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Grumpy John

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Posts posted by Grumpy John

  1. 2 hours ago, bbi1 said:

    They should fire all these bribe taking IO's and name and shame them all over the news, have their bank accounts all frozen and make them pay back those money they took as bribes plus a massive fine for each bribe taken.

    Just getting fired from government service would be a major loss of face in it self.  Paying back the money instead of gaol is going easy on Them. 

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  2. Good on her for protesting.  But for international coverage she needs to be spraying lead about with an AK47 and sending loud protest letters with an RPG launcher.  And that from me the capitalist centre right leaning Aussie patriot that thinks governments world wide are failing their citizens and politicians need some real pain inflicted to get them on the right path. 

  3. 3 hours ago, northsouthdevide said:

    It's possible to grow them, and there is a local market for the fruit. 

    The only drawback seems to be that everybody's wife is talking about them right now, so the I market might not be so buoyant in 5 years time. 

    My wife isn't...but she is the exception!  ????  I have been a date eater for most of my life and only see dates, from Israel, in Makro at what I consider fairly steep prices.  So my annual consumption is way down!   What I am interested in is dwarf plants to use,  with other species,  as a chemi break between our future organic grape vines and the dirty mango orchard on the other side.  I have 3000 seeds for MorInga Oleifera but after seeing how my test patch got bug-gered when it got overspray by my POS B-in-L I  now know to use something else.  I'd be happy with a small #. We have a vacuum sealing machine so dried and bagged they could last many months. 

  4. The wet season gives me a chance to catch up on jobs in the shed.  Not that it's a normal wet season being a LaNina year.  Couldn't find an electrician (????????????) so wiring a few things myself.   Thailand has 3 different wire colour standards...which makes for an interesting experience!  Getting power to 8 CCTV cameras turns out to be a lot of work! 


  5. 2 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

    The military allone does not worry me as much. It are mainly the politicians that are de cause of all evil. 

    The general did not bad, he cleaned up a lot until he had to call general elections ( ???? ). Now he has to share powers with (corrupt) politicians again. Now he has to listen to them or the government will fall. Look at those in Parliament, same people, same families for example the Chidchob's. Chai (dead), Newin (BBC bankruptcy, the gang of 16, FC Buriram etc etc), another brother is still hiding in Cambodia after murdering a fellow MP (do TV members know), after Newin was not allowed his wife Karuna took over, daughter of Chiang Mai Construction (remember problems with MHS airport and the road from CNX to CEI (Chiang Rai). Now we have another Chidchob that has transportation (influence in THAI and CAAT +++) This is just 1 family. Asawahim (hiding in Cambodia) , Archa silpa, the sons of Kamnam Pho (who is hiding in Cambodia himself), the Chinawatra's (difficult to follow where they are all hiding) the list is endless.

    Please check all those (previous student protesters) who used to protest in the 70,80,90 ties and later on. You would surprised how many serve in the government and high public service places.

    It all start at kindergarten level where they prepare them to obey the elite. Corruption at every single level in society and they don't mind and except it (as been told from the start). ???? The boys in Blue own the sky and airports, they make a lot of money and are happy. The boys in brown own the streets and make a lot of money. The navy keeps quit because they get aircraft carriers and submarines if they don't annoy  the others so the only thing left for the boys in green are the coups ????  It is not complicated as you can see.

    I am guessing you know where all the bodies are buried!  Send me the list in a PM....to many government spies on open forum. ????

  6. I think there is some confusion about pensions,  subsidies and farmer support payments.   There are things some of you don't know so it makes things difficult to have a full discussion re: social security.  One thing is obvious I think you all would agree is that support for the infirmed and elderly is below par by a long shot.  Many families are taking care of their elders because that's the only way the old folk can survive. 

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