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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. 15 hours ago, IsaanAussie said:

    This is interesting indeed. Have you thought of using some sort of settlement tank/sand filter to clean the water before it goes through your filters? You are asking a lot to pump water through a small diameter pipe, it is moving very quickly, little wonder it is a short life on the filters. 

    It looks like you have a decent size roof area near the stainless tanks that should yield a lot of water even in light rain. We have a standard Isaan 8*6 metre house which we have built a 5 mt wide verandah on one corner down two sides. Collecting rain from half the house roof and both verandah roofs yields 4,000 litres per hour under good rain. Currently about 500 to 1000 litres with this light rain. The guttering feeds 4" pipes which flow into 3 concrete ring tanks in the ground plumbed in series of about 3,000 litres each. These rings are full of stone and sand and the water soaks into the ground.


    Yer,  a sand Filter would be worth the expense.  We have had over 61mm in the village over the last 2 days.  No more room to store water. 

  2. 21 hours ago, billd766 said:

    Actually the stainless steel tank hold about 3,000 litres each, or as much as 2 ongs (1,700 litres but only about 1,500 litres of usable water. The problem is the cost. We bought the big tanks in 2001 and they cost about 13,000 thb each, whereas the ongs were about 1,000 baht each.


    I have added 3 more photos.

    1 I moved the tanks here several years ago. The filler pipe is disconected as we don't get enough rain for long enough. It is raining now but just a fine steady rain and no use for filling the tanks.

    2 Where I put the filters.

    3 The filters I use at 140 thb each. A new one ans the first one I used after only 10 days.




    OMG!  After 10 days your filter looks like that!  You'd be better off with a sand filter then a Big Blue.  We have 2 Big Blues.  One for Hong Nam and washing machine and another for down stairs guest room and kitchen.  After 3 months the filter element is nowhere near that dirty.  I usually clean once and then install a new one after 2 months.  I got a box of 20 filters off an Aliexpress seller a few years back for Au$6.80 each delivered here. But cannot find another seller with such good price.  I got one left!  Maybe a TVF reader or poster can point me in the right direction???


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  3. On 8/19/2020 at 3:31 PM, tribalfusion001 said:

    That's why they are locked in, mandatory covid-19 jabs, you won't be able to leave without being vaccinated. Fauci has said no mandatory vaccine in the USA.


    Flu vaccines are not mandatory, so why make covid-19 vaccine mandatory. Six times more people are dying from flu and pneumonia in the UK than covid-19 now. This will come down to freedom of choice and I expect a backlash in countries trying to force people to comply.

    Exactly!  I am not going to have any drug I choose not to have.  I have never had a flu shot and probably never will.  As for that Rsole Morrison I am pretty sure he will be getting plenty of love from the pharmaceutical industry...who would be having multiple orgasms if they made the drug compulsory.  As it is they will make trillions worldwide.

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  4. I had a quick dash down to Bangkok to get something I need and at 4 in the arvo about 3 girlie on the street a lot of clubs and bars shut.  I left the hotel at 7 to get dinner and the situation had hardly improved!  Walked back at quarter to 8 and still bleak!  I thought there will be somewhere to get a coffee in the morning...come 5:30am walking past darker shops I saw one drunk Thai girl with a farang and then one farang with a couple of girls having a brew at the sidewalk bar.  Weird times don't you think?   Ps: I finally got a coffee at the Morchit mini bus station...2 mouthfuls in a tinny cup for 45 baht!  Ripoff! ????

    • Like 1
  5. On 8/18/2020 at 11:52 AM, Yinn said:



    Here is Grumpy John YouTube video, complaining.





    If that's a before and after pix you have screwed up badly! ????   I was in Suk Soi 4 last night and the worst looking girl was still better looking than Reballs...not by much...but enough!    And I  can truly recommend IBIS Nana as a good place to stay...although I didn't stay for breakfast (not avail till 6:30am). But I think it's more Thai style than Western. 

  6. 16 hours ago, Loongharkok said:

    I'll have to start typing slower so that you can better comprehend what is on the screen before you.


    The point is, old chum, if the army is so popular why can they not ever win an election.


    If everyone so loved the army that soldiers were showered with flowers after the coup, why did the Generals feel the need to write such and undemocratic constitution and then rig an election.



    At this point going through my  mind is something Sam Clemens said long ago.  "Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." But I  have a fact for you....I was there when the flowers were given to soldiers by dozens of Thais.  Not only that the soldiers were given food and drinks.  Why did they do it?  Happiness,  the trouble was finished and very few ordinary Thai people were killed or wounded.  It was a special moment in time. 

  7. 4 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    He is treated like any other head of State. Do you believe any of those in a position of power drive themselves to and from, and do not have security teams providing an escort wherever they go. If you do you live on another planet. A long time ago it might have been needed but with people who try and do stupid things to these people well tgats why they are escorted. Now, with saying that, not everyone working for the government needs an escort, only those who are in a position to do the work necessary to assist the people.

    "only those who are in a position to do the work necessary to assist the people. "  I am sure there are several million unemployed Thai's out there that would care to argue your point. ????

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  8. 11 hours ago, billd766 said:

    We were on water tanker deliveries from January until late May/early June this year and I fear 2020/2021 will be the same or worse. Having said that it has ben raining since about 6pm though not that hard as to be worth much.


    I have 20 ongs cross connected and 6 unconnected which is wherte the water tanker drops its load. I then use a pond pump and a long hose to top off the 20 ongs.


    When I win the lotery (sounds of hollow laughter from stage left) I plan to build a single holding tank 12 x 4 x 2.5 metres which in theory will give me about 120 cubic metres or 120,000 litres which will keep us going for a few months. We will still take the deliveries though.

    Wow! 26 ongs....  Assuming their all 1500L that's barely enough for household use.  No wonder your getting water trucked in.


    Using a swimming pool design with poured reinforced concrete you could have a pretty good pool. As a rule of thumb using 4" thick concrete and assuming your local 10 wheel delivery truck has a 6 cubicM barrel you will need 2.7 trucks given floor and walls + 1.5cubicM for the curved section floor to wall and 10% safety margin.  Plus reinforcing and labour.  Getting a decent concrete guy is the trick....which is a bit like a decent builder/electrician/motor mechanic etc. 

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  9. 11 hours ago, billd766 said:

    You were very lucky there. I used to have a Honda engine and water pump years ago when I used to go to the klong to get water. You could probably buy an electric pump and a long enough hose with a non return valve to suck the water up from your pond. If nothing else it should be a lot safer than falling in. You really need a second person to watch out for you.

    Was lucky!  Left my phone in the cup holder on the tractor.....and the tractor was pulling the airbus through the orchard with wifey driving.  Only needed 3 bucket full to water the papaya we had planted the day before.  No leccy out there.  We have the ubiquitous Honda 3" sludge pump popular here in LOS.  Not going through all the trouble to set that up!  Wifey wants me to take a drum of water on the trailer and use that...and water the new mango trees while your at it!  Which is fine.

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  10. Well there is a first time for everything!  On the subject of dams and I am dam lucky to be alive tonight.  Was fetching water out of the dam just near the gum tree (Left side in pix) and I ended up in the dam!  I was using a bucket with a bit of rope tied to the handle.  Squatting down so as to get the bucket away from the edge a bit I filled the bucket and went to stand up and woosh, in the dam I went.  I hurt my hip but not my head so I stayed conscious.  Was able to swim out and grab the bucket and my thongs which I tossed up on to land.  Had no way to get out there so headed South to where the ground is level enough to drag myself out.  Is luck or maybe lord Buddha is watching over me..... ????


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