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Posts posted by RedPill

  1. 1 minute ago, androokery said:

    He didn't include utilities in his example.

    He didn't include:


    - Health insurance

    - Outpatient incidents

    - Cleaning: Toothbrush/paste, Shower things, all the stuff you need to keep a house clean 

    - Internet, mobile 

    - Visa's

    - Motorcycle

    - Maybe a car? (optional)

    - Things breaking down and need to get replaced

    - Any other unforeseen expenses which constantly come up




    etc. etc. etc.


    People can post and paint whatever picture they want, about living in a 3k apartment and eating Pad Thai and free mushrooms from the woods.


    I know it's not the real picture and not going to get you far.


    Oh sorry, almost forgot, we are not always living alone  ...


    - Maybe a girl? (optional)




  2. 8 minutes ago, Tagged said:

    In Hua Hin you get decent appartments (new) bedroom, balcony, bathroom with aircon for 3000,- baht a month. You can live on nudles, chicken, pasta vegetables and so on for 150 baht a day easy, and also have internet and tv for free. Expensive is electric in some condomendiums, up to 8 baht for a unit. But if he like cold showers in the evening and morning, and also do not need aircon, that is limited what he will use. 


    Walking distance to city and beach,  massages starts from 250,-. Lao Kao 10 baht shot at the corner down the road. 


    So basic living cost 6 500,- and it is not even crowded. Can see people when you want, and stay alone when you want. Space for hammock on the beach as well. And nice soi dogs for company if you need a friend. Free mushrooms in the woods in the season, some wild vegetables, and fruits also in the woods around. 

    A decent apartment in Hua Hin, with A/C, for 3k?


    My A/C, electric bill alone various between 1500-3500 baht per month, depending on the hot/low season.


    Food only 150b per day?


    Basic living 6,500 per month?


    Ok, I give it to you ... but I have to tell you ... I have big troubles believing it. Please don't take any offense, I'm not saying you are not saying the truth, but it is certainly not what I see you got to spend here in daily life.


    What you are listing, is not the norm, more an extreme exception. 




    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, sakoo said:

    Why wouldn't 30b/meal be the norm? All you have to do is go to a street market and do the rounds. Roti is even cheaper. And cooking cheapest of all. It is the pinnacle of consumption culture to think you need to spend all the time, every time. You don't. The whole philosophy of "splurging" is just that - a philosophy, it isn't necessary or rewarding. It's just a way of squeezing the easily squeezed. I think it's more a case of personality differences than economics. 

    Dude, I'm telling you, you can't survive on 100b per day.


    You can go searching for 20b Pad Thais and some Roti's all day long. What kind of nutrition does that get into your body?


    I thought you were going to ask questions before your trip, from people on the ground.


    You want to argue or get answers?


    This is the answer, you need more money! 300-500b per day for food at least.


    Enjoy your trip!


  4. 2 hours ago, CNXexpat said:

    Oh yes! Thais are working illegal in factories and massages in South Korea, Japan, Singapore, etc.. Too many Thai tourists with so bad behavior arrived that Japan thought about to cancel the visa free trips. And so on. 

    Ok, I keep editing. Just to say this, no one hears about the Thai factory workers abroad in the news.




  5. 19 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

    So far u been mostly wrong here with ur blurry contributions and false conclusions.

    Anyway if i need air pollution info than i trust google much more then whatever Cerox is up to.

    It does have only soms entertainment value i will admit that.

    Still waiting for his video with jeepnies each 10 seconds inside the IT park Hahaja!

    Yes, my wrong conclusions. I never claimed I know anything about the PH.


     ... wrong conclusions are there to get answered and corrected by people with knowledge on the ground. 

    And I'm open to that, hence it's a asking session for me, not a statement session.


    You however, are just proofing to me that the expats in PH are also pretty similar to Thailand when they get borderline Stockholm syndromes

    when anything is perceived negatively said about their chosen country, they become become strangely aggressively defensive.


    Good to learn all that! It's either that or you got too much Red Horse tonight.


  6. 5 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Send me a one minute video of these jeepnies passing at IT park you out there already apparently measuring the air quality ...

    Haven't u been robbed yet by street kids as what u feared before ur departure?

    Ok, now I can see it.


    I thought I was wrong before, but you are an aggressive poster, with whatever problem you have!


    The guy was just posting some info of air ...




  7. 6 minutes ago, Denim said:

    Yala is pretty cheap. Off the tourist trail so no sex tourists or backpackers. As it is in the restive south they don't get many visitors but those that do go are very welcome.

    Interesting you mention this.


    I've been down South only up to Satun before, going to Koh Lipe, by car. All pretty welcoming.


    But now I was thinking about a bike trip down to Songkhla. 


    I'm not sure, reading the travel warnings, they warn about going down to Yala, Songkhla etc. alone as a foreigner.


    What's the real situation? Would it be a problem riding down my bike on my own?


  8. 1 minute ago, rhodie said:

    You have to read everything with a pinch of salt. 7000+ islands with some really great places. You can find some great locations, but yes, Thailand is easier for now. Worth a visit mate, but most of this thread is balanced and true. 

    Absolutely, I agree, I really like the info in this thread and would like to go, see and explore the country.


    The PH have always been on my list.






    • Like 2
  9. 16 minutes ago, rhodie said:

    Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel! ???? 


    Well you know ... that thread in the link posted before was going on for more than 2 years, very in-depth.



    And a lot of people living on the ground put in their feedback, opinions, how they see it, what they experience, how they deal with it.


    While it's not an official source, it gave a good insight about the dynamics of the PH, at least from the expat point of view and a lot of side topics have been discussed in detail.


    Like I said before, it reads like Thailand on steroids ???? Maybe just me, but it definitely helps to put your guards up and set the correct expectations. 


