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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. 17 hours ago, Guderian said:

    I guess we need to hope for some more major spikes in C19 in China to put an end to this wishful thinking on the part of the Thai tourism industry. 

    Maybe a good old fashioned wrath of god plague of locust, flood and drought with some hell style fireballs from the sun....or maybe god has already begun with the death and destruction of the godless masses............

  2. I said No which was the fourth choice.  The virus is dangerous to those who are old folk with pre-existing conditions but for the rest of us not so much.  Of course that may change...and that's the problem as we don't know the future.  Will it be like the flu.  Will it get really nasty like Mers.  We just don't know.   When we get to the end, if there is an end, we can praise or pillory the governments response then. 

  3. On 7/29/2020 at 9:28 AM, Time to grow said:

    When you look at the gross revenue of produce in Thailand vs the cost of electricity, I am skeptical.


    I run a small aquaponics farm inside a screen enclosed hoop house. The system is quite productive but barely covers the expenses. I am in the process of scaling up with a second larger system but I still expect the profits to be marginal. There must be a point where scale meets profitability but I imagine the size would be massive.


    Growing vertically cuts down on the footprint but increases your electrical demand exponentially. That being said, I was never very good at "business".

    Your in the game man,  that's where you find out whether your going to be a winner...or not.   I would love to have a go at vertical factory farming but I realise the product and the market have to compliment one another.  And I seriously think you have to be no further than the outskirts of Bangkok.  Whether you sell local or airfreight OS you need a large population from which you can funnel customers.  Going for premium products at a premium price means you need premium customers with money to spend.  So that would knock out 20% to 40% of Bangkok's residents.  But...people are doing it in other countries, so why not here?  

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  4. 2 hours ago, phungo said:

    Ive been there, it's between downtown Aranyaphrathet and the super crowded market on the Thai side of the Cambodian border and many hotels casinos on the Cambodian side. It's about 15 to 20m minutes either way.

    I think your location instructions are way off....unless you missed a turnoff!  ????  But if your in that general area the land on the highway will bring more for sure.  The land behind probably not.  A lawyer can draw up an agreement so that the future owner can have access from the highway, a power cable strung and a water pipe laid if ever town water is available. 

  5. 1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

    Pathetic ? Really ? 99.99992% of the worlds population are NOT dead. We have grown the population by 40,000,000 more during covid, odds of dying from this virus are currently 1 in 12,000 based on population of the world. Based on 20% economic destruction , about 400,000,000 will have lost their jobs and income throughout the world. And I'm pathetic for my view  ?  You think the people entering into homelessness and starvation care about the virus more than their situation and feeding their kids ? Grow up mate, people die, some before their time, it's life. If you're - or anyone else - is worried about it, stay home. I dare say you are in a position that you do not need work anymore and can live on a nice pension - that view in my opinion is pathetic. Millions don;t have that luxury. Let the world get on with it. Mask up, get on with it. 

    Your looking at the big picture and seeing lots of little problems because of it.  How do those badly effected get help if their government doesn't?  I knew straight away when the government said 'no one left behind' there would be some...turns out millions.  The rest of the community can only help so much.  It's a sad state of affairs.  

  6. The rice farmers have been pumping water this week but as of this minute it's all quiet on the eastern front...except for the rain drops.  This morning the gauges read: 26mm in the village,  27.5mm orchard #1 which is 2.5km NorthEast from here and 27mm at #2 orchard 5km East.  That was at 6:25 to 6:40am and the rain has been constant/light till about 2 minutes ago!

  7. 19 hours ago, Jeff Simoneaux said:

    At 73 years old you and everyone else should have already had that amount insurance as minimum for many years. It's foreigners like you that make it difficult for people like me to get back to our homes in Thailand. That would cost you 10 times more in most other countries. I understand why they don't want people like you back. Hell...i don't either.

    Who elected you as god??? 

    • Thanks 2
  8. 23 hours ago, Duckster said:

    While some countries are starting to open up I predict that as newer cheaper treatments and faster more reliable tests are developed it will accelerate and those countries who are not opening or have draconian requirements will realize the tourist revenue that they have lost.  Then and only then Will countries like Thailand lower their bar for tourists.  The problem is, it could be too late and they may never recover to the tourist levels they once enjoyed.  I mean Thailand is certainly not the great bargain it was twenty years ago anyhow.  I don’t think the Thai government has realized the economic disaster that will soon envelope their country and it is sure to only worsen especially if they don’t radically change their long range strategic plan.  If they have one.

    December 2020 is when they start to realise the economy is in serious trouble.   By February Thai's will be asking how do you spell 'recession' in English! 

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  9. 9 hours ago, elliss said:

     The average  daily road deaths , are less than the Covid 19 , deaths in total..

    Pandemic panic has destroyed the World/Thai economy .

      Sadly the worst is yet to come ..


    Around December by my reckoning.  A recession they probably didn't have to have.  Look at the facts A/ The baht is to high so Thai products are uncompetitive compared to Asian neighbours B/ There has been a decline in industry over the last 2 years.  Factory relocations, worker layoffs, new projects not happening.  C/ And now a huge turn down with tourism.  Plus you may want to add less than stellar government management over the last several years.

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  10. Around here a lot of people ride untaxed motorbikes and I assume don't have a license to operate one on a public road. With this this sort of behaviour allowed to go unchecked of course nothing will change.  Same can be said for helmet wearing.   And lastly, today driving back from Muang Phitsanulok on Hwy 11 I commented to the wife on the spectacular stupidity of one motorcycle rider who cut across the road in front of us...and the wife agreed!  Thank goodness I have a camera...jist in case worse comes to worse. 

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  11. I am not completely convinced there was a muzzle flash from the bike going in the other direction.  It would be a million dollar shot given the circumstances.  And even the worst hitman in the world would chose to be stationary and in a closer location.


    My guess it was drugs that effect the heart or central nervous system.  A lot harder to detect than a 9mm diameter hole!

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  12. 10 minutes ago, RichCor said:

    One would hope it would be a 'little better' as the one pictured looks to have a problem with its front suspension. 

    Thai creativity could sort that out.  Like the old woman that comes through the village regular with a Nissan 620 pick-up...fitted with a Kubota single banger stationary engine!  A sleeper Lot E Tan if ever there was one.  Haven't seen it parked anywhere so no pixs.  No bonnet on that one so everyone can see what it is.  

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