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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. 25 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    If that was the case, how does he manage to get people to his political rallies? Yeah, I know. They are even dumber than he is.


    The term is demagogue and it does not require intelligence.




    a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.


  2. On 12/31/2020 at 9:00 PM, DLock said:

    Why does every country FDA need to approve the vaccines?


    Surely it is a waste of time, money, resources and will end up the same result.


    Why doesn't an International standards body do more thorough testing than any country could do, and approve it worldwide - this is not a country problem.

    That's a good question that nobody seems to have a good answer to.  I think the WHO does have an an organization trying to do something like that called COVAX.



    But it still needs to go through each countries local approvals, for now.

  3. On 12/31/2020 at 6:15 PM, vandeventer said:

    If the cost is 17 usds than what will be our price? Will it be the same price for everyone?

    Some vaccine makers have said they will take a dim view of anyone trying to gouge people.  That is for the western vaccines.  I do expect to see a lot of that going on with the Chinese vaccines. They are actually kind of expensive based on some of the pricing I have seen so they are clearly trying to profit from it, unlike the AstraZeneca one which they are selling at cost.

  4. I would argue that once the virus is spreading locally, it doesn't make much sense to prevent international visitors.  I sort of understand it with the new UK strain but that is still spreading despite travel bans so clearly they are only delaying the inevitable.  Maybe only by a few days.  So I do not see international travel bans as doing a damn thing other than hurting the economy.

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/31/2020 at 3:48 AM, Jingthing said:

    Thailand is part of COVAX. Part of their policy is non-transparency.

    Also keep in mind that these vaccines generally require two doses.

    So in general, divide by two.

    So these numbers are needless to say -- NOT IMPRESSIVE. 

    What will probably start happening is that countries will start giving out one shot to as many people as possible.  That is what the UK is doing now and I expect other countries to start doing the same.  One shot still gives you some protection and you can supposedly wait up until 12 weeks to get the second shot.  At least with the Astra Zeneca one.

  6. On 12/31/2020 at 9:17 PM, 4MyEgo said:


    Now what about those who don't wish to get the vaccine, i.e. not all believe in vaccinations and I don't feel it would be right to take someone's liberty away from them, although some governments around the world are punishing them for not vaccinating their kids for school by taking away welfare payments for certain things.


    Viruses will continue to survive, as we will, with or without vaccinations.

    A vaccination prevents you from getting sick but it most likely does not prevent you from getting the virus and spreading it.  So people who do not get vaccinated are only endangering themselves.  There will be enough people who get the vaccine for herd immunity to kick in so that should not be a problem.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, sirineou said:

    Louisiana  congressman elect Luke Letlow. regardless of what  he privately thought, and you don't make it to the US congress by being stupid, towed the trump line . not wearing masks, attending rallies and election events without social distancing and paid the price now dead at 41 years old and with no pre existing medical conditions. 

    He leaves behind a wife and two small children. His selfish behaviour will deprive his children of a father for the rest of their lives. IMO he got what he deserved, but not his wife and Children. So very sad, 


    A lot of these same republicans who were calling the pandemic a hoax are jumping the queue to get a vaccine shot.  Marco Rubio for example.  If the pandemic is a hoax or way overblown then why are they falling all over themselves to jump the line and get a vaccine?

    • Like 1
  8. 14 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


    The only thing I don't get is that from what I have read, these vaccines while provide us with protection against the virus, we can still be infected (Asymptomatic) and pass on the virus to others, like now with Asymptomatic people, add to that, we are all still going to have to quarantine for the 14 days at our own expense, so the question is, wouldn't we all be better off not getting it and only injecting those that really need it, the ones highest at risk ?

    That is exactly what they are doing.  Starting from oldest and then gradually reducing the age limit. Well most countries anyways.  Looks like lots of queue jumpers in the US though.  The infuriating thing is a lot of those queue jumpers are politicians that were calling the pandemic a hoax. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

    That will be one each for every general what about the second dose ????

    That's good enough for now.  UK is only giving 1 dose of the AstraZeneca one and not trying to reserve enough to cover a second dose.  They are saying you can wait up till 12 weeks for the 2nd dose so they probably figure they will have enough on hand by then.

    • Like 2
  10. 5 minutes ago, ourmanflint said:

    Have a feeling that this pollution is year round, but only visible during the cool season, something to do with the cold weather rather than increasing pollution patterns

    Nope.  Thailand has PM2.5 monitoring around the country. You can look up the readings in real time or near real time on the internet.  




    This one show historical.



    • Like 2
  11. 6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    I don't get the vaccine nationalism. We've already got three or four vaccines. Put the money in those.

    I think that is what they are basically doing.  I think some companies are making their formula public so Thailand will probably just copy one of those.  It's probably not that different to how generic drugs are made. 


    This is probably mostly about manufacturing it, which is supposely not that easy and expensive to do in large volumes.  Thailand does have some experience there so it's probably not a bad idea.

    • Confused 3
  12. 4 hours ago, placeholder said:

    He was given monoclonal antibodies. Doctor Fauci, among other predicted that this medication would be a very powerful treatment for Covid19. Ben Carson who was very ill for quite a while was given the medication, thanks to Trump and he said he got better very quickly after taking it. As did Rudolph Giuliiani. So whether they get vaccinated or not, those close to Trump are already being given very special treatment as was Trump himself.

    Herman Cain wasn't so lucky.  Not sure if he got that same $600k  treatment or not.

  13. On 12/13/2020 at 6:20 PM, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

    Thailand already has a capable pharmaceutical industry. They produce their own generic versions of many popular medications without issues. Can they not simply get the formula and a license to manufacture?

    I think one company did say they were giving away their formula on request.  It may have been Astra Zeneca.  Not sure how the licensing works.  Sounds to me like Thailand is working on a duplicate of that one or perhaps one of the Chinese ones which are similar.

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