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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. If I thought it was safe to do so I could tell tales of the conspiracies around this. Don't even think about bringing up Peter Pan peanut butter.
  2. Seems the monk wasn't bothered, just the Thai "Karen" if that is still a current expression.
  3. I went to a temple with a Thai woman, she paid a monk to have her fortune told (I think). After we left the temple she told me the monk had offered that for a hefty fee he would cast a spell on me to fall in love with her and marry her. Apparently she wasn't tempted to do that. I don't think that is mainstream Buddhism.
  4. "massive inferiority complex." Brits seem to have avoided that problem quite handily.
  5. I think Oscar Wilde said it best: "Work is the curse of the drinking class."
  6. video is well.. meh lyrics feature the immortal phrase "party, party, party". surprised it got any attention at all.
  7. Duane Allman and Dicky Betts playing off each other in the Allman Brothers Band, nothing else like it. Someone told Duane he was a great guitarist, he answered "No, I'm a famous guitarist, Dicky Betts is a great guitarist". So many great players, but I think the interplay between these two is something special.
  8. On the principle of if you can't say anything nice... The guy appears to have excellent balance.
  9. Perfect example, either yours or mine, you decide.
  10. Good thoughts. It seems a lot of posts are "attempts at humor". Problem is that attempts at humor and humor are not the same thing.
  11. "Do you even bother reading posts ?" reminds me of the kid in school "Weren't you listening?". Never liked that kid.
  12. OOPS. Let me correct my post, I used his services in October of 2023. Always nice to have helpful corrections.
  13. I found a guy goes by Sam, Mr. Somsan Maisuk, Prime Legal and Notarial Limited. He's in the Empire Tower, much more reasonable than others. This was just October of this year so I think he should be in business.
  14. Much, much wiser people than me have answered that question already, and much better than I ever will. My point exactly. And what I said in my post. If I want to ponder questions of the existence of god I won't be looking to ASEANNOW. See ya.
  15. "the first time it was asked, I gave a proper answer" This is known as the "unshakeable certainty of the half educated". Who would have the combination of ignorance and egotism that would allow them to think they had given "a proper answer" to a problem that has been discussed by humanity's greatest minds for centuries. Oh yeah, a guy in a discussion group about SE Asia travel and visa problems.
  16. Interesting that you are non-denominational considering your preference for pontificating. (Do you understand even that?)
  17. The problem of evil is fundamental to a discussion of belief in god. It's not a shortcoming, it's a fundamental flaw. If the fundamental premise is nonsensical, what do you mean by the "good sides" of a religion? People knowing the difference between right and wrong? Don't need religion for that. Doing good works? Don't need religion for that. You set up this thread trying to control the discussion in the belief in god thread and I think that is what people are responding negatively to.
  18. OK so you were lying when pretending not to know. Typical of religious apologists, unable to have an honest discussion. It's not trolling. Google "the problem of evil" and dozens of serious topics are returned. Again, typical of religious apologists, trying to rig the game by declaring a topic off limits for discussion. It puts a bug up your behind because there is no satisfactory, honest answer.
  19. No, it isn't a way to troll. It's a legitimate question to ask concerning a hypothetical god who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good. And it puts a bug up your behind because there is no good answer. The "problem of evil" is a difficulty for many thinking people. Witness Bart Ehrman (who I'm willing to bet forgot more than you'll ever know about Christianity) on the problem of evil. https://ehrmanblog.org/bart-ehrman-on-problem-of-suffering-ucb/ It isn't really a problem with the existence of supernatural beings, hence Hinduism has no problem with this question. It is only a problem with monotheism and the above definition of the deity.
  20. Turns out MSG is basically harmless. Apparently knowingly consuming it makes some white people feel less white. Other than that, only certain people with a specific MSG sensitivity need avoid it. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-msg-really-harmful
  21. You are a forum member right? Are you unaware that other SE Asia forums exist? They also welcome us nobodies even though our voices have no value. I am gonna suggest you get a puppy, it might cheer you up.
  22. Autobiographical ?
  23. Thanks for you input Mr. Superiority or is it Mr. Hostility?
  24. Starbucks taught me that I am a very poor retail market analyst. When Starbucks first came out I was going around saying "Who is gonna pay $4 bucks for a cup of coffee?". Turns out just about everybody. Bought a couple coffees at the Starbucks near my job this year; but generally I walk by them and get a can of Nescafe Espresso for 18 baht at TOPS.
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