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Posts posted by shdmn

  1. On 11/11/2020 at 4:19 AM, Elkski said:

    ArticIe said -70 degrees not -80 this is important.  Dry ice sublimes at  -78c.    Dr Faucci always said 70% effective would be wonderful combined with a high % uptake  but he worried about  vaccine deniers. 

    Making  a refrigerator that cools to this  temperature is complicated and expensive.  It requires a large amount of energy, the supporting equipment is big and heavy.   Its not so easy to whip up  these things in 2-3 months.    


    I have read both -70 and -80.  I think -70 is ok but -80 is better.  I also read that it can last a few days in special shipping containers with dry ice and can then be stored in a normal refrigerator for a few days before it goes bad.  So it sounds feasible that it can be transported around the world and used as long as it's done right away.

  2. 3 hours ago, candide said:

    Unfortunately, I think it's not just Trump being a baby. It's an organised attempt by Trump and the GOP to definitively embark their supporters to an alternate reality. Actually, they seem to be quite successful as 70% of GOP voters believe Trump's claims. Lies are being institutionalized and it's not going to be over soon.

    It is political theater, nothing more.  70% of GOP voters are idiots.  They desperately grasp on to every lie and conspiracy theory because they seem to have this overwhelming need to feel like they know more than smart people.

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  3. 19 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    Very likely he will continue playing golf, sulking and the occasional Twitter storm until January 20.


    Perhaps no more "big announcements" with concerned and hurt expressions  at the White House, he may have noticed that they just lead people to take the <deleted>!


    And then, inauguration day, "The Final Meltdown"

    He is firing a lot of people but that is nothing new.  To take a line from Terminator, that's what he does, that's all he does.  Apologies for insulting terminators.


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  4. 5 hours ago, Tug said:

    That’s our trump spreading covid and hate on a more positive note early reports are showing the vaccine 90% effective of course trump will say they waited till after the election to announce after all he is what he is

    Pence broke his silence to take credit for it today.  ????


    • Haha 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, Silencer said:

    Yes, he has full Presidential powers until noon on the 20th.

    My guess is a lot of his orders will just be ignored.  They will probably slow walk a lot of it and make up a bunch of excuse and lies.  In other words, the same sort of stuff he routinely does.  Or maybe he does us all a favor and quits like the sore loser he is.


    Ideally, they article 25 him out of office but republicans are probably too cowardly to do that.

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