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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. 6 minutes ago, Niteowl45 said:

    No dude, anti-trumpers, including myself, don't care about a minor mispronunciation (although funny)

    we care about the fact that he's an incompetent crook who surrounded himself with incompetent crooks, a racist, a traitor, a fascist wannabe tyrant with no respect for the constitution, a hypocrite who constantly blamed Obama but in a time of crisis has now done a lot worse, and finally an all around scumbag that should be spending time in a jail instead of leading the US toward civil war and all around disaster

    Man yOur a cunny funt!  Because I  think the Don is the best President ever I am having trouble accepting you seemingly irrational argument.  I think he is #1 with everything he has done. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, Hayduke said:


    Uncanny how the wily, crafty and perceptive Hero-General smelled a rat here immediately. But, then again, he does have much rat-smelling experience.


    Of course…the 100% honest government and their loyal police forces are only acting in response to “public doubts”…with absolutely no other agenda on (or under) the table. Serving the people is the only concern.


    While it seems confusing now…several more mysterious deaths and/or disappearances, an ill-fated scapegoat or two, along with a few untraceable truckloads of cash, and the authorities should have the whole affair wrapped up quite nicely,


    Unfortunately, we'll have to take their word for it...as the police don't have nearly enough vinyl to put it all up on one of those nifty 'show and tell' boards.




    Don't worry to much, there is more vinyl on order! 

  3. 12 hours ago, Enoon said:


    Chuchai was paying Jaruchat on behalf of Yoovidhyah.


    Lan was the gofer/in-between/"accident" planner.


    Jaruchat asked for more money to lie.


    When that was refused he threatened to make it all public.


    An "accident" was arranged.


    Somehow the phone identified (or was thought to have identified) the deal, all of the participants, and their negotiations that led Jaruchat to be where he was on the night of his death.




    My plausible meter went off the chart after reading you post! 

  4. In response to #157  I found the retort to be very funny!  Guests in the broadest sense of the word...I don't think so.  Unless of course you consider yourself an unwelcome guest....which maybe the case for some.  Visitor maybe a more apt description.  A visitor who is allowed to stay for 12 months at a time.  A long term visitor who is a person who has stayed 12 months at a time many times. Wouldn't it be nice to be a long term resident who only has to stay out of trouble to remain a long term resident and just needs to be registered in the wife's house book...and maybe GEt a card...pink coloured is OK. They make it hard to call Thailand home. 

  5. 19 hours ago, tomauasia said:

    Yes his control is crumbling rapidly. And his ministers left him. A broken down government

    I am not convinced your assumption is correct.  The government is still functioning in the fashion of all governments.  Unfortunately at this time of the Wuhan China virus some inadequacies have become apparent.  But the baseline needs of the people have been met.  Security by police,  medical attention in public hospitals and food supply almost normal.   And the not normal seems to be food stuffs for farang,  not Thai.  I will concede the fact the government is probably not the best government Thai's could have and the way they engineered the constitution is highly questionable but for now there is no-one to replace them...for now.



    • Sad 2
  6. 1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

    So if you can't treat and or cure the patient - what then? This sounds very much like a grave threat to me. A threat against the people who are the nation. 


    The sooner this man is retired and muzzled the better. He clearly only thinks one way and will not accept anything less. 

    From the look of him he is looooong past retirement age!   We all know it's way past time to weed out....retire.... a lot of the dead wood.  Will take a major upheaval to do that.

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  7. When I was in the army I saw a display of artillery firing live rounds and an F-111 dropping bombs which all combined was not even a spot on that Beirut explosion.  


    But I don't get how it went bang almost like a nuclear explosion.  Some friend's and I ran a number of experiments with ammonium nitrate fertiliser, a long time ago, and we never got an explosion of any kind like this one....in fact none!  You need a super good detonator to initiate an explosion.  There must have been diesel fuel or avturb in there as well.

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  8. On 8/2/2020 at 7:22 PM, IsaanAussie said:



    I defy anyone in this Thai market to define what is regarded as a premium product.

    Leave the HiSo premium class customers out, their maids buy the food. The younger HiSo's will pay higher prices as long as they gain Face doing it. So the only ways to sell into the top end is to find the "connected middleman", or get lucky and sell direct to westerners, ie chefs etc.. Bottom line on the premium market is it is small and very selective. Everything has to be perfect. Your product must be good but it also needs to be unique.

    The middle class buy from "trusted outlets" like Tescos, Big C etc.. yes they also shop sometimes in the wet markets, but these are the "bargain basement" outlets for the masses and then from the same vendors most of the time who offer the best quality. To serve the spread in this demographic one thing is important, you have to produce in volume daily.

    For people that surround me in the village, they have 30 baht in their pocket to buy food. They spend it wisely.

    Yes other countries are different.






    I may have been to eager to use the word "premium" to describe those I was thinking of.  I was thinking government service people on good salaries and SME business owners and people in corporations that enjoy a good income.  Not so much the high end chefs and, so called, Bangkok elite.  

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