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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Didnt they change the rental laws to say they can only require 1 months deposit and 1 months rent a while back? If you have to put that amount down for a deposit ask the rental company to put the deposit in an escrow account dated and identified for the conditions of withdrawl
  2. You need to broaden your view some. Its not about 1 condo building or 1 city its about all of Thailand. Thats why they set the laws the way they did, to stop Foreign' s\countries from taking control of the country and having undue influence. Now I know people will say what about all the Chinese investors and their influence on the country, etc. Mostly those are illegal and a blind eye is turned as there is money floated around to look the other way. But legally its not allowed. Unlike many other countries that sell off industries and land and business to the point that a foreign entity can control monetary flows, intellectual property, physical properties. The laws dont create dodgy dealing and actions its the cultural mindset that allows it to continue at the hiso level and the greed they have. Its slowly migrated down to the next mid level people and they take the opportunity to try to improve their position. The average Thai is so poor that they dont bother looking at those issues as they are too busy trying to figure out how to eat this week and enough money in the short term to live. Now that there is an upward movement in lifestyles in the younger generation your finally seeing push back on those abusing power and taking advantage of the general populations.
  3. He needs to play the game to ask for a sentence reduction due to health. That would be separate of a request for a Royal pardon which can only occur every 2 years.
  4. I think its because many of the comments are speculation about the ownership drivers and regulations and they are incorrect in the assumptions posted.
  5. Lots of speculation with many comments here thats slightly off base. It has nothing to do with helping Thais up the ladder. Its about eliminating foreign control of property same as in business ownership.
  6. i know about the defamation law and its seldom carried thru except by extremely wealthy individuals and companies and those are far fewer than the actual claims. It's used as a deterrent to scare people into submission. I find it interesting that you claim knowing someone that did 2 years in jail, especially a ex wife based on the laws in Thailand and how they deal with divorce and with women.
  7. Its a Samsung and they have several issues like this across a number of models. I have the same issue with the sound vibrate issue too. I also have a problem with the lighted screen changing settings that have nothing to do with the auto brightness adjustment and also have a problem answering incoming calls. They are a buggy phone in my opinion and I tend to not use it too much and use my other phone.
  8. The article is about 1 occurrence not "every day" as you posted. Based on the behavior of many "tourist" is it surprising they have check points everyday. If tourist acted appropriately there would be far less "targeting". I don't believe this guy in the video and his buddies were foreigner so your chasing the wrong issue here or just trying to make excuses with the same grumoy expat complaints.
  9. I would go that far but they certainly dont have a shining star for honesty
  10. Yeah I hate it when people can voice their opinion openly without reprocussion even when it's opposite of the establishment or popular views
  11. I never said that so your flaming for no reason. I wasn't there and you weren't either so I like you have no idea if they were extorting money or not. Claiming defamation is a standard go to and seldom pans out.
  12. They claim defamation not for video taping them or for posting the video but for his comments that implied they were doing it only to get bribe money
  13. I'm surprised GG hasn't chimed in since he so compulsively worries over everything and then writes a novel about his worries with 27 follow up replies to his own post
  14. If you have email you should be able to download it and send it to your email and then print it from there. Most banks have stopped the screen shots for scam prevention but it doesn't affect downloads. You could also use a computer to do the same thing.
  15. Its pretty simple,, Instead of a photo\screenshot just download the statement from your account and then upload it to for your application.
  16. You haven't seen my 86 year old MIL walking around topless or you would know why its not promoted
  17. Its a shame how many decades have past by with that same thinking that it'll be better next time and only having more of the same, just with different faces and new pockets to fill.
  18. When is a lie not a lie? When your arunning for an election in Thailand. Not that almost all these politicians really care about morals, truth, proper governance, or supporting the people that voted for them, its just another day in the rotation.
  19. You may want to check that as I don't believe he would have the authority to change it just on his opinion nor do I think he actually believes his off the cuff comments from some ago. Believe what you want
  20. Again he would have no power to change anything. All he could do is make a "recommendation" and its outta his hands at that point.
  21. Worrying to much to early. Big Joke nor the new police chef has no control over the amount of money required for visas. He can suggest that its raised but it isn't within his ability to do anything other than talk.
  22. I don't think it works like that. You need the dr info first to file the claim and if your employer and insurer sees you got a referral from Thailand without any dr visit they would pobably deny it. You'd be better off getting the dr paperwork in the USA. You then travel to Thailand after. Not sure the insurance is gonna cover any treatment in Thailand though. Its hard to claim its necessary since your back is so bad you can't work but you are good enough to travel 1/2 way around the world. Sounds like you just want a vacation.
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