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Posts posted by RedPill

  1. 30 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    New rule on Thai visa. You can only post when you have something nice to say. 

    ahhh, in simple jest of just a song, yes ????


    That would make the world a better place 


    Got number 390 already, you got a hell of a queue there in front of you! ????


    • Haha 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    And if everyone only said nice things, instead of talking about important stuff, where would we be. Are you saying do not mention climate change, ebola, road deaths in LOS, etc etc. 

    I realise that this silly thread has gone far beyond what it should have, let's just kiss and make up, eh! You have a nice day too.

    I am going for me 'aircut today, then Immigration to do my extension. You?



    Allright, but forget about the kiss ... wish you a nice haircut and a good immi visit! ????



    • Like 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, RobbyXNorway said:

    I read through the whole thing ...


    ...Turned out she had 4 from earlier relationships. And the amount of scamming, lying and antics is extreme.

    4 Children?


    At page 116 it were only 2!


    Ok, I got to read on over the next few days ????


    Really, what story and nightmare the guy puts onto himself!


    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, wgdanson said:

    Yes I am fine RedPill, and thanks for your concern.

    Wish you a great day!


    Someone does not have to immediately respond to someone posting a song when he thinks it's <deleted>ty or has nothing positive to say.


    You know, if you have nothing nice to say, sometimes it's better to say nothing.


  5. 2 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    I did listen to it, stated my opinion that it was a miserable song, and now get all this s..t. Ah well, another day in paradise.

    Amazing Thailand!


    ... I just stated my 'miserable' opinion that the song was sh$#%


    Why are people complaining about my attitude and happiness? No idea ... jeez man. Get a grip.


    • Haha 1
  6. 1 minute ago, wgdanson said:

    Yes I am very happy living here in Thailand with my lovely lady. She tells me that re-incarnation IS a Thai Buddhist belief.

    And for my sins of posting negatively on TV, I shall come back as a rat!    LOL

    jeez, why couldn't you just listen to a youtube clip ... so hard ha, when you are happy?


    Sorry Danson, you are on the wrong track this morning


    • Haha 1
  7. 1 minute ago, wgdanson said:

    From Yinn.....Caucasions (Christians) go to heaven or hell.

    There are many Caucasian Muslims, and many many more Christians who are not Caucasian.

    You have lost it, sorry to say!


    There was only a music video posted!

    • Thanks 2
  8. On 11/16/2019 at 2:43 PM, wgdanson said:

    I thought Thais (Buddhists) believed in re-incarnation, not just go to dust.

    Really, in all those years, I have never heard a Thai saying they come back, re-incarnate, in whatever kind of form, after they pass away.

    Whether Buddhists or not. Re-incarnation is not really a Thai thing I hear around me whatsoever. Do you?


    First you are replying very negatively to someone just posting a song, and then throwing in religion, and question something which is not even a topic in Thailand. 


    For the remaining, you have a great morning Mr. wgdanson? Are you happy ????




    • Haha 1
  9. 33 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

    I have, and you're pretty close....In one house it was not unusual to have 19 family members - just there, like everywhere most of the time.....A casual family reunion = 397 people.....

    I just was not comfortable with that many people in close quarters......Some good folks, but you never knew who was into what, although they all knew having spent years together.....

    I could make a very, very, long list of things I don't miss about the PI....

    Honestly, these days, I don't even go up into Isaan to join a visit ... sometimes I do ... but mostly, I'm getting very anxious to go back to my own home again after 2-3 days.


    This really was a good thread with a lot of information. To my reading, the PH Family ties are like Thailand on steroids, I don't think I could cope with it 555


    And if you could, you got to have deep pockets for the never ending requests from the Family.


    No one is going to live without a girl in the PH, so these are some good points to think about and bear in mind!





    • Confused 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, balo said:

    I know several Filipinos , both men and women working in Thailand, very friendly and easygoing people, asked them several times about PH,  and they all tell me Thailand is better when it comes to the infrastructure, food, hotels, condo , prices, etc.  

    It's good for a short holiday to visit the islands, but that's it really.  


    Yes, I also have met many Filipinas before, working in the office, being in malls, maids etc., working abroad.


    Super nice people and very attractive and friendly girls ... 


    But it's that complete backwards catholic controlled PH gov which is the problem (those laws I talked about which could get you into jail).


    And the families, pushing so hard on the girls to get the money in ... 


