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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. On 11/7/2020 at 7:28 AM, britishjohn said:

    Well that was kind of my point. 4 years ago I met some decent women on Tinder, but now it seems to have turned to s**t.  I was curious to know if anyone else had also experienced the same.


    Facebook has a dating site.  Assuming that is available in Thailand now that might be worth trying.  Another app you could try for what you are looking for is Coffee Meets Bagel.  Hardly any hookers on there last time I checked.  Also maybe try Hinge.  


    If Tinder created (and enforced) a transgender category that would probably help eliminate lots of the garbage on their app.

    • Like 2
  2. Today I learned that winning the popular vote by (currently) 5 million and still rising, is "narrowly beats" .   The second-largest popular vote margin since the Obama landslide in 2000.  Or you can compare electoral college (290-214).   Either way it was a pretty solid ass kicking.


    But what did you expect from a nearly bankrupt former mail order meat salesman who (of course) couldn't manage the campaign money properly and had to pull ads in battleground states in the final weeks. 

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, KhunFred said:

    Sadly, with the GOP retaining the Senate, we get to watch a repeat of the obstruction of the Obama years. At least, Trump gains extra time to drop dead from his McDonald's addiction.

    It is what it is. Of course, republicans will suddenly start caring about the deficit again which they only do when a Dem is president.  Bunker boy at least doubled it last time I checked.  It may be triple now.  They will try blame Biden for all that within about an hour of him being inaugurated.

  4. 29 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

    Twitter censors Trump for anything they find "offensive". The Ayatollah Kahmeini tweets he'll destroy Israel and it gets to stay. Who can take Twitter seriously? Obviously moderated by leftist clowns.

    Why don't you just admit he's a racist instead of playing these games pretending your support of him is about something else?

    • Haha 1
  5. On 10/29/2020 at 1:01 AM, riclag said:

    sixty five times they censored  the POTUS  biden- 0

    "Twitter, Facebook have censored Trump 65 times compared to zero for Biden, study says"





    dorsy your a  liberal activist!


    Ya think the swing voted doesn't see this  bias lol!

    Thanks webfact for your post



    So you cannot seem to understand that reality has a liberal bias and that trump constantly lies about everything?  I know you really want to live in a world like Orwells 1984 where republican "doublethink" (the ability to hold two completely contradictory thoughts simultaneously) becomes the norm but fortunately we are not there yet.


    Any 10yo can see through bunker boy's constant contradictory lies and total incompetence at doing anything besides going bankrupt. His delusional cult followers just can't bring themselves to accept that.

    • Like 1
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  6. 9 minutes ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Can you please read my post nr 7 ?

    The OP was asking the cheapest in the Pattaya\Jomtiem area


    i don't know about the aircon or the equipments as i don't use any

    of these gyms, and i don't have any interest in none of them

    so feel free to do your own search at theses places if you have special requirments

    Aircon is NOT a special requirement.  It's pretty much essential for a lot of people.  You kept going on about the price like that is the only criteria.

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