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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. I agree and that is what I am doing. There are starting to be some bargains out there for good value stocks. I think there is more pain ahead though, so I am only dipping my toes in right now.
  2. That is one of the benefits of using vape oil cartridges, which sadly are not legal in Thailand yet. There is little or no smell so you can even use them indoors without anyone noticing. A bathroom fan is more than enough to prevent any smell at all. They are a lot healthier than smoking bud as well, which is supposedly worse than smoking cigarettes for your lungs (ie. no filters).
  3. This thread is almost certainly a wind up but I'll bite. Instead of putting all your eggs in one basket why not buy some tech stocks as well? They are more or less correlated anyways. GOOG, AAPL, and AMZN are down something like 30% right now and they actually do real stuff that makes real money. It's a much surer bet than bitcoin, which has no intrinsic value.
  4. I think the annual budget for DoD is something like 700 billion. So relatively speaking I don't think it's that much. I think it is more necessary now that we have two giant nuclear superpowers acting very aggressively and authoritarian to try help protect the world order.
  5. I've had good success meeting girls hanging out with other farangs at hotel pools. Right away you know they are into farangs....in theory. Just strike up a casual conversation and try find out where they work/live etc. for when farang guy goes back to farang land. Maybe try find some excuse to get their Line. Obviously it is better if you try do that when farang guy is not around but sometimes they don't care that much if she's just a holiday girlfriend or whatever.
  6. I'll ride a scooter around city streets at low speed but no way would I ever take a bike on long trips. Statistically it's just too dangerous. It doesn't matter how good a driver you think you are. You are not good enough to read other drivers minds and you can't prevent random events like rocks/trees falling down hills or road washing out and not being visible or whatever..
  7. There are different strains for different climates. They can grow good weed in Florida. Which climate do you thing that is more similar to?
  8. Does anyone know what kind of seedlings they gave away? Are they anything approaching high THC strains or just basically hemp? You need a lot of hemp plants to be able to produce anything useful with it. However, just one high THC plant can potentially produce several kg of bud. They can grow as big as trees, especially in an ideal climate like Thailand.
  9. With so many stray dogs around this was bound to happen. Surprised it doesn't happen more often. Maybe this will motivate them to clean up the problem but I doubt it.
  10. The way I used to germinate seeds is to put some toilet paper in a small dish with a bit of water and cover it with saran wrap. After a few days you should see roots. After maybe a couple weeks when the roots are long enough put them in some soil.
  11. Someone on some forum (maybe this one?) claimed they got high THC weed delivered via Grab.
  12. The entire country is an IR lamp. Hydroponics and lights are only for consistency and when the climate is not conducive for growing it outside. Also speeds up production with more lamp hours possible. Thailand doesn't have that climate problem so I am pretty sure they can grow stuff outdoors in Thailand that is every bit as strong as hydroponic indoor stuff. You just need good seed strains well suited to the climate.
  13. Yes it is still illegal, just like prostitution is still illegal. So this is kind of the same thing now as I see it. IIlegal but tolerated.
  14. You are not technically allowed to sell "any product containing more than 0.2% THC". Doesn't matter if it's dried flower or an extract. However, it looks to me like they understand it's very difficult to enforce that for the flower because that would require lab testing, so looks to me like they will just let the boys in brown get their palms greased to allow these places to stay opened instead.
  15. Why not label this post clickbait trolling because that's all it is.
  16. Still early days. I am sure the market will adjust over time. Retail will have to compete with grannies selling it out of their back yard pretty soon so they won't have much choice.
  17. This does open up the possibility of recreational use being treated like the adult sex industry. Where it is technically illegal but tolerated. I wouldn't want to be one of the first to test that assumption out though.
  18. Just about anything. As long as it does not contains more than 0.2% THC. That means nothing anyone wanting to get high would be interested in.
  19. They didn't really legalize pot. They legalized that stuff I used to think was pot as a kid when it was just the leaves that fell off the plant that had almost no THC in it. I think all of this is basically setting the framework for legalizing actual potent THC bud for recreational use. Maybe in another year or so. They may be willing to turn more of a blind eye to some of that going on now, like people growing plants at home that just happen to have extremely potent buds, but that remains to be seen.
  20. All other things aside, there is no denying that Thailand is better value overall. Accommodation is usually the 2nd biggest cost after the plane ticket. Thailand is better value than the Philippines for what you get. Also better infrastructure. I think Vietnam is probably better value still, but it's pretty close.
  21. You serial complainers must really be getting desperate to try connect those dots.
  22. Given the insanity of the past 2.5 years of gov't overreach and overreaction, how soon before we all have to start pulling down our pants for inspection on arrival?
  23. Umm no, it's just much more convenient and what many of us are accustomed to doing in the west.
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