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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Im curious about the Thai woman mentioned that was suspected of being involved. Not to much detail on her. I wonder why?
  2. The interrogation by Thai police is nothing compared to what the Chinese police will do. You may never hear from them again and I would be surprised if China sent them back to Thailand
  3. I find it interesting that they continue to say the actress was extorted and paid the money when in reality she didn't pay, one of the boys with her paid the money. He even came back to Thailand and gave an interview explaining the stop, what actually happen and that he paid the extortion money. The girl just got the publicity on her social media account for better impact.
  4. You're correct and in my opinion the news agencies here almost worthless as they never investigate and follow up to the end of any of these criminal situations in an effective manner to actually show the public what the final outcome is. I guess they spend too much time trying to use words out of context so they appear to be intelligent
  5. Here's 1 of many articles https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/07/mueller-testifies-russia-blackmail-leverage-trump.html
  6. Block size in this situation is not a major factor as it's not load bearing. The key here is make sure you use block tie straps from the existing posts to new block to ensure a strengthened tie in and prevent any sideways movement. Then make sure you use a lintel over the door. Those to things will eliminate any side movement to the new wall.
  7. Good to know the AN Police are hard at work judging the relevance of a post on an open forum!
  8. Not sure how you think the moral issues you raised have anything to do with AI being a marketing gimmick or not
  9. No this thread is about whether AI exists or a marketing ploy. Your off to the races on moral and ethical grounds which may be valid down the road but not to whether it's real and exists or not.
  10. Seems your stringing together some very vague concepts and ideas that are not really central to the AI issue raised. CHATGPT is a small sliver of the AI universe of development and is a slim section of it. There are developments in AI that aren't in the main stream currently that are light years ahead of the playground present in CHATGPT. Your focus should really be within that arena if you truely want to understand the inpact AI can have with all it's good and ill aspects
  11. Yes they can. You may want to do some better research on this topic because you're way off on the capability of software development in this area.
  12. Wait let me guess, you googled lumps. I'm hoping you're not going on another rant about this like your doom and gloom fatty liver.
  13. It should be easy even with a family out for fun. This issue isn't new or a surprise to anyone here for any length of time. If you chose to go there knowing the dual pricing then don't complain as you knowingly put yourself in that situation
  14. Maybe they smoked too much before the went. Last I checked the monkeys actually come and go at their own desire
  15. Being a POS has nothing to do with Russia. He's been a POS his whole life and we'll before the Russian's started blackmailing him. Do some research and stop relying on your common sense as it's not working
  16. It's the legal system coupled with trumps own behavior that will cause him problems. He's a liar and cheat and general POS. Yesterday's indictment is just the first of a string of legal problems he's confronting. It's long overdue.
  17. Doesn't matter of your intent, the Thai govt issues the needed requirement of the return or onward ticket and its the same for every airline when you enter visa exempt.
  18. I would second the that Krungsri will often open an account without some of the "required" docs as I and several friends have also done so. I opened mine with only a pp, tm30 and international drivers license while on a visa exempt, dispite what one know it all here claims isn't possible. It's not a guarantee at any bank and can vary at different branches. So you may need to visit more than 1 branch
  19. I'm not sure that's possible as you can't just change airlines like that internationally. He would have never made it past the first airport just like refusal in USA
  20. Most ceiling fans have either a separate copper wire ( ground wire) and\or an aluminum safety wire that is hooked to the junction box. Either or both would prevent the fan from falling from the ceiling. Just be careful you don't jump up while enjoying random sex play and you would be fine
  21. Hmmm, So you weren't prepared for your trip. Return or on ward ticket is required for visa exempt entry, same on all airlines. Packing too much luggage is on you, they publish the limits right on the website just like all airlines
  22. Not in thailand. Proof is not given any credence in Thailand if a defamation suit is brought. Defamation is damaging someone's reputation which according to thai's version of law can still occur even if there is concrete proof. With that said far too much is made of defamation on this site as it's seldom pursued except in very rare occasions
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