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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Despite what one of the old bitter commenters wrote yes you can make it but lifestyle changes may be in order. I say that as you really havent given a lot of detail\background and other than many being noisy its not needed. There is no required self-insured option although healthcare is required (expensive) depending on the visa you get. Cost of living is much cheaper in Thailand so with planning it shouldn't be a problem although you wont live like a king it can be quite comfortable. I would make a plan to feel out everything before making anything permanent selling out completely in AU or in buying a house etc here until you see how your relationship is fairing. Then you can adjust as you need or see fit.
  2. You need to brush up on legal definitions and where you get them and how you read them.
  3. None of this has anything to do with a passport or whats being debated so you failed again
  4. Your confusing what right of abode means with a legal authority and documentation of Right of Abode for an alien residing in a country so throwing other data in doesn't make it correct. None of these items listed has anything to do with a passport. You need to study your law courses a bit more. Im done with this topic.
  5. Im not the one that went off on a tangent, that would be BritTim and his insistence about a Right of Abode which had nothing to do with E-visa applications and I pointed that out and he keep on it. Its called an open forum. So if it was End of it why are you commenting now ?
  6. Its great it is accepted and as I never said you can't. If immigration accepts it it doesn't change that the pp is not to show residence as you claim but citizenship and identity
  7. I stand by my statements as I posted them. As it shows I never said you cant use it but legally it's not proof. Thats not the purpose of a PP no matter how you use it or if accepted or not. If they accept a tampon wrapper all the better but that doesn't magically turn a tampon wrapper into a proof or residency.
  8. Sorry that a lack of moral compass irritates you. Have a good day with yourself.
  9. I believe you need to go back and read what I wrote and not misquote what I said. I never said anything you wrote here in this reply. My opinion is the same as it was in the beginning. What you wrote is a distortion of Rights of Abode. I never said you couldn't use any document that they would accept, in fact that was one of my first posts, they accept a variety of documents for the Residence Question. If you bothered to check you will find the legal definition is a PP is a validation of Citizenship and Identification, other rights are from birth in the country. I never said you can't use it, I was correcting your statement on Rights of Abode. It does not define you are in resident in any location, ie; most of the expats that live here. I also never quoted time in country, house ownership or tax status. This is very close to gaslighting.
  10. I think your really starting to cloud a simple issue for people reading this thread and trying to understand the E-Visa System. You explanation of Right of Abode is out of context for applying for a visa.
  11. Not sure what you mean by "Right of Abode". It typically means you are not a citizen and have no PP for the country you live in but are allowed to live there. PP verifies citizenship and identification and not residency even if its accepted for that.
  12. He's been seen regularly in a variety of location. Mostly at F1 races worldwide. Its easy to move around when there's no Red Notice open for him
  13. As I said you can submit a variety of documents and most are accepted. No guarantee on that though. FYI a passport doesn't prove residence either although is accepted in most cases. A PP is proof of citizenship and identification not residency. Let the debate start
  14. Thats bs. I have 3 daughters and 6 grandchildren. If any if them killed someone I would stand by them and support them the best I could but would never lie or cover up what they had done. Most real parents wouldn't either. If you say you would lie in this situation then maybe thats the real root of the problem and you need to check your moral compass.
  15. In the USA the evisa system accepts a variety of statements showing address, bank statement, current drivers license, utility bill, pension payment. mortgage statement, etc. I presume it would be the same in the UK
  16. Great that the arrested these two and get them off the street. Its a shame they don't do the same when the teacher is a Thai.
  17. Don't be so dramatic. You asked question and got basic answers. The rest is on you
  18. No because she already tried to claim cosmetic surgery was the cause of the photo mismatch. Opps
  19. The heat is coming of the coils which are like a huge radiator. There is a fan inside the circulates the outside and blows it thru the coils to remove the heat. No chemicals involved outside. There is fluid\gas inside the tubing in the coils that circulate into the inside unit when a fan there blow air across the cooled coils Some bldg have a huge mechanical room and they use whats called chiller units. It cools water or fluid and they pump that around the bldg to provide cooling from the units inside the condo and\or in the common areas. Its like a huge ac for the whole bldg
  20. Seems you don't know much about AC units. They don't blow chemicals or anything extra when they run. They pump refrigerant in a closed loop from the inside unit to the outside unit. The outside unit just blows outside air across the coils to remove the heat coming off the coil produced by creating cool inside air. Unless you have a really higher end unit they typically don't exhaust the inside air. The outside unit has to sit somewhere and since its a condo they have to sit on property that's part of the condo unit itself. The exterior walls, windows and roof are not owned by the condo owner but the master entity of the building so you can't mount them there. As for the ones you don't see they are hidden or the whole building is using a different type of cooling system.
  21. It doesnt say but implies she was arrested at immigration as they stated that the PP picture only matched at 30% of the facial recognition picture which is at Immigration. They also say they checked the airline and they showed the PP name she was trying to use was not on the flight manifest from leaving China.
  22. Fairly obvious she was trying to hide her whereabouts. The reason is still a mystery though. Probably will find out there's some trouble brewing in China thats about to come and say hello to her.
  23. Dan O

    Head or Heart.

    Hard decision to make but you have to weigh all the factors pro and con and make the choice thats best. You don't mention how long your together with the lady or the deciding factors of why your not going back. If its due to advanced age, have you thought of bringing her with you? Plus for her going as she knows you and could (I hope) help take care of you.
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