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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. I just did give you recent reports. I wasn't aware you were also the bank police along with immigration and visa police. I guess November of 2022 is too long ago for you to comprehend. Do a search of posts as I know I've provided this info several times with others also giving the same experience with Krungsri. Sorry that it may not match your ideas or thinking.
  2. I just dressed normally not like a backpacker. I always try to speak respectfully in situations like this as would be expected anywhere in the world.
  3. I opened one in November last year on a visa exempt entry. I also know at least 5 others that did the same successfully in Phuket, NST, Pattaya, and Bangkok. The only extra doc they asked me about was an International Drivers Permit. They even called the main office on mine and ask and them just to make sure it was OK and they said absolutely no problem. They showed the insurance sheet but never asked for it to be purchased, just said it was available now or in the future if I wanted insurance.
  4. There probably will be no way to keep the in laws completely out of this situation as they will just go behind your back while your not there as they are "just trying to help". I would take a different approach to this which has worked for me in similar situations. First talk to the wife and explain that its best to only have changes come from you or her directly to the contractors after discussing it with each other first to make sure things are done properly and to avoid confusing the contractors or causing unnecessary expenses. Remind her you're trying to make her "dream" come thru with this but you and her need to work together to do that. Second talk to the contractors building the house to not act on any instructions from the BIL or they will not be paid for changes coming from anyone other than you. Then talk to the BIL and other family and thank them for watching out, keep in mind about him\them not losing face on this. That alone will go a long way now and in the future. Ask him to only come to you or the wife first and not the contractors IF he sees something questionable going on so you can check and make sure it gets fixed correctly with the contractors. Short of that if the wife can't stand up for your relationship perimeters with her family, (which sounds to be the case), then you've lost and won't even know it in most situations. Not sure what to do with that as its out of your control, just have to deal with it.
  5. Not compleyely correct. Many (including me) have gotten a bank account easily from Krungsri Bank while on Visa Exempt or Tourist Visa. No resident certificate or purchase of insurance needed. Just explain reasoning for the account is for retirement requirements. No guarantee but many have been successful in the last year
  6. No, you need the money deposited into a Thai Bank monthly. Each deposit must be coded as an International Transfer into the bank. You will be required to show proof of bank deposits for each month when you go for the extension of stay. You'll need a full 12 months of deposits to use this type extension option unless you combine deposits with money already in the bank
  7. Not sure how you went from someone offering a condolence comment for a tragedy to them giving respecting child molesters? Did you forget your meds?
  8. Between pop up ads and the number of media news posts its frustrating to follow real posts here as they are getting crowded out.
  9. Or just doing her job. Why some Exoats think the imm officials asking question is some how out of bounds and unnecessary is ridiculous. Imm officials in every country assess the person entering and can ask question they feel appropriate.
  10. HAHAHAHA those things cause accidents no doubt but they are the cause and not brake failure.
  11. Your statements aren't accurate so maybe you should check up on facts first. Russia has draft\conscription twice a year. They are currently carrying out a scorched earth approach. Russia (putin) has been straight forward about his intent and desire to retake all countries that were part of the USSR and left when USSR collapsed. Clearing out Nazi's that don't exist is bs. Its not their country to dictate what Ukraine does or does not do There were only 6 countries that sided with Russia in the most recent UN vote. Where do you get your claimed support numbers from? Check yourself first before you spread your russian propaganda.
  12. All those quoted issues are not brake failure. Poor judgment and poor judgement isn't brake failure. Certainly dangerous acts cause accidents but thats a whole different issue
  13. Have anything to back that up or did you just smoke too much
  14. Not really, when that excuse is thrown out without proof or even inspection first and its done repeatedly . While brakes can fail its rare, brakes just don't fail with that type of frequency.
  15. Russians aren't refugees. No one is invading Russia and displacing them. They left on their on accord to avoid getting drafted into the war effort. Any Ukrainians coming would be refugees but not Russians
  16. Yeah, in thailand its usually a result of not pressing the brake pedal
  17. Dan O

    septic tanks.

    How are you "treating" the effluent? IF not treated properly releasing it in any water source could be extremely unsafe for anyone coming into contact with the water.
  18. Its the same in many Provinces now for the last couple years
  19. How are they paying if you have no ID #? Sounds like they are saying they are paying to cover the salary deduction but probably not actually submitting to RD
  20. No its not a common method as far as I know and not they way it should be handled. I would not consider this lender and would shop it around and see what other lenders require.
  21. Then I would avoid them as thats not correct to my understanding. If you transfer ownership you have no legal standing in the property. Are you sure its just not a bad translation.
  22. They should never have invested short term deposits in any long term investments without proper ratios of reserves, which they did not follow. Thats what caused the imbalance and the follow on issue. Every financial institution has the same playing field but only 2 or 3 banks tried to be a bit greedy and didn't follow good banking practices and as a Regional Bank weren't required to under regulatory oversight
  23. No I don't believe you have that correct. You don't transfer ownership to the lender. You do record a lein on the chanote so you can not sell the property with satisfying the loan
  24. Thats why they failed. They should never have invested short term deposits in longer term instruments without proper reserves which they didn't have.
  25. Share holders lose but they didn't waste any time making sure the bonus package was paid out before shutting down
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