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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Not sure of your explanation. They failed because they used short term deposits to invest in longer term investments without proper reserves. Interest rates affect the scheme but had they held proper reserves and not done what they did with their short term deposits they would have not had issues. They were also overweight in crypto investments which were also poor performers. You can't blame interest rates for that, its bad management pure and simple. The Fed hasn't decided to halt interest rate increases. Those words are coming from the market not the Fed
  2. Wonder how much will make it to the needy farmers and how much will evaporate on the way?
  3. At this point based on his comments if he talks to her he'll probably just blame her and create some addition bs baggage.
  4. Your talk paranoid bs dude. You need to get some help for your issues before you make any major decisions.
  5. From what you described in your posts it seems to me you are the weak link and not the wife. You seem to be suffering from a long period of depression from childhood and want to blame the wife for your issues to the point of blaming her because you don't want to or are afraid to talk about your issues with her. I feel sorry for you, the wife and certainly the child. You may want to deal with your personal emotional shortcomings and not blame someone else. If you leave, your problem go with you as they are your baggage and not hers
  6. Why would you need to buy BTC in order to get a pin number for a card you already have? Receipe for disaster to say the least.
  7. Unfortuneatly if you didn't outline what your expectations was and what was acceptable before they started you will most likely get nowhere with this. There isn't a standard unless you set it as part of the contract. Skim coating block walls always have deviation like this. The better alternative would be gypsum board or metal studs but its a bit late for that.
  8. Not sure where you are getting your info to make the judgements you've been making on this post. He's not said anything about the wife's actions that indicates she's doing anything wrong. He's not communicating his feelings to her so you blame her. Real winner for giving advice about something that hasn't been mentioned
  9. Have you tried engaging her in other activities like riding your bikes like you used to do. Its both peoples responsibility to work on the relationship and it sounds as if you've fallen into a routine and its compounding your feelings of being isolated from her. Having a daughter should give you both many opportunities to create mutual family activities and improve your bonding. Obviously we don't know all aspects of your relationship so any advice is just a guess.
  10. It is amazing how some tasks that should be clear based on instructions or average thinking can go in the opposite direction. Logic isn't always available in country. I've had several similar situations that baffle me on how the project went so wrong for a simple task. I think if you paint the wood black you'll not see the number very well. I would just remove the wood and take it off and remount the numbers directly to the stone as you wanted. They have cement caulking that works very good on holes and cracks in cement. if the color is a little off you can grind up some stone dust from you wall and add it to the surface of the caulk and you'll blend it right in. As for overreacting to the lady, yeah thai's have very thin skin if you point out an error, even if it's not caused by the person you're talking too. I have the same problem with the wife, so I've learned to just not comment to her if there's a mistake and just deal with it myself.
  11. No its not a matter of ok, it something that ALL transfer facilities are subject to not just Wise or any other method including wire and other bank money transfer routes. I've personally seen the exact same delays with bank to bank, wise, western union, etc. so you cant really blame Wise unless its something they have done that causes the delay. Just trying to help you understand the process but up to you on how you use info you ask for.
  12. If your looking at getting a bank account Krungsri is probably the easiest bank to get an account with for the last couple years. Many have opened accounts with them (me included) on visa exempt or tourist visa without problem.
  13. Many of your points, while important to you, are really a non issue. Use whoever you're comfortable with but as a money transfer facility they are as close to good and reliable as it gets. One issue you've mentioned a couple times is the delay in delivery on occasion. Those delays happen with all transfer facilities from time to time and most often have nothing to do with the transfer company but the way the Thai Banking system is set up and how those banks deal with transfers internally coupled with holiday schedules in country, Its out of the transfer companies control once it hits Thailand.
  14. All the worry about the possibility of tarnishing a schools image by wearing a school uniform with a name on it but no worries about school staff tarnishing the school image by physically and sexually abusing school students. We are truly living in an upside down universe in Thailand.
  15. I'm not doubting that the fraudster had their bank account frozen, I'm confused and question why the RTP would have the victim (your gf) take a letter to the fraudsters bank to unfreeze the fraudsters account. That makes absolutely no sense.
  16. How in the world would RTP go about locking FB and Messenger? That may have been said it happen by someone but I don't see how exactly the RTP would go about making that happen. Why would your gf have to go to the sellers bank and have to get the lock on the sellers account removed. Sounds a odd story.
  17. What is she threatening to contact the police about? If bikes in her name nothing you can do as she owns them and also nothing to go to the police over. You'rE not threatening her in some way are you? If so it won't end very well for you.
  18. Only ones "fuming" are the writers of articles like this trying to direct viewer sentiment by sensationalizing headlines and expand importance of any topic to drive readership. I asked several Thai friends here in NST about this article just to gauge their view and they laughed at me and asked why was a farang (me) so worried about desert and who made it. They all said the same thing, eat it if you like eat and dont eat it if not liked.
  19. Yeah he never intended to eat breakfast for MONTHS and not paying after moving out and then taking you for a free breakfast too.
  20. So the hotel isn't a victim in your world and hasn't lost the value of the food? He may not be the only knob!
  21. What about original entry and in country extensions? To say only 3rd entry doesn't tell what your history is and the full history is part of what most all IO's look at, not just how many entries in each calendar year.
  22. OP never told his past history of entries and extensions, he only mentioned this is his 3rd entry by land. He very well could have a long string of various entries and extension and that is the reason for his denial.
  23. Ah ok. Yes I'm all for doing things half way if it gets you to the point of doing a more permanent of full correction to the project. I'm the same way on our farm in NST. Keep everything going in a positive way while staging the more permanent repairs.
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