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Scott Tracy

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Posts posted by Scott Tracy

  1. 8 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Good that the government is sending supplies/ help, but why post a photo of LARGE oxygen tanks when the supplies are being send on an A320?


    Transportation of oxygen in any form by air is a no no. Even chemical oxygen generators cannot. Oxygen concentrator basically remove the majority of gasses from atmospheric gasses, except oxygen, of course. But they do not have the photographic impact of enormous tanks on the back of lorry trailers. Nice advert for Air Products, though....

  2. 2 hours ago, Tuvoc said:

    You say that, but look at it like this - B10 has 43% more palm oil or whatever it is  in it than B7.  (10/7)


    This is true, but then only of the proportion of the additive. As part of the whole, 3% difference.


    B7 is 7% of the whole, B10 is 10% of the whole. For every litre, 70c.c. for B7, 100cc for B10 is used  French Fry (we call them chips, by the by)oil. Difference is 30cc. So for 1 litre B7, 930cc of diesel for B10, 900cc of diesel.


    aren't percentages wonderful.

  3. 3 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

    An awful lot of Thais depend on tourism for work. As thier government seems either unable or unwilling to support them , what are they to do ?


    I think perhaps this should read 'depended on tourism'.

    Foreign tourism is dead for the foreseeable future, and I should imagine, since most got their fingers burned, a lot of people who worked in tourism will not be returning there.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Not so quick please.

    Indonesian drug dealers/smugglers get a 72 hour notice of their execution schedule.


    Whilst not being in favour of the death sentence in general, I have a few exceptions that I will not propound here.


    Interesting to read how long some people serve in Death Row in the States. I consider it to be a long and painful period, not knowing when you will be out to death. The


    Carey Dean Moore spent 38 years on death row by the time of his execution in 2018.

    Brandon Jones was executed in Georgia on February 3, 2016, just short of his 73rd birthday. He was the oldest person executed in Georgia in the state’s history. When he was executed, he was believed to have served the longest time between conviction and execution of any condemned prisoner in U.S. history. Jones was originally convicted and sentenced to death in October 1979, meaning he served about 36 years and four months between first being sentenced to death and execution.



    If convicted of the murder of these people and the firearms offences, perhaps a few years on death row, if Thailand has one, would be a long and enduringly painful punishment for these people who say sorry for mistaken identity.


    or just jailed for life, full life tarriff.

  5. I'd like to see how this works. Anyone not vaccinated may be discriminated against. Any other mandatory vaccination required? Polio? MMR? Tetanus? Diphtheria? Childhood vaccinations, perhaps, but mandatory covid vaccinations for adults? Interesting tbought....practicalities, acceptable evidence of vaccination.


    As for his expectation 'Soon in the world, vaccines can become  mandatory,' .. Dream on old son. Ain't gonna happen anywhere, I suspect, except perhaps North Korea, but, perhaps that we'll never know. Where Cambodia leads, others follow. ????

  6. There is so much wrong with this, it's hard to know where to begin. I was asked by a senior teacher at a high school here to teach English. I'm retired, on a retired visa and extensions. I was asked by the head boy in the village to do the same for the kids. I'm English, been instructing technical English for non native English speakers for many years, but not qualified here. Liable for deportation if I do.I

    How is this permitted? By education department, Labour ministry, immigration, police, courts, probation? 

    This case, in and of itself is a travesty. A fine, prison, is the punishment. Treat foreigners different to Thais? A German, teaching English, a language he is 'comfortable with' . Has there been testing of his language ability, IELTS comfirmation, TEFL qualifications? 



  7. 4 hours ago, dlclark97 said:

    In many areas speed limits are not well posted or readily visible often being obscured by overgrown foliage.  Also, in many places speed limits seem to have been set by some arbitrary process and often way lower than there is any need for .    


    Addressing the last comment first...this is in your opinion. 

    First part, yes, foliage gross and can obscure  signs, but here we have speed limit marks on the road surface too. Not sure if where you are, this applies.

  8. On 3/1/2021 at 8:08 PM, KhunBENQ said:

    Just today, nephew got a highway ticket.

    112 where 90 is allowed.

    500 Baht.

    (car still registered/ticket addressed to mom who has left Thailand about 15 years ago :biggrin:)


    Funny, huh? Complain about Thai drivers no more. Aiding and abetting is also a crime. Knowing a crime has been committed and failing to report it, may not be a crime, but makes you an accessory.

    • Confused 2
  9. On 2/28/2021 at 9:12 AM, Berkshire said:

    Of a big concern also are the cameras at intersections that might catch one going through a yellow/red light.  I've had a few friends get nailed for just following others through a yellow light, even in heavy traffic. 


    Around here, we have flashing green lights for a few seconds before they change to amber.

    Enough time to be aware of the impending change. No excuse. 'just following others through a yellow light' doesn't cut it.


    (Halo slips a little more, ????

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