    Since we are on a Thai forum, if there is one thing we got to know it's Thailand over the years.

    And there are so many similarities you have to be aware of.


    And that's not a negative, I think it's very positive to know about a country before you go. It will be very helpful.





    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  10. 19 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Problem is that u never asked us any questions about the Phillipines. You only made here negative nonsense one sided statements about the Phillipines a country that you haven’t even visited once.

    You’re very far from being a reliable source ! 

    Yes, ok, I can see that. But that was never my intend.


    If you have followed my opening post, I'm just back from reading a long thread/story ... that might certainly have put some negative aspect on my wordings, but my intentions were never like that. But it brought up a lot of questions to me.


    ... but I can tell you one thing, there are many similarities to Thailand ... and if you know them, you can better deal with it when you come across them.


    I'm certainly happy I know now that I can be put to jail in an overcrowded PH prison for 7 years if I unknowingly get involved with a 'legally separate' PH girl.


    Before I go and find out myself.




    There are facts ... and you got to know about them!


    Actually, I do want to apologize to you if I came across in a wrong way, that was not my intend.


    • Confused 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    And now everything is much better.

    Note: Again, this is not the West. This is Thailand.

    Bye the way, I hope you had a nice trip and a good stay. ????  I will go visit home with my oldest daughter in februari next year.

    I wonder if there are any Thais abroad giving the country a bad rep?


    Yes, the trip was really nice actually. Bloody cold and rainy at the end, so happy to be back ????


    Only thing, everything is so much more expensive here than in the supermarkets abroad. Just joking. But true ????



    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    30 baht at the pop up market at my local wat in Pattaya. Kwai Tiao Moo Deng with all the trimmings, 30 baht at a stall outside my local 7/11. Delicious and enough for the main meal of the day.


    It's still out there, you just need to know where to look.

    Yes, ok, I agree with that.


    But overall, don't take this as the norm to measure and budget for a trip, if that makes sense ...

    • Like 1
  13. 27 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Best u go there yourself in person

    No, as a reminder, you are on an online forum.


    On here we ask some questions on a forum i.e. about PH, before you go!


    Not just go and see for yourself.

    I know, difficult to comprehend, but I would never have come up with the idea to just go and see myself.


    Please, don't tell me you are a PH expat with an Stockholm syndrome ... we have enough of them on here already in Thailand 5555

    They are of no help, too personally involved and quickly offended about facts ...



  14. 14 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

    You never even been in the Phillipines   but here u are giving us ur smarty ass comments about why it’s so horrible over there?

    Best u go there yourself in person  first to get some objectivity in ur brain cells ! 

    I'm just asking before I go to a country! What's wrong with you? Why are you taking a discussion about PH personally? 


    It's pretty similar to Thailand, there are many things you 'have to know', or are better to know before you come here!


    I don't know, I'm pretty open and neutral in my research for the country to make up my mind, but you really sound too defensive, in a personal way.




    • Haha 1
  15. 7 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    What I do, is insisting on thtat the ones. which are far too many, that act like idiots or overstay as well breaks the law in other ways are a shame for the rest of us.

    I'm just back from a few weeks back in Euroland. 


    It's very good to get out sometimes, take a step back and see what other people talk about in their daily lives abroad.


    I haven't seen any foreigner making the news for being butt naked on a boat, or similar silly non issue things  .... 


    You got to put it all back into the right perspective. 


    It can get overwhelming when you read this stuff in the daily Thai news, but really, it's peanuts things no one would even mention in the West.




    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Yeah correct I do notice you post mostly your nonsense opinions and or partial truths  about the Phillipines and its people.

    Hopefully others here will figure that out about u also !


    Wow, where do you get that from?


    I was reading up on the Philippines and posting and "asking". 


    I never claimed anything is true or not. I'm asking, because I don't know .... what the heck are you on about?


    When you research a country, it's good to get to know the dynamics, and how it all works together.


    That sets the boundaries and creates a framework, and you can set your correct expectations, somewhere within.

    At least be aware of it and you can deal with it accordingly.


    Sounds to me you are a bit butt hurt for what ever personal reason ... I can't help it. I just put topics on the table which I read about and people go through and share and I have questions about.





  17. 3 hours ago, sakoo said:

    Thank you! And did you enjoy a 20b Pad Thai at the market?

    That's the thing you haven't understood ... there are no more 20b Pad Thai's on the market.


    You can't live on 100b per day, it's 2019.


    I've been to a gas station last week, where they have all those Black Canyon style of franchises.

    What was it called, 'Yen taa foo', or something like that.


    A Thai dish costs 240 Baht ... a Thai dish! 

    A Noodle soup 150 Baht ... 


    I was pretty shocked about it, but this is the direction where it goes.


    On the markets in a village, you get your noodle soups for 40-50 Baht ... but how far do you get with your 100b per day and what are you going to eat all day long, day after day? Only Mama noodles?


    It's time for you to be realistic and set your correct expectations. 


    Something starting upwards from 500b per day for food would be more correct and what you can expect in Thailand anno 2019, and that's still pushing it, when you are traveling.

  18. 1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Just an advice People like you should better use condoms.

    Thanks. But it was not so much for me. More to better understand why so many people live in need of money, family support etc.


    I don't know much about the Philippines, hence I'm researching. During this, I read a lot about the strong influence the church has 

    into the government, against birth control, lack of sex education in schools etc. 


    I read a lot about girls getting pregnant and abundant by the PH guys and draconian laws which are still in place when 

    it comes to divorce etc.


    How much all of this is true as of today, I don't know. Some have already replied and said that there is birth control available.


    But I found it quite astonishing when you look at the going rate of population growth 

    PH population was 79million back in 2000, as of today it's 108million ... 








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