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Dan O

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Everything posted by Dan O

  1. Well actually I have no idea what you mean about confinement, I didn't say that in the comment your quoting. I'm not confused at all. It was an illegal act and she should be held accountable. No excuse is good enough to give a pass to someone that damages other people's property, especially in a country youvre a visitor in. If this happened at your home or on your property you would be livid about. If you dont like my view you can keep your thoughts to yourself and move on.
  2. I believe it's a series of shots over time isn't it?
  3. So you condone her damaging property in a country she's visiting. Why don't you post your address and we can run an ad in the paper inviting people to come visit and graffiti your home and car. It's always easy to give a pass on something like this when you personally aren't impacted. You share the same mentality as this woman and shouldn't encourage it since it's not your country either
  4. Don't ask for help and then shi$ on those that give you valid info. Those agencies will run rings around any PI you find
  5. I've seen them ask about Financials a couple timesovwr the years but it was general questions, never show me the cash. Although some tourist would claim harassment just based on the general question
  6. They do on occasion but seldom ask about finacial support depending on your history of entries. If you look sketchy and have a long history of entries back to back they certainly can.
  7. There are well known international agencies in Thailand and Asia that work specifically on human trafficking. Easy to Google and find them. They will be much better versed in the topic, who's good and bad and how to check them out. Don't waste your time on AN
  8. Hardly a peaceful protest when you damage property of others. And it wasn't just a park bench that she painted.
  9. OK to remind us you have zero scruples about damaging other people's property. You just trilling now
  10. I bet if she did this on your car and your home you wouldn't be so pleased and supportive. There's no excuse for her actions and your comment shows your charactrer
  11. It doesn't matter what she's protesting she has no right to deface, destroy or damage property of other people\country. If she did this to your car or home guess that's OK with you from the sounds of your comment
  12. Yes they are there but unless they can be cleaned completely with damaging them then pick your word, it's all the same thing. Sounds as if you aren't opposed to what she did?
  13. How can you unintentionally buy spray paint and then graffiti in multiple places but not mean too. I say make her physically clean and remove it all and then charge her, fine her and blacklist her. Absolute scum when people think it's OK to destroy other people's property.
  14. bullshi$ thats whats wrong with so many here, turn a blind eye and never help someone in need.
  15. OK that's a much better reason than often happens. Hope it removes any unnecessary friction.
  16. I would be concerned about the friction with the GF. If your trying to remove her you may be faced with more friction or worse depending on what's causing it. Also any changes she could make before you remove her
  17. I open a personal acct while on a visa exempt entry without a work permit and no Cert of Residency last Nov at Krungsri. One frequent commenter here claims it's impossible but I also know several others that have also in various provinces in the country.
  18. Is there any wonder that the country is in the condition it's in when blatant corruption by would be politicians is now published openly in the news for all to see while the average Thai family struggles to make ends meet.
  19. Interesting how you change your opinion when responding to someone other than me on this issue.
  20. One aspect of this situation not being discussed is that it's centered around not affording to get him home. What about the hospital bill being racked up for the time in hospital. I'm sure it's not cheap and escalating daily.
  21. Actually the safety gear is only 1 aspect considered. There could be other issues that kick in that people don't consider depending on the policy which is my point to those that claim they have full coverage without question. The insurance company is in control of determining exclusions and then it's up to you to fight them over it, which is generally a long drawn out process
  22. You appear to be just wanting to antagonize the people you claim are russian. it sounds more like your acting just as racist tool. If the people are causing you concern go to the juristic agent and report them and let them handle it.
  23. I read the full article and certainly don't need you to explain it. You're the one that questioned the story and was insisted to know more, like you have a personal stake in the issue. Of course the story isn't completely accurate and there were probably other motives involved. In the end does it really matter? The end result is still the same. Is that clearer for you?
  24. The sad part is the news media seldom if ever follow up on these cases so the end result isn't public in the majority of them. The just keep plowing forward as a new case will pop up in a day or two and the old ones will vanishinto the ether
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