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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. 1 hour ago, dcnx said:

    Thais are not tested and not everyone wears a mask the entire time. 

    How do you think those arriving for quarantine ended up with a virus that takes 2 - 14 days to show symptoms? Many traveled with it because they had false negative tests. Many others caught it on the flight.

    I don't know where you are coming from but from where I am coming from everyone needs to be tested within 72 hour of the flight.

  2. 12 minutes ago, RR2020 said:


    Belgium has not got any vaccine.


    And will not have any like all other EU countries until late January at the earliest.  Maybe later.


    The point of my post is............  expats in Thailand will not be getting any of the limited supply Thailand has purchased I am very sure of that.

    That would only be because they haven't approved it yet.  The Pfizer vaccine is made in Belgium so they can certainly get it if they want to.

    • Like 2
  3. 4 minutes ago, RR2020 said:

    There will be limited vaccine supply until late 2022.


    So yes, you "might" be able to buy the vaccine in Thailand in 2023........long time to wait.    Any expat can return to their home country and get it free, in the coming months - before vaccine supplies even land in Thailand.   

    I doubt it will be that long.  Probably end of 2021 at the latest.  Not everyone will choose to get it.  Could be as high as 40% of the worlds population will choose not to.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, RR2020 said:

    One thing is sure.


    No country is allowing non-citizens to get the vaccine.


    So as it stands now, any expat in Thailand who wants a vaccine has to return to their home country to get it. Then come back and quarantine on arrival again.



    I'm sure Farangs will be able to get it in Thailand eventually.  After it is widely available.  You will probably be able to walk into any of those green cross medical clinics to get it.  You will have to pay for it but it probably won't be much.


    It will be no different then getting a flu shot or any other widely available vaccine you can get right now.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, Don Chance said:

    A lot of reason NOT to go to Thailand right now...


    1. Risk of getting sick on the plane or in quarantine. Risk to get stuck in thai hospital

    2. 14 days quarantine is house arrest in small, smoggy room in Bangkok.

    3. Expensive of quarantine is much higher for a studio with space, 80,000 baht.

    4. Not many direct flights to Phuket, prices are higher there too.

    5. STV is expensive, single entry is too short

    6. Many places are closed, potential boring trip

    7. No where to go, other countries are all closed.

    8. People are still suppose to wear masks in Thailand

    9. Better chance to get a vaccine in your home country then wait in Thailand.

    10.  Risk of failed trip, not getting covid test in time, getting sick, no refund of tickets, reservations etc.



    A plane is probably the safest place you can be right now.  Everyone is tested and wearing masks.  Shutting down international travel never made any sense to me.  If the virus is already spreading locally, how can allowing foreign tourists in possibly make it any worse?  Just test them before they get on the plane, and sure test them when they get off too why not.  You can even track them if you want to or make them stay in one region, but you should not need to have to quarantine them for 14 days on top of that.  Seem to me they are just throwing stuff at the wall at that point to try look like they are doing something they know won't make a difference anyways.

    • Sad 1
  6. I have that problem when I leave Chrome opened on my desktop.  It could be some site I have browsed to with some active stuff that wakes up the PC.  If I minimize Chrome it seems to help.  There could be some other app you have running that is doing it.  I would first try minimize everything and see of that helps. After that I would try shutting things down.

  7. 11 hours ago, Credo said:

    As of now, these people are given the best possible medical care, experimental treatments not available to the rest of the population and treatments that are approved but in extremely short supply.   Now, they want priority on the vaccine as well?


    I think that should be a BIG no.


    While simultaneously trying to call the pandemic a hoax or being blown out of proportion just to make bunker boy look bad or whatever.


    Fifth District Congressman-elect Bob Good calls COVID-19 pandemic ‘phony’ and mask-wearing a ‘hoax’


    So they are still doing it while simultaneously trying to take credit for the early arrival of a vaccine (why is there a vaccine for a hoax virus?) and wanting to be at the front of the line to get a shot.  These hypocrits have no shame.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    I agree, more study is needed plus time will tell. but IMO it stands to reason that vaccinated people could still spread it but not to the same degree as infected people would 

    Regardless of if you could get infected, if you had it on your hands for instance, and you came in contact with a unvaccinated person , that person could get infected,or if you had it on your breath, and you spread it in the air......

    Of course I don't know these things for sure, but it stands to reason to me.

    If I was vaccinated until the overall danger diminishes, as a courtesy to others and my loved ones , I would wear a mask, and still wash my hands. 

    You are talking about 2 different things.  Spreading around the virus that came from other people from door handles or whatever is NOT the same as becoming a host spreader of the virus yourself which is all we are talking about.   


    Washing your hands is always a good idea.  It was recommended before the virus came along and will continue to be recommended after everyone is vaccinated.

    • Like 2
  9. 25 minutes ago, MichaelJohn said:

    As I understand it the vaccine doesn't stop you getting it or spreading it? But I don't think they really know for sure?

    So, if the farang have had the vaccine then they won't be ill but can still spread it round the population.

    Therefore what is the point insisting on a vaccine/certifcate because the Thai people will still get it from the vaccinated.


    Thailand can keep the door shut for as long as they want but one day, unless they're all vaccinated, the population will get it by some route.

    They don't yet know if vaccinated people can still spread it.  That still needs to be studied.  There will probably be lots of circumstantial evidence that comes out after a lot more people get vaccinated.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    The US Supreme Court Has already vaccinated The Trump regime from fascism. 

    You are giving them too much credit.  They will vote in favor of fascism incrementally given the right circumstances.  I can't tell you what those circumstances will be yet.  Probably something involving voter suppression.  Maybe something that makes it harder to vote by mail.

    • Like 1
  11. 29 minutes ago, Oxx said:


    That's before you add on the cost of transporting the vaccine to Thailand, import charges, an inevitably high market up a private hospital, plus doctor and nurses fees for administration.  And you have to have two shots.  I think you'd be lucky to get change from $300.  And if this is an annual thing, like the 'flu shot, the costs mount significantly.


    (Also, will private hospitals be able to buy the vaccine at the same price? They're not buying in massive bulk as governments are.)

    They ship thousands of shots at a time so it's a small part of the cost.  They also said they will crack down on anyone trying to price gouge for it.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    He's made over 200 million from his cult members since election day.  And he can  pretty much do whatever he wants with that money.  Suckers...

    I think he only keeps half but it's still a nice haul.  All he had to do was say "the election was rigged" over and over again and the rubes lined up to send him their social security checks.  Sounds like a pretty sweet gig if you ask me.

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