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Captain Monday

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Everything posted by Captain Monday

  1. Perhaps because 1 day in MNL is too much? starting with the food most of which a dog would not eat
  2. Mahogany would be nice. With a backing of rich Corinthian leather
  3. No wonder. I have never seen a Thai reading a book. Not even a comic book, only textbooks. and newspapers There ARE many bookstores. And what about all the red post boxes in Chiang Mai. I have never seen a person drop a letter in one. Or a postman empty one. Not once. Another mystery of the Kingdom.
  4. Alcohol is the most destructive drug in the world and allowed in almost every society The only difference between dirty bum in sleeping on the street and an alcoholic businessman is the later has job, home and can probably make it to lunch before the first vokda Martini. They both have the same fundamental problem
  5. My point. The worst thing about drugs is illegality. Legalize it and deal as a health problem.
  6. Legalize it all. Govt procure produce quality unadulterated and give it away. Undercut the dealers. Offer treatment. The money we have wasted on the war on drugs in US is staggering. Accomplishes nothing except create the prison/enforcement industry.
  7. You mean where else would the biarding issues come from. In our country it is much easier to get on a no fly list then it is to get off Even if just having a similar name and innocent of everything. So, they introduced the REDRESS NUMBER a numerical identifier to differentiate one from the wanted crim or undesirable Maybe for Thailand you might have to contact an agent to get off the no fly list after an immigration ban?
  8. He just told an airline agent in a foreign country to ignore a APIS do not board warning ? Good I guess it is not as difficult as I was told
  9. I like the sports drinks like Aquarius or Gatorade But there a powder version without the sugar I dont need the sweetness or the empty calories
  10. Looks like this Jackwagon and his friends who did nothing wrong walked across middle of the entry lane. Not a crossing. The driver, driving slowly already slowed down even more in complete courteousness Then he punches or kicks a car?
  11. Even the goobers back in Texass don't dye their goatees
  12. Even though the PE visa rules and limitations are very clear in the application and online manuals It happened more than once
  13. A roommate at Uni peed into a bedroom closet blind drunk and passed out Heard another story of a lad laying a huge turd into the bath tub when the toilet was 30 cm away So bladdered he does not know where he is most likely
  14. Second time this week I agree with Anutin The swissie has been given advice he should take.
  15. Certainly or in nearby countries. It is supposedly an incurable criminal desire. After servi g jail would be better to dump these pervs on a kind of Devils Island. Then let them diddle each other having no chance to encounter another child for the rest of their lives!
  16. A kind plagiarism that validates my argument Whilst absurdly turning it on its head Proving again.. the right-wing has nothing
  17. Unfortunately we abolished debtors prisons and workhouses in USA to hold these scroungers until the judgement is paid. And during appeal. Even the uninsured. Like the man who caused an accident detroying my vehicle. A bum/crim with no assets so not even worth suing.
  18. are there no toilets at the gas station? Or the Nana hotel lobby, or the shopping plaza across Suk. Or just go into a bar and have another drink and use theirs/ This fellow is already completely balddered anyway.
  19. Because it’s a pittance? In the US I think it is under 100 dollars interest per account the bank does not even send a 1099 form.I used to get a nifty interest rate from BKK fixed accounts but will not be bothering anymore
  20. After a one year ban how does one get off the no fly list?
  21. I don’t think that can be an accurate statement . How can the left be “anti” a slate of myths? That would be like being anti Zoroastrianism or Harry Potter. People can debate issues, but only on a basis of facts. The problem with a personality cult like MAGA it’s victims become so dependent logic or reason cannot penetrate the edifice of lies that constitutes the remainder of their identity. A reprogramming is necessary. As any dangerous cult that first requires the injured party be willing.
  22. Gives not a bit of relevance. When officials demand handouts
  23. That is a flawed comment. We from the ultra-left cannot be “anti” a false ideology. That is like saying we are anti Zoroastrianism or Harry Potter Novels.
  24. Agree it is "job numbers negative" for Thais Driving should be banned for sure Maybe walking. One could be required to be borne on a palanquin or something like these Porters in China
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