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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. 45 minutes ago, GrandPapillon said:

    Pattaya was the best between 2000 to 2007/2008 before they upgraded everything to make it a "family" destination


    god that place was awesome, and fun ????

    I think it is probably still pretty good for what you are are talking about.  They are just in different areas around town now.  Most (but not all) of it is gone from the area between the beach and 2nd road and moved over to the other side of 2nd road.  That's the biggest difference.  Walking street gogo's are still there so that is all more or less the same.  Maybe more of a spectacle for family oriented people to go down and see all the sex tourists walking around like they are circus freaks or whatever but it's still seedy enough where it counts too.  More expensive to be sure but that's another conversation.

  2. 14 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    I wouldn't say the lawsuit necessarily failed. We won't know that until we see whether or not Trump pardons Ken Paxton, the Texas A.G.

    My understanding is he can't for what Paxton is being investigated for.  I think because he can't pardon civil cases and/or also because I think some of the things may be state charges. 


    It probably won't stop him from pre-pardoning him anyways just to gin up the rubes.

  3. On 2/22/2018 at 5:01 PM, yang123 said:

    Nor, apparently,  do you have any knowledge of sedation administered for physical rather than psychological reasons.....


    Yes, there are different types of sedation.  Oral sedation or nitrous oxide gas is just to relax you to ease your anxiety.  It doesn't do anything for pain so you still need local anesthetic although, with some people, less anxiety can increases their pain threshold.  A lower heart rate can also help increase the effectiveness of the local anesthetic.


    IV Sedation make you semi-conscious and usually includes Fentanyl to kill the pain.  That is used in combination with local anesthetic which compliments the Fentanyl for more complete pain killing.  I think being semi-conscious also increases your pain tolerance in the brain since it is mostly switched off.  It is for people (like me) who can't get fully numb with local anesthetic and/or just don't want to be awake for any of it for whatever reason.  I have had it a few times now.  You are completely unconscious from your point of view and don't remember a thing.  You still apparently respond to some commands like open your mouth move your head etc. but you won't remember any of that.  You can still breathe on your own so you don't need a ventilator.  So it's ideal for dentistry.  


    There is also general anesthetic dentistry which is the same as any other operation in a hospital.  You are totally knocked out and cannot breathe on your own so you need a ventilator or whatever that is they use in operations.  It's probably not ideal for dentistry because the ventilator probably gets in the way of them being able to operate on your mouth.  Not sure how they get around that.  I think that sort of thing is more for major oral surgery.


    Anyways, for anyone who dreads going to the dentist for whatever reason, I highly recommend IV sedation.  You don't remember a thing so it makes the whole experience very pleasant, for lack of a better word.  It adds between $300-$500 US to any treatment but for me it is worth every penny.  I cannot get numb enough for even minimal drilling so I don't have any choice.  I have to do it for all dental work except cleaning.  I usually try get more than one thing done at a time to make it more cost effective but sometimes I have to bit the bullet, so to speak, if it's more of an immediate thing I need like a broken tooth or I lose a filling or whatever.


    There is a place in Bangkok called Bangkok International Dental Hospital that does it.  I have not tried that place yet but I plan to.  They have an outpatient area with nurses so I think you can stay there in a bed for a few hours afterwards until the sedation completely wears off and leave on your own.  So you don't need someone to come get you and babysit you for a few hours which can be a hassle sometimes depending on your current situation.



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  4. On 12/10/2020 at 2:27 AM, Sujo said:

    For what. Have u seen trumps taxes? Just wait.


    Their projection and hypocrisy knows no bounds.  It's actually kind of impressive how detached from facts and reality they can be.


    I guess it's also why they make some of the best religious followers.  You have to be able to switch your brain completely off to believe in a lot of that as well.

    • Like 2
  5. Just now, kevmin13 said:

    Where are reports that obesity had anything to do with contributing factors.  I think one of the main contributing factors is the fact that hospitals get $10,000 for COVID-19 deaths vs around $2,000 for Cancer or other deaths by the Government.  I have had several friends of mine that have lost parents one a heart attack and another in a car accident.  The hospitals tried to say COVID-19 for both.  Both families fought it and won.  The lies are real.  I am 49 years old and about 30lbs overweight and had COVID-19 but didnt get affected by it really.  I had worse colds.  My friend who is physically fit had worse symptons.  An friends ex bf had it and he was in great shape lost his life to it supposedly.  Apparently he had other underlying issues and it wasnt weight.


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  6. Just now, mlkik said:

    Drop the stupid quarantene ????? How many people have died in the US ? They of course do not have stupid quarantene.

    They don't have much of anything in place including competent leadership and that is the problem.  Also, 30% of Americans are obese.  60% are overweight.    Those are major contributing factors.  Something the media has chosen to ignore.  

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  7. 5 minutes ago, EricTh said:


    I can't blame them. Imagine if you are the only one working and standing there and have to scan the temperatures of tens of thousands of customers per day, it's just too tiring.


    They should at least hire two or three people at the entrance to do the scanning and ensure everybody recorded their entry into the mall.

    That temperature scanning is almost useless anyways since most people who are contagious show no symptoms. 

  8. 1 hour ago, runamok27 said:

    Just a guess but by summer 2021, 80% of Americans will be vaccinated.

    The studies I have seen suggest only about 60% of people will get it for various reasons.  That will probably take at least a year to get to that point.  But that should be enough to stop the spread.  I think summer 2021 is maybe too optimistic considering the average person probably won't be able to get it until at least March.

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