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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. 8 hours ago, mikebell said:
    9 hours ago, BKKTRAVELER said:

    To be fair, many Thais I know have difficulties understanding what a billion is, so imagine a trillion...

    I am British and was taught a million had SIX noughts.  So how many in a billion, please?  And a trillion too?

    Apparently, a trillion is a million million, 12 zeros. Must mean a billion has 9 zeros...except of course, it doesn't....

  2. 2 hours ago, Myran said:

    One of my fears when standing with my motorcycle at a particular U-turn in Hua Hin. There was always a deep puddle of water at that exact spot whenever it rained. But I was constantly pleasantly surprised, because approaching motorists always made sure to switch lanes when they saw me and the puddle, and I was never splashed.


    Probably were aware that puddles can be deep and can wreck vehicles. I always avoid puddles if I can. You never know how bad the pothole can damage your vehicle

    • Like 1
  3. Good grief. Bangkok covid infected people travelling 'home'...and people wonder how they get infected. Sorry these people died and some ended up in hospital, but for goodness sake. 


    Shop is shut in the village in which I live. Bloke came back from Ubon and was tested. Went drinking with friends, as is the case for most returnees here. Have to have a party. One of his drinking buddies came to the shop in our village, bought some whiskey, returned to drinking. 2 days later, the returnee gets told he is Covid possitive. Proverbial <deleted> hits fan. 

    Shop shut, shop keeper in isolation, the deputy head cheese, who went to see the shop keeper after the guy bought the whiskey went to a birthday party after. Every one there and their families are pooping their pants.I


    All because...granted he didn't know, but stay the <deleted> where you are. 



    • Thanks 1
  4. This is all rubbish of the highest order. A letter dated 6 months ago. The MOPH saying that because the donation did not specify US citizens, a vaccination cannot be given to them. Only those persons resident of or able to get to Bangkok can register and/or get vaccinated...  No doubt, work permit or pink ID card or other restrictive method for excluding foreigners will prevail. 


    Words fail me. Well, not really, but most of what I am thinking is unprintable and would probably land me a ban from here and jail from the authorities.

  5. 23 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Mr Chatree added that used antigen self-test kits can be disposed of with used face masks and should be sanitized with alcohol spray or disinfectant solution, strictly separated from general waste and properly sealed in a garbage bag labeled ’face mask waste’ or ’infectious waste’.

    And then what...? Left by the side of the road for the chickens and dogs to get at? There are no bin collections where I live. Sometimes a couple!e of people pitch up to buy recyclable materials like cardboard, glass, metal, etc, but for general waste, burning is the answer. What to do with hazardous materials?

  6. Seems to me reading some blurb, these tests come with a higher risk of showing a false negative.


    Although these tests provide quick results, they aren’t as accurate as laboratory tests because they require more of the virus in your sample to report a positive result. Rapid tests come with a high risk of giving a false negative result.

    A false negative means the test shows you don’t have COVID-19 when you do actually have it.



  7. 13 hours ago, webfact said:

    The test center at Dhupateme Royal Thai Air Force Sports Stadium has now extended its operations until 30th July, operating M-F, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

    4 hours?


    and why close a busy testing centre at all. They think there's will be no testing required after 30 July? And to think I was bored with all the <deleted> that's going on. They could make a movie about all this, and probably will, sooner or later. Trouble is, there will be no cinemas and no one to watch it anyway.

  8. 8 hours ago, Sqoop said:

    am in my 50’s now I always remember that my grand parents ( who struggled through the 30’s ) hated the banks. They would rather hide the cash at home. 


    I always seemed to have a stack of £20 notes in my wardrobe when I was paid I  cash. When we had to get paid to a bank, seemed I was always broke.

    Insurance companies, banks, used car salesmen and double glazing companies...oh, estate agents and solicitors. Hate them all. But needs must I guess.

  9. Surely, this is an Elon Muskism... We will bring in the vaccine, thus pushing up share prices 14% to 20%. 


    Then we shall see what happens when the companies state, again, that they are not in negotiation with this group, nor were they ever. Then the chairman will state, yet again, we were in negotiations, but not directly. Meaning, we were going to syphon off from what the government got, when they got it.


    Fake news, fraud, lying to the stockmarket. Blimey. Time for the ex chairman to write his book now.

    • Like 1
  10. Ah, soldiers again.


    Why is it there are not enough police to man checkpoints? Why is it the military have to do it? What happened to civilian authority. Oh, yes, right, I forgot. Got to keep the military sweet, so throw them a bone, let them think they are involved, needed...


    Just what tourists want to see, though. Soldiers in the streets, at checkpoints. I


    But, then again, depends where you are from. Perhaps you are used to armed troops everywhere.

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