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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. On 7/15/2021 at 7:54 PM, snoop1130 said:

    The PM went on to indicate that Gavi, the World Vaccine Alliance, which counts UNICEF among its members, plans to provide 60 million doses of Sinopharm and 50 million doses of Sinovac vaccines under the COVAX program to impoverished nations.


    Is he implying that Thailand is an impoverished nation...?


    Oh, but didn't Thailand decline Covax...? Have they changed their minds, meaning rather, has Big Uncle changed his mind?

  2. An Elon Musk moment?


    We are in discussions with them, but not directly. Probably means the government will be in discussions with them sooner or later and when they are, we will be ready to discuss with the government for 20 million of the vaccines they procured. 


    just something to boost the market value of the hospital group. A job for the Thai version of the SEC to deal with? Perhaps fake news, so something the digital police to deal with? Defamation? 

    Perhaps the shareholders could review his tenure as a purveyor of untruths.

  3. 9 hours ago, webfact said:

    Senior leaders within the Democrat Party say they will not lead the party out of the ruling coalition despite increasing calls by members to leave.


    What happens if all the non-government members left? No party? Or course not. Enough trough feeders to keep it going, and it's not just party members that vote at elections.


    all members leave, join other parties, especially those that move the country forward.

  4. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    The PM - called Big Too by the media - wants to see more free wi-fi in places like educational establishments and offices for the benefit of his people.

    Nothing is free. Somebody pays.


    Free, meaning not paying at the point of use, or free, meaning the ability to access all websites without interference?

    Unlikely, one suspects, to be the latter. And as I said, nothing is for free. So this story is bunkum.

  5. The bit in the email says Thailand asked AZ to delay delivery. See also the Forum link at the top left of this page. The headline on this page is ambiguous at best, spurious and incorrect at worst. Can be read as Thailand asking AZ to extend delivery date,or, as appears to be the case, Thailand was asked by AZ if AZ could extend the delivery dates.


    Frustrating, to say the least. Would be annoyed if the Thai government had asked AZ to delay delivery. That's why I clicked it.


     I suggest the link needs to be renamed, as it could be classified as false news.




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  6. 5 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    ฿70k per return tic paid for by the generous American taxpayer. Yet same American gov won't provide their own expats with the vaccine. That's a kick in the ....

    Authorised by whom, one wonders. I suspect someone who has no idea of how US nationals are being treated in LOS.

    Mind you, a good way of spreading whatever virus variant that is inThailand among the soldiers in Fort Bragge and the locale. Someone said once, there is no cure for stupid.

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  7. 8 hours ago, webfact said:

    The government has said that misinformation about its policies have caused undue panic and unwarranted criticism, something it wants to cut down on.


    to cut down on what? Misinformation, undue panic or unwarranted criticism?


    the government can't get its ducks in a row, nor can any one Department agree on what is policy. No one, to coin a <deleted> phrase, sing from the same song sheet.


    Undue panic...2 people came back from Bangkok last week, just before the curfew, sorry, restrictions came into force. Gave covid to their kid, who was schooling in the local village school while they were away working. Kid gave it to other pupils, now, around 30 people have it from those 2. Villages around, especially where I stay, panic is a mild word. 

    Unwarranted criticism... Vaccine registration, vaccine procurement, dependency on 1 Chinese vaccine, where the <deleted> are the vaccines from the company owned by he who must not be named? Unwarranted my <deleted>. <deleted> up and brewery springs to mind.

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