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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. no affiliation at all and its hardly snake oil. I did spend 25 years in the industry so have some knowledge you probably dont. you should do better research yourself and not make claims you cant back up. he's one of many that have been helping people for decades and has a number of patents for his therapies (several where stolen and approved by ex-employees) as well as countless cured patients. He's battled the FDA for decades for approvals all the while big Pharma paid and lobbied to have him shut down, while they applied for the same medical patents. They were not successful in shutting down his therapies and actually lot several cases as did the FDA. I recommended to go to some known medical professional and seek true advice and not take advice from a stoner. There are a number of sources to choose from and I only offered a link to 1 but in no way claimed anything other than offering some info. I did caution against some smoke head prescribing a dosage he has no clue is effective or even what the true medical problem is. To take random advice like that from a forum is ridiculous. you seem to fall into the same clueless category.
  2. Consult an actual physician about your situation and don't rely on forum members to be able to give appropriate advice for a serious medical situation like this. I do not believe you can import CBD, certainly without a license. Depending on her diagnosis I would research https://www.burzynskiclinic.com
  3. The sad part of this whole scamming thing in the Asian banking is the money can be traced each step of the way from 1 bank to the next all the way to the ending account. Unfortunately nothing is ever done and seldom if ever retrieved. Sure there may be times when it gets withdrawn but the individual can be identified although seldom prosecuted. Some banks are adding notices to their sites but I thi k the govt, banking and media really could do a much better job at mass marketing this issue including explaining that these types of calls are Never I initiated by the govt, the banks or any other agency requesting immediate transfers via phone or bank transfers
  4. Sounds like a nightmare. Not to excuse that behavior but he may be one of so many that go on the internet before coming here and read the overblown stories about how so many thai woman are easy (working girls everywhere) and you can just have your pick no problem because they just love foreigners. I would hope you at least told him how bad his actions were and the difficulty he caused you and your thai family and friends.
  5. I didnt miss anything perhaps you did though. Go back and read what you wrote as you claimed the scam originated in a US bank. Perhaps you just miss wrote???? The scammer was a Thailand and working in a call center in Cambodia. Doesn't matter where the money came from as the origin bank wasn't part of the scam, the money just came from there as a normal transfer. The US bank would have no involvement in the scam nor any knowledge. Thai and other Asian banks use very different regulations and controls and have virtually no oversight in these types of scams, nor do the assist in retrieval of funds in the vast majority of scamming "mule" accounts.
  6. The money may have come from a us bank but the scam came from here. The surprising part is that my long lost rich Nigerian Uncle isn't involved! Oh wait he died and his lawyer must have been involved
  7. Nope, if you go visa exempt the airline may ask to see an onward ticket leaving Thailand within the 30 days of your entry. You can over come that by going to onward ticket.Com and paying about $12 to $20 for a valid reserved ticket which is canceled automatically. Print the reservation and show it if asked. You don't actually have to make that flight out, it's only a reservation
  8. Not sure what a list of entries into thailand on any visa type does for you to prove your marriage history. Doesn't your marriage documents provide that? Are you sure your understanding what they want?
  9. I didn't have a C of R or Thai license but asked about a international Drivers Permit which I did have and that seemed to hold some special importance but no idea why
  10. Yep, do you? There's no requirement to read or reply to anyone. You can also block people. Up to you but for me I'm ignoring your comments
  11. Nope, try following the whole thread and not jumping into the middle My position is clear so you can move on as I'm done talking with you on this topic as your comments are circular
  12. You have .been nothing but argumentative and condoscending on every post about this. As I told you multiple times I sent you the same info more than once, had others also confirm it but you stay claim rubbish so no I will not post this to You. If other post I will provide them the info I have. As I also have said every time there is no guarantee like all things 8n thailand
  13. You have a reading deficit as I already gave you the only answer you will get. I posted before multiple times for you and you claim rubbish each time so no point. Have a great night
  14. I already have on other posts to you. Each time you claim it's fake info. I'm not your secretary and don't answer to you.
  15. I've posted this at least 3 times for you and you continue to claim it's nonsense without any basis. I know personally several people in various provinces including myself last Nov that have opened acct with Krungsri but you always claim nonsense. Others have also verified it on those posts and I even went back and linked the posts to show you but you ignore that as well. you don't run this forum last I checked nor do I or anyone else need your approval to offer help and\or advice. As I have always stated there are no guarantees like most things in thailand but checking it loses the person nothing.
  16. Not familiar with that office but when others offering info from locations they aren't connected to you claim rubbish.
  17. Not necessarily. Try Krungsri Bank as they have approved several people I know without a C of R in the last year that were on a visa exempt entry despite what in jack claims. It's not a guarantee but you lose nothing by checking.
  18. That's the best you could do as a reply? Spatial thinking isn't for everyone, I can see the group you may be in have a great day
  19. The property of thailand and the people that had to repair or remove her graffiti. Not sure how much you understand about removing graffiti but the surfaces are seldom the same and need to be completely redone to eliminate it. It also opens the door for others to do the same and that's hardly what anyone wants to see randomly in the country. Aside from that it's illegal but from your comment that doesn't seem to matter. Given out your address so they can graffiti your property and the tell us how you feel about it. Bet you won't
  20. No, I know exactly what this forum is. You need to learn to read more effectively. If you don't like my comments or don't agree them move on and don't read them or express yours to other like minded people with the same character as yourself. I am not one of your minions that feel it's OK to damage other people's property, especially in a country where they are a guest. Invite them to damage your property, post your address and and have them come over and act in this manner. You don't have the guts to but you'll spout their rights, which they none. I don't have to listen to your drivel just as you don't to mine so move on. Block me, ignore me, I don't care I am don't with you on this topic.
  21. Why would you email a missing or additional document when applying for an e-visa? Did you mean you uploaded it? Are you sure you sent the correct document they requested?
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