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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. In my view the energy source of the future may not have come along yet.  Micro hydro is a great source of power in some locations as long as the stream is flowing.  Rooftop solar is great whilst the sun shines.  Micro and mini wind turbines are also handy but the best setup iS Hydrogen/petrol hybrid.  Can be used in stationary or mobile applications.   What I am talking about is hydogen generated as the stationary or vehicle application is in use...no storage tanks.  Eliminating the hydrogen storage tank is critical to it being a success.  The technology is there.  Has been for years.  The hold up has been the need for onboard storage driven by the companies doing the development work.  On board storage was/is the Achilles Heel especially for vehicles.   Recharging stations also a hugely expensive problem to solve.  But just like electric cars hydrogen power may just be an interim step to the future energy source yet to be discovered.  

  2. Everytime I am waiting for the wife at BAAC in Noen Maprang the guard is always helping someone really old do a thumb print.  Yes,  everytime!  Sometimes 2 people.   Coincidence....  Well every time I go through Wang Sai Phun during the day I see a disabled guy riding an ATV.  Not in the same spot,  sometimes going West,  sometimes going East or just sitting talking to someone.  Freaky huh!   ????

  3. I either groan or laugh when I hear such talk.  The population of farmers is aging every year and there are few youngsters wanting to get into farming. Around here the majority of farmers are 60 +.  The day starts at 4:30am and depending on the job the work day starts at 6:00am and often goes till after dark.  It's not unusual to hear tractors coming home at 8pm!  Sure there are many days they can have a siesta around 12 to 3 but not every day.   I think the brainiacs in Bangkok need to figure out what they will do in 10 or 15 years time when millions of farmers retire.

  4. OK,  Wuhan China virus is on the radar but let's not forget swine flu has been developing in China over the last few years and now a reported case of Bubonic plague in Mongolia.  So later in the year I am predicting an outbreak of something new and still no effective vaccine for Wuhan China virus.  And the long shot is a trifecta of nasties  that will cause an even bigger panic.  My Chrystal ball is predicting some weeks before the US presidential election.   As a last resort the CCP may need to fall back on the old sniper in the click tower routine! ????

  5. A couple of facts concerning transit flighT's.   Years ago I was travelling from Swampy by Air France plane to Phnom Penh. The flight originated in Paris.  People got off for Thailand but quite a few stayed on board to go to Phnom Penh.  Maybe they were told to stay on board???  Contrast that with Jetstar flights through Singapore where everyone got off,  walked all the way around the terminal to the Bangkok bound connect.  Some may have gone to other destinations but a lot from my flight were heading to Bangkok.  Wandering into cafes and duty free shop....

  6. 22 hours ago, rasmus5150 said:

    Just like all the workers in North Korea. They are all smiling in the propaganda videos, so we must assume that they love their jobs and life.


    Open your eyes, and use your brain.........


    If the monkeys really loved picking coconuts, why do you need to put a chain and a rope around it's neck to pull itSlee down.

    Because some times the Cheeky little buggas LiKe to have a snooze up there!

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