    No thanks. I have been through this (successfully) for many years in Thailand, pushing back on family support to an acceptable limit.

    It was not that bad. 


    I certainly would not want to go through this family thing with a PH girl.


    MGTOW comes back to mind ????


    • Haha 1
  11. 1 minute ago, Matzzon said:

    As usual you do not understand what you quote. "Newsflash for you, Thai law does not interpret the same."????? When did I wrote that????

    I wrote: "Something very important here! Is that according to your personal an westerised moral standards? Is that according to the law in your country, or have you been taking that out of that Thai law and how they interpret the same?"

    Interpret the same, means how they look at and understand the same offense or the law connected to that. Not that they interpret in the same way, and it also do not stand that.

    Maybe better you take the time to read a couple of times before you are quick to quote. It´s seem like that is needed for it to sink in. ????


    No, it's that you always defend Thai law to the t's and dots ... and even mention Western moral standards.


    ... and that in this country, which is corrupt to the bone, from top down.



    • Like 1
  12. 17 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    Something very important here! Is that according to your personal an westerised moral standards? Is that according to the law in your country, or have you been taking that out of that Thai law and how they interpret the same? You do know this regards Thailand and that they have a different view of things, right?

    Aha, according to Westernized moral standards.


    Newsflash for you, Thai law does not interpret the same.


    When going to the immi office, you sometimes pay more, or sometimes pay less. Based on either getting a receipt or not.


    When going through immi at airport, and you have accidentally a few $$ folded in your passport cover, the money is gone when you get the passport back.


    When you drive on the road, and a police guy stops you and says: 1k Baht or police station. You give him the 1k baht. He takes it, puts in his pocket and turns around and is gone with the wind.


    etc. etc.


    You always talk about Thai law ... and obeying the law. I can't see it?

    All I see is people putting money in their pockets as they are pleased to get it in.


    That's all more or less fine for me. But please stop talking about Thai law and obeying ... the Thai's and gov don't do it themselves.





    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  13. 33 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    But if "anything" can get stolen, I bet first thing they will steal is your cell phone

    Skallywag, this goes a bit off-topic now, but nonetheless, I once left my phone on a table somewhere and forgot about it, and lost it. 

    In the midst of a Pattaya night out session.


    They guy who found it, kept it online on the power plug, to watch out for incoming calls ... which was one of mine later trying to relocate my phone.


    He kept my phone, I met him and picked it up a day later in Laem Chabang ... a Thai guy ... really really nice!


    A second time, I left my phone behind in a Taxi. I could relocate it later via Apple search my device ... got it back again!


    For that very reason, I would never keep my passport with me when going out, I can't be that lucky all of the time ????


  14. Just now, Skallywag said:

    But if "anything" can get stolen, I bet first thing they will steal is your cell phone.  

    I have never been stopped to check either and no I do not always carry my passport. 

    Could happen to anyone.  Yet to bribe police with 10K when a new passport is 3K seems stupid. 

    Just carry it if going into "tourist" areas where you know police will be on the look out

    Sure, to this topic you could be right. 


    I was taking it from a 'daily life' kind of way ... 


    ... not so much worried about a stolen passport, more about losing it. 


    You know, sometimes I can't trust myself and the things I do or end up ????


  15. 1 minute ago, Skallywag said:

    So how many laminated copies have you had stolen?  You carry cell phone?  Room keys? All those items have been stolen from you?


    Come on, no one carries his passport with him at all times ... you can't compare this to all the other stuff you have with you.


    It's just a too important of a document to lose ... especially when you travel a lot around.


  16. 4 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

    Pretty simple.  Obey the law.  Foreigners must carry passports is the law.

    Not sure why people come here, don't read the laws, then complain about getting caught breaking them

    Are you carrying your passport around at all times?


    Well, I don't ... I'm already constantly losing my sunglasses.

    Imagine I would always carry my passport, it's a PITA to get a new one. 


    But to be more real, I've never in years been asked to show my passport, the driving license always did it.


    Not saying it could happen ... but I trust a picture I have on my phone if I really need to show it. If not sufficient, I will see 

    where it goes to get my passport from home.

  17. 5 minutes ago, sakoo said:

    Europeans in general, and then Americans and Aussies

    That's not entirely true, there are also very nice, law abiding people on this forum and in Thailand from EUR/US/OZ who would report you if you don't behave and break the law, i.e. drink illegal homemade methanol or overstay! ????



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