defamation or LM laws. This is just the typical thai news reporting, grab whatever comments anyone has to say, thrown together with guessing, opinions and speculation, add a distorted Headline and throw it up on the wire. Its often (political) propaganda and not much more
  3. While investigative reporting as your link illustrates is certainly a dangerous job there is a big difference in that and gathering facts for everyday stories as this one is and not using sensationilized comments, rumor and replies from unconnected sources as facts.
  4. This situation is typical Thai news reporting. Mostly speculation by various officials, many not connected to the actual events but presented as facts by the news agencies. The ongoing speculation used to gain media attention by using sensationalized headlines and half stories by the news agencies never stops and follow up investigation by news agencies is almost always non existent.. It was already reported that the couple suspected police involved that report to BJ were already known and under investigation some 2 weeks ago and it wasn't all 30 of the current suspects referenced in this latest reporting. It was reported the BJ owned all 5 houses but the facts appear to be that those other houses were not owned by him and registered to an unnamed source although may not be included in the search warrant. The reporting about the search warrant for the house was for BJ's house but not for the houses where the already known suspects lived which was part of the issue for BJ to question the search as his address was on the warrant but not the known suspects. It was reported that the money trail lead to BJ in a couple of the stories and unnamed sources but already published reports by the Cyber Crime division conducting the investigation show the money trail lead to the few people already suspected of involvement. They were part of his "team" but the trail did not lead to BJ but that was used as part of the supporting info to gain a search warrant. Is he involved, who knows but there are plenty of holes in these stories and the lack of quality news reporting and investigation into providing facts for those stories allows for questionable claims by all sides.
  5. Call 5 Star Chicken and see if you can open a stand
  6. You constantly recommend them as a source to get a throw away ticket. I just qualified them for those that aren't familiar and just follow whatever is posted here as if its fact
  7. I think its more trying to find an excuse on why the numbers are low and not returning to pre-covid levels as fast as the country would like. Interesting how all the issues that are claimed to be false actually happen, not only to the Chinese but by the chinese
  8. I was referring to the comment about onwardflight.com and added that to my response. Many real airlines and brokers allow canceling a ticket within 24 hours. Rent a ticket sites aren't real airlines
  9. Stepping away to buy a onwardflight.com ticket only works if its during business hours and the office is open. After hours you cant get the ticket until the office is open again. Just happened to me this week.
  10. 4 that have gotten caught or you heard about. Don't kid yourself there's plenty of skeletons in the Thai closet you never hear about, past and present.
  11. where were the wives and family members around these abusive situations and deaths. You cant physically abuse 5 children until they die without some sign of the abuse. Did they just turn a blind eye to what this POS was doing? This story is awful and while those other people may not have done the torture, I'm not sure how they could have stood by and allowed this to go on without saying or doing something.
  12. You chose where you go, where you live, what you eat. Its your life to control. If its that bad for you why are you here, you can leave anytime to find your paradise.
  13. Its not so no reason to play what if just to support a poor attitude about life here
  14. you're still here so it cant be that bad or you have no where else to go. Not sure what your going on about 300% increase? Perhaps you should look in the mirror to solve your problems as you bring them on yourself.
  15. go with thicker wall for drain which has 2 benefits. avoids sagging in longer runs and also holds up better if you ever have to snake out the drain as it wont punch out the pipe.
  16. going to you tube for your facts is the first problem.
  17. Replacing the PP doesnt make a ED visa\stamp disappear. IMM has a full record of all your history.
  18. I wrote it was suspicious I never said she had a hand in killing him Hung is the correct past tense. Hanged is past tense if you were sentenced to death by hanging
  19. You need to review your condo documents to see how they classify the balcony. It may be listed as your property or common area with exclusive use (of you) or Master Element property. Condo docs and management in Thailand is poor in this respect in many condo buildings. Typically (in the USA) you only own and are responsible for internal wall to wall and floor to ceiling and any piping that is your exclusive use meaning serving you. Piping that is enters and exits your condo and is shared, main drain lines, fire safety, main gas supply etc are common elements before and after they enter or exit your condo. Balconies can be common element for your exclusive use, which gets into a grey area or Master element like windows, roof and exterior walls. Based on your description of it being a balcony floor drain it should be the condo master entity and they are responsible but no guarantees.
  20. No contradiction. Your not required to wait if you have a green light,, you have Right Of Way. That was a rhetorical statement not a claim of error on her part. Learn to read. You're ignoring the video you took the screen shot from. The video clearly shows the light was red well before the car entered the intersection. But that doesnt fit your victim blaming which you are absolutely doing with no proof, only your guess because she got hit in the intersection so she must be at fault. Your position is very poor without any facts just your opinion to back it up. Don't bother replying as I have no more to say to you on this as we won't agree since your using no facts just a slanted opinion and a guess. Your a very sad person blaming the victim.
  21. He just needs to follow there direction on validating he's the same person. Pretty standard. If he doesn't he could well just get a 30 day stamp on arrival
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