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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. 4 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    The chap at the right rear of the line op looks a real lean, mean, steely eyed dealer of death though! Must have been first dibs at the dressing up box!


    If you are that worried about being recognised that you have to wear a balaclava under your tin hat, why not just stand a couple of paces off and avoid being in the photo?


    Presumably he is there to stop anyone from pinching these weapons - standing there like a figure 11 target rather guarantees that any would be thief will simply slot him before helping himself to the goodies.

    "slot him before helping himself to the goodies"  Not sure what slot means but I imagine it's not good for the black clad lad!  And the only goodies are the functioning hand guns and the grenades.

  2. 1 hour ago, parallaxtech said:

    I purchased 20 bars (5-10baht) in 2018 from 2 of the oldest gold shops on the island.  Should I take one bar back and try to sell it to them?  In 2 years, I haven't seen any change in color and each one was weighed and a receipt was given.  What would be your recourse if you were sold fake gold?

    Tears and beer spring to mind! 

  3. No matter the country,  it's still junk food with questionable ingredients.  But don't get bogged down with that argument,  there are plenty of Thai dishes that are made with junk ingredients.   Look at the MSG isle in Makro.   Not a full isle but one could safely say there is 2 ton of it in 1kg,  2kg and 5kg bags.  And I am sure I saw 25kg bags a few years back.  Salt they got it by the truck load.  Sugar and other sweeteners semi truck load.  Let's not forget the nasty little additives that go by numbers in the cooking section. 

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  4. Before Aliexpress I had only done 2 charge backs on my Visa card after almost 200 transactions on Aliexpress I have applied for and received close to 20 chargebacks! 


    Aliexpress is to slow delivering, doesn't always have the best price and has some dodgy and incompetent sellers.


    Using Lazada more these days.

  5. To see how it can get out of control very easily checkout what's happening in Melbourne Australia. The muslum community in the North and West of Melbourne completely ignored all the warning signs (in their language), any advice from local officials and TV.  Now it's a 6 week lock down for everyone. The useless Victorian government didn't do a dam thing to enforce the rules.   My D-in-L owns 2 dance studios and has to shut down again today,  refund everyone that wants a refund and will get Jack Schitt from the government.  All she got in the last lock down was $1500 a fortnight for her and a $3000 relief paymenT for the 2 businesses. Her monthly outgoings are $11000 a month not including wages. She like many others will go under by the look of it.  That is happening here to.  There will be thousands more by the end of the year. 

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