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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. I "paraphrased" what he said and that is what he was saying and implying until he was immediately corrected and stopped by Dr Birx. Your comment about disinfectants killing the virus on the surface is what triggered his reply if you actually saw the press conference. I watched the briefing so I didnt pull this from social media or other sources. Its not about me being right in this instance, my comments are showing how ridiculous the context of this whole discussion about how "people" deceived them with misstatements, poor communication and statements taken out of context. Almost every mis-statement I know of on both sides were corrected quickly and were not long lived and on going as implied by some posters. there was plenty of accurate info on both sides of the situation available. So take your own advice and dont be a aggressive keyboard warrior.
  2. No one is trying to scare you and thats an pretty immature reply. Do what you want. Your OP asked could you have problem at entry based on your history. Im just relaying info to the question. Plenty of sources available to you to show the facts. Can they stop you even with a visa, yes. Will they, probably not but no idea until you do it but better to know the exposure and be prepared. As I and others already suggested to you, have all the proper paperwork and be prepared to show financials if they ask. Maybe not bother to post asking for input if you've already made up your mind on what the outcome is since your circumstances are "special".
  3. Trump discussed it in a press briefing and was immediately corrected by Fauci and Dr Birx. Get your facts straight . He made the comments about using UV light and disinfectants to treat covid in his press conference. Biden comment of trumps comments in a later press release.
  4. its the same for all visas. a visa does not guarantee you can enter, its a authorization to travel to the country in a given category. entry is up to Imm at point of entry. do your homework or stop trolling for your version of what you want to hear. its not my rules its thailand's as well as the rest of the world. If the imm thinks your abusing the system they can stop you regardless of your stamps and visa. Google might help you see the truth or you can keep blindly believing whatever you want, i dont really care.
  5. Show the link to where this collage was pled from. where's the date and context those statements were made in, oh there missing. Easy to cherry pick info from social media and alt right websites that regularly post false and distorted information out of tge true original context. Lots of generalized quotes pulled from random discussions taken out of context of the conversations and the times they were made. Pre-release of the vaccines lots of commentary on what they would or wouldn't do with the qualifier they didn't have all the data yet.. There was plenty of credible info avail pro and con covid vaccines when they were released. You control what you do and where you get info from. If you choose alt sources, social media or don't do your research its on you. How much bleach did you drink, inhale or inject as Trump recommended? How did that go for you? I'm interested to know since your claiming you were deceived by others on the vaccine because "people" said to do it. Im sure others would like to know your experience too.
  6. Lots of people said lots of things from politicians to social media. Most all tge medical community did not make those claims. Did you drink, inhale or inject bleach when Trump recommended that ? How did that go for you? He was immediately corrected by his medical advisors right?
  7. 1 of many links that answers the question. Do some research and you get your answer https://www.legal.co.th/resources/visa-immigration-law/thailand-immigration-law/does-visa-provide-guaranteed-entry-thailand/
  8. I agree people should use their own intelligence along with qualified medical input to make medical decisions which is what I said. I never once said you or anyone should get any vaccine nor did I say I'm pro or anti vaccine. I said do your own research and make an informed decision. If you listen to the wrong person, social media, politicians etc. for medical advice who's really to blame if you dont like your decision after the fact?
  9. Last time I needed medical advice I went to the doctor not social media or politicians
  10. Check what was published by the medical community not your memory, social media, or politicians. Biden isn't a doctor, scientist or part if the medical community
  11. Biden isn't a doctor nor a scientist nor did he work any medical establishment
  12. The authority of Imm Officers to have the discretion to deny entry has come up several times and some seem to feel they have no ability to use discretion and by exercising their authority it automatically means they are rogue or on a power trip.
  13. if you bother to research any information on Covid vaccines you'll find they aren't claimed to stop contraction of covid but to lessen the effects and reduce impacts, hospitalization and deaths. Just like Flu vaccines dont stop you from getting the flu as flu and covid both mutate into new and different strains on a very regular basis, some more resistant than others. Do your homework and make an informed choice.
  14. Depending on your visa history you've had over the last 3 years, yes you could well have questions about your real reasons to stay and your source of income to support yourself. I would be prepared to show available money and answer questions.
  15. Thats correct, having a visa is not a guarantee of entry, its a right to travel to that country to seek entry. Imm officials have the discretion to make judgment calls based on all the information avaialble. I know 2 here that will disagree
  16. Yes it is. you can travel around as a tourist all you want to while in the country. If the non o works for your 90 days and is the most convenient for your visit. Some here get hung up on wording when it doesnt fit their thinking.
  17. If you put in a change of address junk mail is not forwarded although new junk mail will start up at some point. Use a family member if they are willing or a mail service. You can also contact the Court Clerks office ahead of your move and notify them but if you continue to have a valid drivers license that may not work as you'll still potentially come up in the system (same with voter registration). Technically if you dont live in that jurisdiction you cant serve on a jury anyway but you need to provide proof or a written statement.
  18. Its obvious your emotional about your situation and rightfully so. I never said your Dad's situation is trivial in any way, in fact the opposite. You're the one asking on an open forum for comment on breaking your lease. I already said I dont think its fair to hold you with an open check but its not fair to just walk away either. There are no deeper insights to give you since your current lease is vague at best. Check the original lease and see what that clause was and then negotiate with them.
  19. Its called a lease for a reason and its meant to protect both sides with language to that end as its a legal commitment. Unfortuneately many feel its great when it protects them but f' the owner when they want to break it. As a land lord myself I can fully understand both sides but you and many others regularly try to paint the land lord as automatically screwing you when that hasn't happened. Many also say oh just walk away and leave the deposit because it doesn't impact them. What it actually shows is the true character of many posters here and that's a sad statement. Sounds like your trying to use your personal issue (which may be valid to you) onto the owner. Owners get the brunt of many renters as they are on the hook for what conditions tenants leave and a security deposit often doesn't cover whats needed to restore a property. I don't completely agree about holding you responsible if he's taking it off the market to renovate but there should be a middle ground. The proper thing is to negotiate with the owner that your willing to lose the deposit and or a month or so of rent but not open ended since he's renovating which is to his benefit.
  20. Its his house and if he wants to "improve it" for the next tenant thats understandable as he would do the same most likely if you stayed to the end. I can understand not wanting to have an open ended blank check and you'll need to compromise with the owner. Sounds like you want to play both sides and get out early without any penalty which may not happen. What does the first year lease say about early termination? Your best bet is to negotiate some "reasonable" term of payment that suites you both. Im sure some will tell you just walk away and leave your deposit.
  21. Check out Victory Executive Residence at Victory Monument. Roof top pool, sauna and weight room. 2 blocks to the BTS, 1 stop to the Airport Railway, next to a small mall with plenty of food options. And King Power is next door. Price is very decent as are the staff.
  22. He doesn't own those other houses as implied in some of the articles.
  23. Another story headline full of nothing. Being photoed or video bombed while at a open event hardly constitutes partying together. The reporters that conjure up headlines and stories out of nothing just for clicks should really learn how to be a reporter or find another job.
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