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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. I don't think it works like that. You need the dr info first to file the claim and if your employer and insurer sees you got a referral from Thailand without any dr visit they would pobably deny it. You'd be better off getting the dr paperwork in the USA. You then travel to Thailand after. Not sure the insurance is gonna cover any treatment in Thailand though. Its hard to claim its necessary since your back is so bad you can't work but you are good enough to travel 1/2 way around the world. Sounds like you just want a vacation.
  2. I don't think he could do too much. Based on your comment that the guy said he didn't want any money and give it to someone else. Your friend decided to give it to him anyway so the guy never really scammed anyone outright. I think he played his cards to get the money without asking but its just my opinion based on a guess.
  3. I don't think lies get you thrown in jail or the world would be a much easier place to exist in by removing those from our path.
  4. The throat opening at the bottom where waste goes down is the most important. Too small like you describe and you have clogging issues. Find one with the biggest opening. They also make power assist toilet that use compressed air to push the waste down. More expensive but they work great. Then look at height of the seat for comfort. Throw in a washlet instead of the seat and Bobs your uncle.
  5. I never said they vote or take part in the vote in the House so get your facts straight and stop trying to say I said that. Thats just gaslighting to try to prove your point. Read all the sections and you might find your answer. Im done with your hypothetical discussions as I've said several times now . Have a great day
  6. Refer to the condo documents\bi-laws for language on common area parking. There should be some language in their and may or may not allow or prevent an easy conversion of existing spaces
  7. I believe they can block it and have seen nothing to say they can not. It doesn't matter either way. This scenario would never happen so for people to continue to try to argue the finer points of Thai politics as an outsider is a waste of time.
  8. All hypothetical scenerios that would never happen. No, the Senators dont vote in the House on bills but I believe if Im not mistaken that the unelected Senators have the ability to block the passing of bills of the House on a variety of bills including no confidence votes. Aside from that when was the last no confidence vote that passed in Thailand. Any ever pass?????
  9. Exactly, At least the 800K in the bank still belongs to you and can continue to be used for many years vs spending 600k that you'll never see again and have to pay up again in the future to continue it or pony up 800k to go away from it
  10. I never said a no confidence vote would be put forward, i was responding to someone else that posted that. My reply was about him winning as PM if he were nominated which was the original posting. You jumped in to the middle of the postings As for a no confidence vote, it would need to pass and I highly doubt he would lose a no confidence vote. Just my opinion on someone else's hypothetical scenario that would never happen to begin with. Not passive aggressive at all
  11. I guess you didnt read what I wrote. I never said they participate in a no confidence vote. I said he can pull all their votes along with enough others that have backed him in the past to get elected PM. Try to keep up
  12. I think thats where your wrong. He would get all the appointed senators votes and enough of the trough eaters to pull a win
  13. I serious doubt that based on your posts. More like a lonely fat pensioner with no where to go and no live friends
  14. I think you may want to look in the mirror yourself
  15. They just want to know what they get or they won't vote for the PM and switch tactics to get back into the money grab
  16. Short of a coup (which based on his military presence wouldn't happen) not sure how you would topple him and deal with the continual mess he could make while in power if he gets there
  17. you seem to forget he's the one that helped rig the deck and could garner enough votes to win.
  18. Typical media stories. Just speculating. No chance MFP would even do whats suggested
  19. Those pillow are probably filled with chunks of foam which tend to absorb and hold moisture. If the ac was off then thats a breeding ground for mold and I this climate mold comes quickly to warm moist items.
  20. It may be illegal if someone contested it but not sure how they would know otherwise. If the death is imminent than I would say withdraw it before the final days as it won't be needed for future extensions and then its not an issue
  21. Exactly but those other countries have nothing to do with this story. Stay on topic
  22. This has nothing to do with the USA in any way so not sure what you on about. Just bashing another country for no reason
  23. Newer dated wills render older wills null and void
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