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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. If they are 'intercepting' them at the airport what does that tell you? I'll wait for you to connect the dots. Must be all that pot you're smoking.
  2. Imported probably just means the seeds are imported. Unless it says "grown in the US" or something like that. Exporting cannabis from the US is highly illegal as far as I know and I doubt Thai authorities will take kindly to undeclared imported stuff (if it's even possible to import legally) competing with domestic growers. They have a history of cracking down hard on stuff like that.
  3. The multi-entry tourist visa is a PiTA to get now. They want an itinerary for each exit/entry beforehand including pre-purchased tickets. If you plan to do land border runs I am not sure if attaching a note explaining that would suffice.
  4. I don't think cannabis export from US and/or import to Thailand is allowed, so I think everything is domestically grown. They probably imported those seeds.
  5. I am assuming you can buy those in Thailand yes? I don't want to smoke anything. I prefer vape oil cartridges (no fuss, no mess, little or no smell, precise THC/CBD content on the label) but since that is not technically legal in Thailand then a dry herb vaporizer is the next best thing. From what I have read, vaporizing is much much better for your lungs because it's not heated up to ignition, so no burning and therefore no smoke goes in your lungs.
  6. Once again, nobody is faking documents. What you just said they do does not involve any fake documents. If they were actually faking documents they wouldn't even need to do that step.
  7. They are a bunch of bitter expats who want to blame all their problems on Thailand. These people would be unhappy no matter where they go. Of course that doesn't stop them from constantly threatening to go somewhere else, as if anyone will miss them if they do.
  8. Nobody is faking any documents, but thanks for playing. ????
  9. Most of those same people probably couldn't make it out of the Applebee's parking lot without their mobility scooters.
  10. Most (all?) EVA/China air international economy seat configurations are now 10 across rows. It used to be 9. I think they may try squeeze in more rows as well. Some other carriers are still 9 across for a similar price. I won't fly EVA anymore because of this. I really notice the narrower seat on a 12 hour flight and I am not a very big/wide guy. Seatguru.com can help you figure out seat configurations for various airlines.
  11. Wise transfers often happen within minutes. Are you going to try tell us that Bitcoin invented money wiring and international ATM transactions now and nobody else is doing that? ????‍♂️ How much are you paying for those bitcoin ATM withdrawals. Fees are often 10% or more. Never mind the fact your money is tied up in Bitcoin which has gone down around 50% in the last few months. How many Bitcoin ATMs are even in Thailand? A quick google search says 6, in all of Thailand. Only one in Pattaya, and what are the odds it's out of money or not working? Of course that could have changed and there are none now for all I know.
  12. Why use a plethora of existing services that work well with banks and charge almost nothing when you can do it with bitcoin instead and almost certainly pay a lot more in fees and exchange etc. About the only reason I can see for someone wanting to do this is if the money comes from questionable sources and/or was never reported for tax purposes.
  13. Yes, the easiest way is to arrive on the 30 day waiver and then get the 90 day Non O in country imo. Getting a visa agent to do the Non O in country makes it even easier. They can get around the 800k requirement without you having to use your own money. I know guys successfully doing this.
  14. So you dropped a phone and the screen cracked so you concluded it must be the manufacturer? Last time I checked, glass screens have a tendency to break when you drop a phone, doesn't matter who makes them? I have dropped my Samsung galaxy S8 probably about a dozen times. No cracks, still works. Not once did I think that is because Samsung has sprinkled this particular model with magic fairy dust.
  15. If you keep seeing the same old faces every day then you are also one of those same old faces.
  16. No retirement visa is available for Vietnam. Before you could stay up to 6 months (1 year for Americans) and do border runs every 3 months. Right now you can only stay for 30 days without a work visa or being married to a Vietnamese.
  17. Oh the horror. I better not ever go there if women will be offering themselves up to me. Must have been a nightmare!
  18. That is not what I asked. Just about any phone will connect to just about any network using GSM or 3G. Doesn't mean you can connect via LTE and especially 5G to get the higher data speeds.
  19. OP highlighted a lot of negatives but there are positives too. Most people can speak passable english so that's a huge plus. Also more similar culture to the west compared to elsewhere in Asia. Booze is pretty cheap. Accomodation can be cheap if you get a long term lease of a year or more. So it's just short term accomodation that is not such a great deal compared to Thailand. Lastly, the girls love westerners and don't seem to care too much how old you are.
  20. Barretto is pretty much a dump too imo. It wouldn't be so bad if they put in a bypass road. All those big vehicles constantly going through belching diesel just totally ruins the peace and tranquility of the place for me. I don't mind the city of Olongapo so much. The freeport area around the marina is nice enough to walk around. Also nice up in the hills where it's a bit cooler and away from any potential flooding. It can rain quite a bit in rainy season though, so July/Aug is a good time to go somewhere else.
  21. Republicans are the enemy, not Cheez Whiz Ceausescu. He's just some sideshow clown.
  22. They are not crown corporations owned by the taxpayers which is what you implied by trying to call it a failure of Canada. Their stock prices did not really crash imo. They were being overvalued by rampant speculation to begin with, so they are back down to where they should be now. That is just basic market dynamics. Not that unusual for a new business opportunity.
  23. Ahh ok. PiTA getting those 3 extensions though. You could be sitting around the immigration office half the day. Or pay a premium to get an agent to do them all.
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