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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. Glad to hear you are enjoying your day Britman. Thanks for sharing.
  2. No matter how tough you talk the fact remains: You'll never be the man your mother was.
  3. Beach please. Do real men have to declare themselves as such? (Sorry if that question was not easy for you to understand).
  4. I think it is the fact that a statistical finding applies to a population. And if you aren't in that population there is an excellent chance that different factors enter in to determining your life expectancy than would do so in the UK. The statistics on life expectancy are observations they aren't tied to specific causes and effects.
  5. Whoever came up with the idea. Anything seems worth considering since nothing has worked.
  6. You clearly don't know what you are talking about. Once again the obsession with illegals, get help.
  7. Hysterical old hen, "give it to that illegal alien guy over there!" Once again, no reports of illegal aliens collecting Social Security, you are probably thinking of dining on cats and dogs. My earnings required FICA contributions to the full extent of my earnings, why should high income individuals not pay to the full extent of their earnings? What is the basis for exempting earnings over a certain limit? Anyway it's clear you are not interested in solving the problem just calling names.
  8. "The actual threat to your benefits is the system imploding sooner than expected due to corruption, fraud and abuse." Not true. This is being said without evidence which is troubling. The "endless spewing of deranged rantings" would accurately describe all the characterizations of corruption, fraud and abuse without any evidence. The problem with the system (which seems to have escaped only your notice) is the demographic shift. The baby boomers (whom so many resent) outnumber the following generations and are living longer than anticipated and that is basis of the problem. A clear way forward would be to eliminate the maximum income limit on FICA contributions. This would go a long way to correcting the shortfall.
  9. duh. The whole point of the examples.
  10. No doubt he will stop with the Sudetenland. Oh wait, there's a rule about bringing that up. But the thing is it is very relevant.
  11. Europe is nominally Christian and warring Christians killed each other there without significant pause for 2000 years under Christianity. The USA is said to be on of the most Christian nations on earth yet it has the highest incarcerated population and horrendous mass murders on a regular basis. Hindus and Moslems in India kill each other more often than they play cricket. Need I mention the hideous violence perpetrated in the name of the "religion of peace"? But you gotta problem with Buddhism?
  12. "a Thai man approached him, engaged in small talk" A Thai man out in the "vibrant Pattaya nightlife" engages a 70-something man in small talk. Why? His spidey senses should have been tingling. I am sympathetic and there are plausible types out there, even still...
  13. Many have Trump in their heads for sure. But this is not that. This thread is about the risk of losing a lifetime of contributions to the Social Security Fund. If Musk's little band of merry men were in some way under adult supervision I would feel a lot better. I hope it works out that they are able to verify the status of the Social Security system and if there is waste and fraud to identify it. But, they are crowing about vast waste and fraud before they have identified any. That is suspect. What also makes me suspicious is that they have started with Social Security rather than the military budget which has not been scrutinized and from which Musk's companies benefit.
  14. boy this book is burning up the sales charts. Best Sellers Rank: #1,033,982 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #1,344 in United States Executive Government #2,165 in Political Conservatism & Liberalism #4,225 in History & Theory of Politics
  15. I hope you are right. However, no matter how many times Trump might say something I don't necessarily trust him. Like all politicians what is said on the campaign trail and what is done if elected are 2 different things. But I sincerely hope that you are right.
  16. Have you checked outside? The possibility exists that youngsters, who pay nothing in taxes, are walking on your lawn. Better get busy protecting your interests, say it loud, you're old and you're proud: "Get off my lawn!!!"
  17. Beach please. No one wants to "protect bureaucratic waste, fraud and abuse". Saying that is the purest bovine waste. People are concerned that their Social Security benefits will be messed with as Trump/Musk doesn't seem to understand or care about their concern.
  18. Even simple automation is not very reliable. I use the self checkout at a local supermarket 5 or 6 times a week. At least once a week it has some kind of error that requires a store employee to intervene with a bypass key. Not as frequently all four of the self checkout machines will have a customer waiting for assistance with a locked up machine, and I will go to a human checkout. I am not posting to complain about the inconvenience, rather I offer an example of relatively simple automation and its lack of reliability. What level of reliability can we expect from advanced technology?
  19. I don't get it, are you envious of poor people in some perverse way? Poor people get a free ride? Very strange although not as rare as one would expect.
  20. I gotta agree there. I live across the street from a lovely little lake with a narrow park land encircling it. People litter indiscriminately in what should be a lovely natural area. The people who visit here are overwhelmingly Thai people as there are no tourist attractions in this area.
  21. Income tax (FIT) and Social Security deductions (FICA) are distinct. The expenses of the discretionary budget are distinct from the the Social Security Trust fund, If you invested in an IRA would you be happy to withdraw only the amount you deposited? Again I am reminded that there is no qualification of any kind required before a person can hold forth on AN.
  22. "There is no doubt there is fraud. One woman..." I'm sorry was that "one woman"?
  23. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 87 seconds  
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