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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. My favorite is when I see a whole page of alternating posts by two members who I ignore who seem to be bickering with each other. Then I feel that ignoring was a good choice.
  2. I often post to annoy those whose posts have annoyed me. What could be more fair?
  3. It's relatively easy if you have a realistic idea of your ability yes I agree. You obviously have a reasonable grasp on how to evaluate your level of Thai proficiency. "Personally, I am perfectly able to order somtam and tell them if they should all a little sugar. I am also perfectly able to tell the taxi driver to go left or right. But this would not convince me that my Thai is perfect." As you say "But this would not convince me that my Thai is perfect." So you are not demonstrating the effect I speak of. I am thinking of the following. There have been repeated posts by self-proclaimed fluent speakers asking for help to solve the mystery of why Thais didn't like to speak to them or would rather speak to their Thai significant other than to them. Then they would suggest some kind of animosity, envy, xenophobia or some other reason when the simplest reason is that their Thai isn't that great. No mystery.
  4. From reading between the lines of posts about self-proclaimed proficient Thai speakers, I suspect that this is an area were many demonstrate the Dunning-Krueger effect.
  5. This was in response to my post "Speaking only for myself, I am happy to see a white, Christian, nationalistic, misogynistic alcoholic get a break for once." I suspect LL has an irony deficiency.
  6. "Three friends all vaxxed within weeks of each other (pfizer) and now each one diagnosed with bowel cancer within weeks of each other. What a coincidence eh?" Wow.
  7. Speaking only for myself, I am happy to see a white, Christian, nationalistic, misogynistic alcoholic get a break for once.
  8. And show us on the doll where the bad American touched you.
  9. So you haven't learned your lesson grasshopper.
  10. "We recently had guests (Gap Year kids from the UK)... the tried anything and everything, mostly influenced by TikTok and youtube... They ordered Paad Thai (one recommended on TikTok)." ?? I guess those Dick and Jane readers didn't prepare you very well. Or maybe it's age related cognitive decline. Or some obscure attempt at humor?
  11. What was the pad Thai they tried? I would like to try it too.
  12. They're after you gg.
  13. Punishment from god. I hope it gets replaced with "Afternoon Delight".
  14. Same applies to Laos as Cambodia. Within sight of the palace in the capital a drive involves potholes that will shake your filling loose.
  15. Not entirely true. British spinsters chased the men to India; it was called the "fishing fleet". Single British women going to India in search of husbands.
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 87 seconds  
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 129 seconds  
  18. I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 83 seconds  
  19. Remember to read up on the Battle of New Orleans.
  20. As far as I can tell from his autobiography Keith has never had a job, and he has almost exclusively been a Rolling Stone as far as being a working musician. I know "Sophisticated Winos" a few projects, that's why I said exclusively. I read a couple of books by and about the Stones a couple years ago and I think one of them said that Keith was committed to being a layabout if he didn't make it as a musician. According to "Celebrity Net Worth" on the internet he is worth one $500 million. More power to him, his music has given me a lot of enjoyment over the years.
  21. I get the 5 mg Talafil daily for BPH with the nice side effects. Just tried a different BPH medicine for about 3 days, experienced side effect of retrograde ejaculation (one of the possible side-effects my MD warned me about) in the first week. No thanks, going back to Talafil. But I always get the Talafil at the hospital where my doctor prescribes them. Can I ask for my prescription and shop for the best price, or do I have to fill the Rx at the hospital where I got it? Thanks for any knowledgable replies.
  22. The mooner is just a weirdo as far as I can see. I do wonder if he was intoxicated. Stange and unpleasant.
  23. Depends where you are. Never smell dope where I live and work. Bangkok eastern suburbs.
  24. I had a Thai lady indicate to me that a group of acrobats performing in the street were Chinese, she used a visual aid in case I didn't understand; she put her index fingers at the corner of her eyes and pulled up and back to simulate Chinese eyes. This made me laugh as this was something that I have done as a kid but had been taught was "politically incorrect".
  25. May I be the first to say... who cares? (Or maybe I am already too late to be the first.)
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