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Everything posted by shdmn

  1. They did not slow anything. Just delayed it a little bit. With omicron they don't even delay it. Unless people all just stop breathing, everyone will be exposed no matter what they do. Getting vaccinated and/or catching omicron are the only solutions. Not endlessly restricting people from trying to live their lives.
  2. Why are people still under some illusion that lockdowns will stop or even slow down the spread with omicron? Lots of examples of countries that have heavy restrictions getting hit just as hard as countries without. I don't think it matters one bit with omicron. As long as you are breathing you will be exposed, doesn't matter what precautions are taken.
  3. Just in case anyone is under some illusion that the latest wave is being cause by allowing tourists in. The Philippines just recorded a new all time high of cases. Almost all apparently Omicron. They never allowed tourists in. In a sane world, people would look at that and say, welp I guess travel restrictions on tourists don't do anything, but we no longer live in a sane world.
  4. One reason is actually kind of practical. They don't have much of a bridge like most farangs, so their glasses/sunglasses keep slipping off.
  5. Terrible law that they should have gotten rid of a long time ago.
  6. Let's dispell a few myths. 1) The worlds oldest profession is not going away. 2) Thailand does NOT rely on foreigners coming for cheap sex and hasn't for many years. 3) The Thai sex trade that caters to locals dwarfs the foreign oriented sex trade.
  7. I suspect the real number is already tens of thousands. Most people won't even know they have it.
  8. They are beautiful but they all look the same. So after awhile you get used to that look and are not as impressed anymore.
  9. My understanding was anyone planning to arrive after Jan 10th is SOL. Has that changed again?
  10. Seems to me they are just doing this to make it look like they are accomplish something now. If 3 jabs didn't do it then 4 or more certainly won't. May as well just start jabbing people with saltwater for all the good it is doing.
  11. Nobody has fueled anything. If you are still breathing you will most likely get it no matter what. Doesn't matter what you do or don't do. Doesn't matter what they close or don't close. Doesn't matter whether people are allowed to travel or not. Doesn't matter how many jabs they give everyone. As long as you have 2 or 3 western ones and in reasonable health you are protect from hospitalization and that's all that matters.
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