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Everything posted by cdemundo

  1. If Santa didn't exist how do you explain the missing milk and cookies?
  2. I don't think this was stupid, if you sent more money to the same guy that would be stupid. Experience is a teacher, lessons can be expensive. Look for someone who has references, how did you find this person? Usually can find recommendations on a Thailand forum like this one for reputable businesses. For the future and for others, one approach is reserve inexpensive hotel or guest house for a few days and look for a rental once you are here. I have had good luck with AirBnb but that seems to have changed recently. I know, too late with this advice. It's worth a try to get your money back somehow but don't set your expectations too high. Don't let this spoil your visit. It happens, it happened, move forward and enjoy Thailand.
  3. I have tried this and only get my address back with zip + 4. and the message " If more than one address matches the information provided, try narrowing your search by entering a street address and, if applicable, a unit number. Edit and search again." Do you know if that means it is not seen as a CMRA? I don't see a CMRA section at all. Thanks.
  4. I recommend them as well. Fast and reliable document forwarding, check their website. I haven't had bank cards forwarded so I don't know about that.
  5. "No this dude looked at me like I was a pig for ordering it. He was reading a paper." He looked at you like you were a pig for what you ordered? Are you sure he didn't look into your soul and see the stain of sin upon it? Or something else? Cuz I think you are doing some serious mind reading.
  6. Yes, a lot of folks saying price too high but few alternatives offered. I recently went to Top C as well and paid premium price but my glasses and backup pair each broke same place and I was going in to work with tape on the frames. Wanted to get it done and dusted and Top C is right around the corner from work. I got new specs in a timely manner which was important to me. Same as it ever was, I remember as a kid my dad told me anything you buy, after the fact, some guy at work will say you paid too much. That guy is never around to steer you before you buy unfortunately.
  7. Yes, garroting. If your "reality" comes from watching action movies and fantasizing about them, no doubt garroting might come to mind. In real life, no.
  8. So he will no doubt get a good exchange rate on the 200,000 baht he doesn't have any more. ATMs swallowing cards happens about... well something close to never.
  9. Haha, I was thinking this thread starts with "Bragging in the form of a question." But OP should be fine with that income. Best not to let the Thai girls know your income or you will be a marked man for those girls who are looking for a man to "take care".
  10. Yes, in my pocket and when practical in my front pocket. I also have one of those "travel wallets" that you wear on a cord around your neck. If I expect be sleeping on a plane, bus, whatever, I wear the travel wallet under my shirt. Additionally, why the huge amount of cash? Going somewhere where there are no ATMs? Used an SCB ATM today, had a sign on it "We welcome all Banks cards". There are exceptions but any argument seems to be negated by the fact that he lost a shirt ton of money to a thief.
  11. I work next door to a TOPS Market. I have started to get a lot of my meals from TOPS. They have great "deli" meals in microwavable containers. I don't know if deli is the right name but they are like home cooked meals but inexpensive. Green curry chicken with rice and a fried egg 45 baht. Macaroni with chicken 29 baht. Various items available kind of at random, just had thin sliced chicken breast 6 slices 40 baht. Still get the Food Panda deliveries but not as often. Went to Bang Bang Burger on Sukhumvit Soi 11, had beef cheeseburger w/ bacon and fries with tartar sauce for dipping. Good stuff. I don't remember what it cost, whatever it was it was worth it.
  12. She just ran 20 km, I guess she doesn't need fitness advice.
  13. Threatening to jump in Pattaya? Please beeyatch, we got real jumpers here, and lots of 'em.
  14. But it wasn't 1959 it was 1959 + 543 = 2502 2502 + 64 = 2566 Everybody on the same page?
  15. Uh huh. Just like every year. Current year = year of birth + age. Year of birth + age = current year. May I say: FFS.
  16. probably ? Based on your Ouija board or ? Admittedly they could be fake reviews, or some reviews out of the total are faked, but no way to know.
  17. Yes, I am always fascinated how many self-proclaimed "good people" take enough interest in nightlife and sex trade topics to join in just to distance themselves. I am not interested in golf, but I don't jump into topics about golf to establish that fact. For the thick and slow, (and I know you are out there) I am saying the "good people" get their rocks off reading about the activities, places and people they like to condemn. So who are the real low lifes?
  18. "Pattaya police are viewing the incident as a serious one since the government in Thailand is anxious to avoid any negative publicity" "girl fight tonight" is not negative publicity. You could sell tickets.
  19. Great story. Thanks for sharing. You seem like a swell guy.
  20. While the clerk is counting change I am often wool-gathering, "thinkin' about women and glasses of beer " as the man said. But i agree, if you don't catch it at the time you can't go back.
  21. If you remember the post that I replied to was if you don't have a Thai bank account you have no choice but to carry cash. So you also disagree since you use your UK ATM card. Nice to find common ground, so many here just want to have the last word, and that is so petty.
  22. AS has been posted many times here, Charles Schwab ATM cards refund all ATM fees monthly. I Have found the exchange rate to be competitive, it's the VISA rate. I don't know all nations but I know that US, UK and Australian banks ATM cards work. Don't care about Russians, sorry, not sorry.
  23. "their role is mainly to entertain others. They can be stylists, make up artists, dancers in one of the cabarets" That sounds like the available roles in the west. You encounter them in all kinds of jobs in Thailand, not just in entertainment.
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